OGame Chat Extension (preview)

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    • OGame Chat Extension (preview)

      Hi everyone, i've been working on a chat extension, an extension that includes an iframe into the OGame page to include a pretty chat window with some nice features. The chat comes from an external source so there is no game content or data related, it just includes an external website which is the chat script hosted externally.

      Actually an extension like this already exists but i improved it a little bit and anyone with a webhosting with PHP/MySQL support can host their own chat and make it work for their alliance. I'm hoping to release the extension by the end of the month with a guide to how make it work for you and what changes are needed to be done to make it work.

      The chat script used is based in Blab5!Lite which is FREE, supports all of the OGame languages, changing message colour, bold, italic, it has sound notifications for new messages, user came online.

      You are not able to create new rooms in the chat so, each chat hosted only supports 1 alliance/room, you can access the chat just by going to the OVERVIEW page in every planet/moon you have, i'll post a preview of the latest version of it but i still have some improvements to make...

      - One room only
      - Enable or disable guests access
      - Users registration (email activation, admin activation)
      - Sound notifications
      - Show/hide timestamp
      - Show/hide users online
      - Backoffice to manage your chat
      - BBCODE for coordinates (for example: [ca]1:1:1[/ca] it shows ATTACK - 1:1:1 on chat window, ca means coordinates attack)

      I would like to receive your ideas, suggestions and a lot of feedback to make it even better before the first release, thanks in advance and i hope you like the way it is now... :crazy:

      edit by Valent- image removed

      edit by Valent- image removed

      edit by Valent- image removed

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Solveig ().

    • It really looks pretty good... I think it's a great solution to that old problem of comunication in-real-time, it can help members of the alliance save time. for example, when performing an attack and having to take quick-critical decisions and all of this inside the same page of the Ogame, that's the best of it... not having another application running besides the browser.
      my suggestion to improve it refers to that aspect of being available only in the overview page. I don't know if it's possible in terms of the script code but I will say it anyway: can you try to put the chatbox in the left pane right below the last menu entry? , in your case it is 'antigame 2.06.2'... so that it could be available all the time inside the page.
      anyway thank you for your effort making Ogame more comfortable. ;)