Game Details for OGame 3.1.2

    • Summary of Important Game Details

      Correct for V3.1.2!

      Activity star *
      • General:
        - Activity * is displayed as for activity in last 15 minutes,
        - For activity between 15-59 minutes you can toggle between either or the actual number (in Display options).
        - A appears on the home planet when you login. Exception in vacation mode - appears on every planet/moon.
        - A appears on the current planet/moon when you logout.
        - A appears on the NEW location at changing the current planet/moon.
        - A appears on the current planet/moon with EVERY click on all menu items.
        - NO appears with click on Support / GameForge / Help / Board / Rules / Pillory / Imprint.
        - Planet and Moon are shown separately with individual indicators
        - Inter-Planetary Missile are handled as ships

      • Events:
        - A appears on the current planet/moon with click on reload at eventlist, sensor phalanx and fleet movement.
        - A appears on the current planet/moon with auto-reload at eventlist and fleet movement.
        - NEW foreign fleets ONLY appears in the eventlist with click on reload.

      • Flights:
        • General:
          - A appears at abort on the current planet/moon.

        • ACS Attack, Attack, Deployment, Espionage, & Moon Destruction:
          - A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
          - A appears at arrival on the target planet/moon.
          - A appears at return on the starting planet/moon.

        • ACS Defend:
          - A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
          - NO appears at arrival on the target planet/moon.
          - A appears at return on the starting planet/moon.

        • Colonization
          - A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
          - A appears at arrival for successful colonization only.
          - A appears at return on the starting planet/moon.

        • Expedition:
          - A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
          - NO appears at arrival or Hold at the expedition slot.
          - A appears at return on the starting planet/moon.

        • Harvest
          - A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
          - NO appears at arrival at the debris field.
          - A appears at return on the starting planet/moon.

        • Transport:
          - A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
          - A appears at arrival on the starting planet/moon and target planet/moon.
          - A appears at return on the starting planet/moon.

      • Special situations:
        - Normal behavior for banned players without vacation mode.
        - Normal behavior for inactive players. (i and I)
        - A appears on every planet/moon on activation of vacation mode.

      Sensor phalanx
      • Starting planet:
        - All flight modes are visible. Exception mission deployment is ALWAYS invisible.
        - The whole flight is visible, shown is the time returning to the starting planet.
        - Also visible after recalling, shown is the NEW time returning to the starting planet.

      • Target planet:
        - ONLY the outward flight is visible, shown is the arrival time on the target planet.

      • Specials:
        - Delays caused by mission ACS attack or expedition are also reflected in the phalanx.
        - Players in noob protection are scanable.
        - Players in vacation mode are scanable.
        - A moon is NOT scanable.

      • Cost
        - Each Scan costs 5,000 Deuterium.
        - Refreshing the Scan costs 5,000 more Deuterium.

      Moon destruction
      • General:
        - The moon disappears completely in the moment of destruction.
        - A new moon can form in further attacks once again.

      • Own flights - The destroyed moon is the starting point:
        - They fly on normal, the associated planet is the new starting point.
        - These flights appear from the moment of destruction in the sensor phalanx. Exception mission deployment - invisible.

      • Own flights & ACS Defend - the destroyed moon is the target:
        - Target immediately becomes the associated planet.
        - Transports will be discharged as normal, deployment and ACS will land as normal.

      • Foreign Flights - the destroyed moon is the target:
        - Continue to fly to the destroyed moon [::] and then return as normal.
        - The reach of the destroyed moon triggers NO action. (no attack, no unloading, no message)

      Relocation of planets
      • Relocation of a planet will be prevented by:
        - Own flights to and from the planet (or the related moon).
        - Construction of buildings, defense and ships on the planet and the related moon.
        - Research that was started at that planet.

      • Relocation of a planet will NOT prevented by:
        - Foreign flights - They keep flying to the "destroyed planet".

      • Special:
        - Requirements have to be fulfilled at the moment of the relocation only.
        - Position changes are possible within 1-3, 4-12 and 13-15.
        - Temperature and planet-picture will be adjusted, number of fields will be unchanged.
        - A "destroyed planet" will appear at the old position.

      • The "destroyed planet":
        - It's owned by the account "space" until the final deletion.
        - Is still approachable and phalanxable, resources will be delivered.
        - Research and production will be set to 0.

      • The moon will also be relocated:
        - The jump-gate is deactivated for 24 hours.
        - The phalanx is NOT deactivated.

      • Own ships:
        - Ships travels to new planet/moon via recalled deployment, no deuterium cost. Exception Solar Sats - they travel with planet/moon.

      • Cost:
        - It costs 240,000 Dark Matter.
        - The amount must be present on the account at the start, but isn't deducted unless it's successful.

      Abandon planet
      • Abandon planet is prevented by:
        - Own flights to and from the planet (and the associated moon).
        - Building under construction (and on the associated moon).
        - Research under construction, started on this planet.

      • Abandon planet is NOT prevented by:
        - Foreign flights - They fly to the "Destroyed planet".
        - Ships and defense under construction. They are lost!

      • The "Destroyed planet":
        - Is owned by the account "space" until the final deletion.
        - Is approachable and phalanxable, resources are delivered.
        - All buildings, defense, ships and resources are still present.
        - Research and poduction are set to zero.

      • The moon is also abandoned!
        - See more at "Abandon moon"

      Abandon moon
      • Abandon moon is prevented by:
        - Own flights to and from the moon.
        - Buildings under construction.

      • Abandon moon is NOT prevented by :
        - Foreign flights - They fly to the "Destroyed moon".
        - Ships and defense under construction. They are lost!

      • The "Destroyed moon" (red coloured):
        - Is owned by the account "space" until the final deletion.
        - Research is set to zero.
        - Prevents the arise of a new moon
        - Still attackable (even by the original owner)

      Deletion of Accounts, Planets and Moons
      • Planets/Moons will be deleted at 3:00am CET.
        - By activating of the account-deletion after 7 days plus the time to 3:00am CET.
        - At the abandonment of a planet moon, 1 day plus the time to 3:00am CET.

      • Flights on a deleted planet/moon:
        - All flights (no matter if outward or return flight) will be beamed back to the start-planet/moon after a few minutes.
        - It's a risk to fly to one of these targets!

      • Flights to the debris field of a deleted planet/moon:
        - They keep flying and harvest the debris field.

      Combat system
      • Debris field:
        - 30% of the used metal and crystal of the destroyed ships go into the debris field. (Other % values possible in special unis)
        - 0% of the used metal and crystal of the destroyed defense go into the debris field. (Other % values possible in special unis)

      • Resource capture:
        - 50% against neutral and dishonourable targets
        - 75% against honourable targets
        - 100% against bandits

      • ACS Attack:
        - Maximum number of players: 5
        - Maximum number of fleets: 16

      • ACS Defend:
        - Maximum number of players: 4 (plus the Defender)
        - Maximum number of fleets: 16

      Interception timing
      • Example - Quiet times:
        - 20:00:00 - Return of the intercepted fleet.
        - 20:00:03 - Impact of the attacking fleet ( Providing the fleet takes 0-2sec )
        - 20:00:07 - Arrival of the recycler on the DF (Providing the debris field takes 1-3sec, first the battle is calculated)

      • Example - peak hours
        - 20:00:00 - Return of the intercepted fleet.
        - 20:00:04 - Impact of the attacking fleet ( Providing the fleet takes 1-3sec )
        - 20:00:10 - Arrival of the recycler on the DF ( Providing the debris field takes 2-4sec, first the battle is calculated )

      • Keep in mind:
        - At slow browserspeed/speedunis/new universes - adjust the time from your own experience.

      • Single Points:
        - Expeditions are carried out at Slot 16
        - Slot isn't phalanxable
        - No debris fields appear (resources lost are lost!)
        - All Ships can be found except Colony Ships, Recyclers and Death Stars

      • Size of results depend on the points of the number one player, with the following boundaries:
        - 10k - 100k - 1kk - 5kk

      • Trader by expedition:
        - Only better courses are accepted.

      • Exchange rates for all trader ( Met : Crys : Deut :(
        - Minimum : 2.10 : 1.40 : 0.70
        - Average : 2.685 : 1.790 : 0.895
        - Maximum : 3.00 : 2.00 : 1.00

      • Frequency distribution ( Met / Crys / Deut :(
        - 15% give the maximum - 3 / 2 / 1
        - 12.5% give a low rate below - 2.40 / 1.60 / 0.80

      • Cost:
        - Costs 3,500 Dark Matter to call a merchant.
        - Altering the trade rate costs a further 3,500 Dark Matter.

      Newbie Protection
      • There are two types of Protection depending on what universe you are in.
        • 1-44, Andromeda-Leo:
          - 0 to 10.000 points: general protection with a 1:5 ratio
          - 10.000 to 50.000 points: general protection with a 1:10 ratio
        • Mizar onwards:
          - 0 to 50.000 points: general protection with a 1:5 ratio
          - 50.000 to 500.000 points: general protection with a 1:10 ratio

      • Fleet Escape possible for players in Newbie Protection (Provided it's a dishonourable combat, and enough Deuterium is available)
        - Ratio of 1:5 as standard
        - Ratio of 1:3 possible with Admiral

      • 3:00am CET Daily
        - Server Logout
        - Debris Field Removal (Monday only!)
        - Player/Planet/Moon Deletion

      • Highscore:
        - Every 5mins, and on new login
        - Point fluctuations reset at 3:00am CET

      Value limits
      • Maximum shipyard order-size: 9999
      • Maximum defense order-size: 9999
      • Maximum number alliance ranks: 25
      • Maximum number Buddies: 1000
      • Maximum messages: 6 in 5 minutes (26 with Commander) and 50 in a day

      If you have any questions, suggestions or other comments then please see my OGame.Origin discussion page: Info: Game Details

      Written by: Kebab
      Credits also to Francolino
      Last edit: 1st February 2012