Since the creation of the destroyer, scientist have been trying to
develop a ship that would be able to end with their superiority. The Battle Galleon is designed for multiple tasks, is good at both defense and
attack. This ship would be the second in attack strength and shield
strength. The ship also has a new multi-phalanx system that reduces the
Deathstar rapid fire against it. Having plasma turrets, ion cannons and
lasers is able to face a huge variety of hostile engagements.
Shipyard level 10
Plasma technology level 8
Laser technology level 13
Ion technology level 8
Hyperspace Drive level 7
240.000 Metal
160.000 Crystal
30.000 Deuterium
Technical data:
Structural Integrity 400.000 (Metal + Crystal)
Shield Strength 900
Attack Strength 4.500
Speed 3.500
Cargo Capacity 2.250 units
Fuel usage (Deuterium) 2.000
Rapidfire from Deathstar: 4
Rapidfire against Espionage Probe: 5
Rapidfire against Solar Satellite: 5
Rapidfire against Destroyer: 3
Rapidfire against Bomber: 3
Production duration: [(360.000)/5.000]*[2/(Shipyard level + 1)]* 0,5 ^ Nanite Factory level
(Production duration with shipyard level 10: 13 hours 5 minutes and 27,27 seconds)
Since the creation of the destroyer, scientist have been trying to
develop a ship that would be able to end with their superiority. The Battle Galleon is designed for multiple tasks, is good at both defense and
attack. This ship would be the second in attack strength and shield
strength. The ship also has a new multi-phalanx system that reduces the
Deathstar rapid fire against it. Having plasma turrets, ion cannons and
lasers is able to face a huge variety of hostile engagements.
Shipyard level 10
Plasma technology level 8
Laser technology level 13
Ion technology level 8
Hyperspace Drive level 7
240.000 Metal
160.000 Crystal
30.000 Deuterium
Technical data:
Structural Integrity 400.000 (Metal + Crystal)
Shield Strength 900
Attack Strength 4.500
Speed 3.500
Cargo Capacity 2.250 units
Fuel usage (Deuterium) 2.000
Rapidfire from Deathstar: 4
Rapidfire against Espionage Probe: 5
Rapidfire against Solar Satellite: 5
Rapidfire against Destroyer: 3
Rapidfire against Bomber: 3
Production duration: [(360.000)/5.000]*[2/(Shipyard level + 1)]* 0,5 ^ Nanite Factory level
(Production duration with shipyard level 10: 13 hours 5 minutes and 27,27 seconds)