MrSanta[.:CRO:.] vs. Gamer[-UNI 43-] - (TD: 183.665.000), (profit ~ 45mil)

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    • MrSanta[.:CRO:.] vs. Gamer[-UNI 43-] - (TD: 183.665.000), (profit ~ 45mil)

      little story...

      probed him while he had red activity on moon and planet below that moon... moon was empty, but fleet with tons of res were sitting on planet.. and since there was no activity at any other of his planets, i started to think that his fs came back on moon and that he just sent fleet on planet below it and went to eat something, or in bathroom or something like that.. about 2mins after i probed him, i probed that planet again... and noticed that deut didn't change... w8ited for 2-3mins more, probed him again, and still there was the same amount of deut... and since it's usualy normal that after you see you have msg in your inbox and see that some1 probe your planet you automaticaly click at those coord's to see who is it... and that cost you 10 deut... deut were at same exact amount just like after my first probe, so i decided to give it a try since it didn't cost me more then 1.2mil deut(fleet + recys)...

      and around 24min later i got him.. :phatgrin:

      def said he was 5 feet from his PC, watching TV... not that good for him, but realy great for me :beer:
      i wish you the fastest possible rebuild cause you seem like a nice guy, and you didn't took those 5.3mil metal from DF that were left floating(and you could build recy's and take it) cause i had to w8 for my cyclers return to send 2nd wave..

      finaly we came to most important part of this thread:

      At these space, as it came to a battle:

      Attacker MrSanta (X:XXX:XX)
      Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
      S.Cargo 1.700
      L.Cargo 944
      L.Fighter 17.440
      H.Fighter 3
      Cruiser 2.639
      Battleship 989
      Battlecr. 1.380

      Defender Gamer (X:XXX:XX)
      Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
      L.Cargo 1.500
      L.Fighter 2.500
      Battleship 1.000
      Recy. 500
      Esp.Probe 31
      Sol. Sat 50
      Deathstar 1
      Battlecr. 387
      R.Launcher 1.000
      L.Laser 1.000
      H.Laser 500
      Gauss 100
      Ion C. 100
      Plasma 25
      S.Dome 1
      L.Dome 1

      After battle...

      Attacker MrSanta (X:XXX:XX)
      S.Cargo 1.327
      L.Cargo 772
      L.Fighter 13.440
      H.Fighter 2
      Cruiser 2.427
      Battleship 975
      Battlecr. 1.366

      Defender Gamer (X:XXX:XX)

      He captured
      10.102.085 metal, 12.476.241 crystal and 3.453.653 deuterium.

      The attacker lost a total of 27.744.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 155.921.000 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 30.655.200 metal and 17.144.100 crystal.
      The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %.

      -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana --

      DF all secured..