Knuck vs TALON

  • This kind of a 'war' setup is a joke. Wars should be properly monitored and recorded by the GO's. So a proper score can be found. Not just a Combat Report here and there that may or may not of been altered by the poster. What about all of the destruction that we have caused? It isn't recorded because we were not properly informed of how this 'system' works? Then there are IPM strikes, how are they to be recorded? The player firing the IPM doesn't even get a Combat Report for the IPM attack?
  • Cre8tor wrote:

    This kind of a 'war' setup is a joke. Wars should be properly monitored and recorded by the GO's. So a proper score can be found. Not just a Combat Report here and there that may or may not of been altered by the poster. What about all of the destruction that we have caused? It isn't recorded because we were not properly informed of how this 'system' works? Then there are IPM strikes, how are they to be recorded? The player firing the IPM doesn't even get a Combat Report for the IPM attack?

    Okay. How to start? Well, perhaps with the basics. This is a WAR game, kind sir, and as such, you need to know the rules of war. They are available, right here, on this forum ... Origin Rules
    Also, Kamil was kind enough to post the War Rules ...

    Kamil wrote:

    Good luck to Everyone involved :)

    Please keep in mind the War Rules

    Thank you,

    1. Wars ARE properly monitored by the Game Operators, but as to the recording of the war, THAT is up to the individual players to do so.
    2. What this means to me, is that each individual is responsible for posting his/her hits here on the boards. The GO's have enough work keeping them busy, without having to babysit noob/unskilled/ignorant players who do not understand, have not read, nor perhaps even care about the rules posted previously.
    3. IF someone suspects a combat report has been altered, check with person being attacked for the combat report, and if it is not available, perhaps THEN a GO should be contacted, but not here, to accuse people who are doing things correctly.
    4. As to the destruction YOU/YOUR alliance have caused, Cre8tor, THAT is YOUR job, to school the players under you, in YOUR alliance, NOT MINE, nor the GO's
    5. You not being informed. Really? You seem to be a semi skilled player, you have dodged many of my inbounds, all over the universe, and you are 'uninformed' in re how the 'system' works? PuhLeeze.
    6. IPM assaults and Posting them. There are several IPM Assault convertors out there, which take the original espionage report, and the final report, after all missiles are fired, you put in the number of missiles fired, and PRESTO a report is converted, all nice and pretty, for all to see, and be posted as a Combat Report.

    So, in conclusion ... all of this information, my seemingly astute adversary, is readily available to you, just a few mouse clicks away. I suggest you spend some time figuring out how this 'System' works, and act accordingly, instead of whining here on the boards.

    Alternatively, you can always just go here ...

    Have A Nice Day !!!

    Look for me on #Knuck channel in IRC.

    <+umakhelwane>Sarsa is the reason he talks like that anyway.blame's always Sarsa
    <@Florence>I like that reasoning
    <+Sarsaparilla>EVERYTHING is my fault
  • As Sarsaparilla already mentioned.
    War Rules
    Origin Test Server Rules

    The war declared is Valid from my perspective ( as Supporter here ) and nothing wrong with it.

    Also, about keeping record:
    1. It is not the GOs job to keep record of the hits and the damage done.
    2. GOs only validate a hit incase a hit seems wrong ( and it has been reported if posted on the board ) to be an inappropriate hit, illegal hit, or a hit that was altered or not even actually done.
    3. It is up to you to keep record and score of the damage done by your alliance and on your alliance.
    if you want to keep score, tell your ally members to create accounts on the board and post converted CRs in the "CR only" Thread
    4. Total Damage done by the allies, in-case of standard war which it is, doesnt count to end the war no matter how big the damage done.
    so unless as stated in the rules:
    One of the alliances is disbanded or Changed Tags/Names.
    Incase of surrender of one of the involved Alliances in the War.
    "CR Only" Thread goes inactive for more than 7 days.
    In-Case Board Supporters/Game Operators decide that the war should be Ended.
    the war doesnt end.

    I hope things are clear now, if you need any further explanations, please PM me.

  • IsaacAsimov wrote:

    Cre8tor wrote:

    Then there are IPM strikes, how are they to be recorded? The player firing the IPM doesn't even get a Combat Report for the IPM attack?

    hahaha class, if you play this game you really should know how to convert IPM assaults lol ... good luck to Knuck against the noobs :D

    we wont need the luck... maybe a few pain killers for the headaches they will cuase through their noobish ways.....

    see creator.... you should really learn the ins and outs of the game before you go all big headed.... it is your mouth that started this whole war..... theres the easy way to learn lessons... (admitting defeat ...listening and learning... ur unwilling on all of them) and the hard way ....( WAR.... members leaving the alliance due to noobishness, big headedness and such.)

    for the members of TALON.... who are new or semi new to this game ur prob best getting out of TALON before the game starts getting rough for you which ends up most times in not liking the game (if your not prepared) join PHEONIX even they are allys and actually have some decent lads there ..

    my 2 cents
  • Just wanted to say Hi.

    Hi, Kamil and all the players in the ORIGIN server.

    Hey, Kamil, are all your buds still trying to get me in U30? LOL. Anyway, just wanted to say "Hi".

    Personally, I never cared much for wars. Never really saw much profit in it. But I have to admit it makes for a fun competition which we sometimes need to break the monotony of everyday account building. Some in TALON had little interest in declaring a war or participating in it. Others seem to be showing an interest and I'll support them if I can. Expect to start seeing a bit more activity from TALON in the coming days.

    Up until now, I really haven't participated in the war but I think it's time to stir things up a bit. :rolleyes:

    Good luck to everyone involved.

    - DK
  • Sarsaparilla wrote:

    @ Mark, I completely agree.
    @ Daaq, you penned the thoughts I was having a hard time articulating.

    @ Cre8tor ..... all I gotta say to you is this ....

    and just so its understood ill throw in a few other words that mean the same thing but is native to a specific country (10 points if you guess which oneeee



    darkor...good to hear... least someone other than the PHEONIX lads that joined them will do some work....

    PS may i add...we declared this war... to hurt Creator ... hurting allied members of him is not directly effecting him but in-directly effecting him..

    people should see in TALON their leadership is....well see above....BUT incompetent as a leader is no place for new players as it wont further them...but leave them circling....WELL..... we'll be circling also (vultures we are)

    Sure ..what u think of this sars...

    I DAAQ360 will teach any member of the TALON/PHEONIX groups, if they wish... they just need to pm me... and we will organise maybe a "in training" alliance for them.... after that they can choose where they want to go....PS... creator no your not welcome... i have already had enough painkillers to avoid headaches from your blabbering mouth
  • daaq360 wrote:

    I DAAQ360 will teach any member of the TALON/PHEONIX groups, if they wish... they just need to pm me... and we will organise maybe a "in training" alliance for them.... after that they can choose where they want to go....PS... creator no your not welcome... i have already had enough painkillers to avoid headaches from your blabbering mouth

    Really? Is all this bad mouthing necessary? C'mon. All you're doing here is the same thing you are complaining about from Creator. How does that make any sense.

    I think setting up a training wing for members of [Talon] and [Phoenix] is a good idea. I'm just not sure daaq360 is the right person to lead it if this is any indication:
    [Top 07] MrSanta[CRO] vs. daaq360[KNUCK] - (TD: 195.119.000), (profit ~ 40mil)

    I'm just saying...