Game Details
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Summary of Important Game Details
Correct for V3.1.2!
Activity star *
- General:
- Activity * is displayed as for activity in last 15 minutes,
- For activity between 15-59 minutes you can toggle between either or the actual number (in Display options).
- A appears on the home planet when you login. Exception in vacation mode - appears on every planet/moon.
- A appears on the current planet/moon when you logout.
- A appears on the NEW location at changing the current planet/moon.
- A appears on the current planet/moon with EVERY click on all menu items.
- NO appears with click on Support / GameForge / Help / Board / Rules / Pillory / Imprint.
- Planet and Moon are shown separately with individual indicators
- Inter-Planetary Missile are handled as ships
- Events:
- A appears on the current planet/moon with click on reload at eventlist, sensor phalanx and fleet movement.
- A appears on the current planet/moon with auto-reload at eventlist and fleet movement.
- NEW foreign fleets ONLY appears in the eventlist with click on reload.
- Flights:
- General:
- A appears at abort on the current planet/moon.
- ACS Attack, Attack, Deployment, Espionage, & Moon Destruction:
- A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
- A appears at arrival on the target planet/moon.
- A appears at return on the starting planet/moon.
- ACS Defend:
- A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
- NO appears at arrival on the target planet/moon.
- A appears at return on the starting planet/moon.
- Colonization
- A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
- A appears at arrival for successful colonization only.
- A appears at return on the starting planet/moon.
- Expedition:
- A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
- NO appears at arrival or Hold at the expedition slot.
- A appears at return on the starting planet/moon.
- Harvest
- A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
- NO appears at arrival at the debris field.
- A appears at return on the starting planet/moon.
- Transport:
- A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
- A appears at arrival on the starting planet/moon and target planet/moon.
- A appears at return on the starting planet/moon.
- General:
- Special situations:
- Normal behavior for banned players without vacation mode.
- Normal behavior for inactive players. (i and I)
- A appears on every planet/moon on activation of vacation mode.
Sensor phalanx
- Starting planet:
- All flight modes are visible. Exception mission deployment is ALWAYS invisible.
- The whole flight is visible, shown is the time returning to the starting planet.
- Also visible after recalling, shown is the NEW time returning to the starting planet.
- Target planet:
- ONLY the outward flight is visible, shown is the arrival time on the target planet.
- Specials:
- Delays caused by mission ACS attack or expedition are also reflected in the phalanx.
- Players in noob protection are scanable.
- Players in vacation mode are NOT scanable.
- A moon is NOT scanable.
- Cost
- Each Scan costs 5,000 Deuterium.
- Refreshing the Scan costs 5,000 more Deuterium.
Moon destruction
- General:
- The moon disappears completely in the moment of destruction.
- A new moon can form in further attacks once again.
- Own flights - The destroyed moon is the starting point:
- They fly on normal, the associated planet is the new starting point.
- These flights appear from the moment of destruction in the sensor phalanx. Exception mission deployment - invisible.
- Own flights & ACS Defend - the destroyed moon is the target:
- Target immediately becomes the associated planet.
- Transports will be discharged as normal, deployment and ACS will land as normal.
- Foreign Flights - the destroyed moon is the target:
- Continue to fly to the destroyed moon [::] and then return as normal.
- The reach of the destroyed moon triggers NO action. (no attack, no unloading, no message)
Relocation of planets
- Relocation of a planet will be prevented by:
- Own flights to and from the planet (or the related moon).
- Construction of buildings, defense and ships on the planet and the related moon.
- Research that was started at that planet.
- Relocation of a planet will NOT prevented by:
- Foreign flights - They keep flying to the "destroyed planet".
- Special:
- Requirements have to be fulfilled at the moment of the relocation only.
- Position changes are possible within 1-3, 4-12 and 13-15.
- Temperature and planet-picture will be adjusted, number of fields will be unchanged.
- A "destroyed planet" will appear at the old position.
- The "destroyed planet":
- It's owned by the account "space" until the final deletion.
- Is still approachable and phalanxable, resources will be delivered.
- Research and production will be set to 0.
- The moon will also be relocated:
- The jump-gate is deactivated for 24 hours.
- The phalanx is NOT deactivated.
- Own ships:
- Ships travels to new planet/moon via recalled deployment, no deuterium cost. Exception Solar Sats - they travel with planet/moon.
- Cost:
- It costs 240,000 Dark Matter.
- The amount must be present on the account at the start, but isn't deducted unless it's successful.
Abandon planet
- Abandon planet is prevented by:
- Own flights to and from the planet (and the associated moon).
- Building under construction (and on the associated moon).
- Research under construction, started on this planet.
- Abandon planet is NOT prevented by:
- Foreign flights - They fly to the "Destroyed planet".
- Ships and defense under construction. They are lost!
- The "Destroyed planet":
- Is owned by the account "space" until the final deletion.
- Is approachable and phalanxable, resources are delivered.
- All buildings, defense, ships and resources are still present.
- Research and poduction are set to zero.
- The moon is also abandoned!
- See more at "Abandon moon"
Abandon moon
- Abandon moon is prevented by:
- Own flights to and from the moon.
- Buildings under construction.
- Abandon moon is NOT prevented by :
- Foreign flights - They fly to the "Destroyed moon".
- Ships and defense under construction. They are lost!
- The "Destroyed moon" (red coloured):
- Is owned by the account "space" until the final deletion.
- Research is set to zero.
- Prevents the arise of a new moon
- Still attackable (even by the original owner)
Deletion of Accounts, Planets and Moons
- Planets/Moons will be deleted at 3:00am CET.
- By activating of the account-deletion after 7 days plus the time to 3:00am CET.
- At the abandonment of a planet moon, 1 day plus the time to 3:00am CET.
- Flights on a deleted planet/moon:
- All flights (no matter if outward or return flight) will be beamed back to the start-planet/moon after a few minutes.
- It's a risk to fly to one of these targets!
- Flights to the debris field of a deleted planet/moon:
- They keep flying and harvest the debris field.
Combat system
- Debris field:
- 30% of the used metal and crystal of the destroyed ships go into the debris field. (Other % values possible in special unis)
- 0% of the used metal and crystal of the destroyed defense go into the debris field. (Other % values possible in special unis)
- Resource capture:
- 50% against neutral and dishonourable targets
- 75% against honourable targets
- 100% against bandits
- ACS Attack:
- Maximum number of players: 5
- Maximum number of fleets: 16
- ACS Defend:
- Maximum number of players: 4 (plus the Defender)
- Maximum number of fleets: 16
Interception timing
- Example - Quiet times:
- 20:00:00 - Return of the intercepted fleet.
- 20:00:03 - Impact of the attacking fleet ( Providing the fleet takes 0-2sec )
- 20:00:07 - Arrival of the recycler on the DF (Providing the debris field takes 1-3sec, first the battle is calculated)
- Example - peak hours
- 20:00:00 - Return of the intercepted fleet.
- 20:00:04 - Impact of the attacking fleet ( Providing the fleet takes 1-3sec )
- 20:00:10 - Arrival of the recycler on the DF ( Providing the debris field takes 2-4sec, first the battle is calculated )
- Keep in mind:
- At slow browserspeed/speedunis/new universes - adjust the time from your own experience.
- Single Points:
- Expeditions are carried out at Slot 16
- Slot isn't phalanxable
- No debris fields appear (resources lost are lost!)
- All Ships can be found except Colony Ships, Recyclers and Death Stars
- Size of results depend on the points of the number one player, with the following boundaries:
- 10k - 100k - 1kk - 5kk
- Trader by expedition:
- Only better courses are accepted.
- Exchange rates for all trader ( Met : Crys : Deut
- Minimum : 2.10 : 1.40 : 0.70
- Average : 2.685 : 1.790 : 0.895
- Maximum : 3.00 : 2.00 : 1.00
- Frequency distribution ( Met / Crys / Deut
- 15% give the maximum - 3 / 2 / 1
- 12.5% give a low rate below - 2.40 / 1.60 / 0.80
- Cost:
- Costs 3,500 Dark Matter to call a merchant.
- Altering the trade rate costs a further 3,500 Dark Matter.
Newbie Protection
- There are two types of Protection depending on what universe you are in.
- 1-44, Andromeda-Leo:
- 0 to 10.000 points: general protection with a 1:5 ratio
- 10.000 to 50.000 points: general protection with a 1:10 ratio - Mizar onwards:
- 0 to 50.000 points: general protection with a 1:5 ratio
- 50.000 to 500.000 points: general protection with a 1:10 ratio
- 1-44, Andromeda-Leo:
- Fleet Escape possible for players in Newbie Protection (Provided it's a dishonourable combat, and enough Deuterium is available)
- Ratio of 1:5 as standard
- Ratio of 1:3 possible with Admiral
- 3:00am CET Daily
- Server Logout
- Debris Field Removal (Monday only!)
- Player/Planet/Moon Deletion
- Highscore:
- Every 5mins, and on new login
- Point fluctuations reset at 3:00am CET
Value limits
- Maximum shipyard order-size: 9999
- Maximum defense order-size: 9999
- Maximum number alliance ranks: 25
- Maximum number Buddies: 1000
- Maximum messages: 6 in 5 minutes (26 with Commander) and 50 in a day
If you have any questions, suggestions or other comments then please see my OGame.Origin discussion page: Info: Game Details
Written by: Kebab
Credits also to Francolino
Last edit: 19th March 2012 - General:
Possible Additions:
Maybe BBCode (?) - player / coordinates etc <-- will come in a separate Wiki page
expedition boundaries <-- added
- 10k
- 100k
- 1kk
- 5kk -
BBcode - Link to a tutorial / or another wiki
Any Questions or Comments etc...
Ask away -
- The reach of the destroyed moon triggers NO action. (no attack, no unloading, no message)
hmmm ...
It is has to say?
Otherwise, thank you has you, already translated into French -
Kebab , what did you mean for :
expedition boundaries
- 10k
- 100k
- 1kk
- 5kk
This is many step for the quantities of ressources you can have ( find ) compared to the points of the top player ? -
Expedition results depend on the points of the Top Player in the universe.
Those boundaries I listed are the Point boundaries for the Top Player of the universe, if the top player has over 1mil points then you'll get better results than if the top player has 500K points. -
On .it we are talking about the relationship between reloc and activity star (don't know why they are :P)
If activity will be moved to the new colony or resetted and reloc considered as a new movement or the new colony will don't have activity anymore... -
You will add more information? (like some ideas of topic Info: Game details )
Sure, I'll add some other things. Please post anything you want adding in this thread (rather than the other one).
A nice collection post with past wanted ideas would be appreciated -
Made some alterations. Added bit about expeditions - again still not final/complete version
If activity will be moved to the new colony or resetted and reloc considered as a new movement or the new colony will don't have activity anymore...
H: Grazie :D -
Fleet Activity updated.
Kebab wrote:
- A appears on the current planet/moon with click on reload at eventlist, sensor phalanx and fleet movement.
- A appears on the current planet/moon with auto-reload at eventlist and fleet movement.
- NEW foreign fleets ONLY appears in the eventlist with click on reload.
Are u sure aboute the last 2?
Because it seems that the auto-reload not cause * (sure a normal behavior caused to arrival of the mission, but not from the auto-reload).
I'm almost sure that foreing fleets appears also with auto-reload (sure, not the flashing triangle because the page isn't reloaded) -
- Position changes are possible within 1-3, 4-12 and 13-15.
Value limits
Maximum number of Notes: 100
Since V3.0 ~
You should add the Auctioneer ,the Scrap Merschant ,the half time for buildings, researches ,ships and def (dont know how its called in org) and the Import / Export.
Scrap Merschant
Basic 35% of the sonctrucion costs
you can renegotiate
every time if you do the percentage get higher between 5% and 14%
the max of ships and defence you can sell is the max of your storages
the use of the scrap merchant is free
the max % ist 75%
the renegotiate costs 2.000 DM ,every renegotiate costs 2.000 more DM
the max costs of renegotiate are 10.000 DM
Import / Export
you can buy every day one container
you dont know what item is in the container til you buyd it
colour of the container = colour of the item ,for example golden container is a golden item
after you buyed the container you could change the item 2x
the changing of the items costs dm:
500 dm for a bronze item ,1.500 dm for a silver item ,4.500 dm for a gold item
half time for orders
shipjard-, building- and research-orders can be reduced 50% of the total running time
min. costs 750 dm
max costs for buildings- and shipjard-orders 72.000 dm
max costs for research 108.000 dm
the dm costs is based on the total running time
you can offer ressources for items
the rate of ressources is 1-1,5-3 met-cris-deut, one hp = 100 met
offered ressourcen get removed
the auctions are between 06:00 an 23:00 o clock
the running time of one auction is 45 min
the time stamp gets updated every 5 mins, be carefull the time is really inaccurate
Sry for my bad english -
please clairify this for me. if a moon is destroyed any ships deployed to that moon are recalled to its origin correct? people are claiming that ships deployed to a moon that is destroyed, deploy to its planet instead and can be seen in lanx. i know before it always recalled to its origin and cannot be lanxed. i dont see where this update says that has changed. so i assume it's still the same. the ships deployed to a destroyed moon return where it was sent from and cannot be lanxed. in other words any ships seen returning to a destroyed moons planet on lanx were NOT deployed to the destroyed moon. but were sent on a returning mission FROM the moon destroyed. such as transport, harvest, colonize, acs defend etc. they claim it shows in lanx as deploy. i would think any ships seen on deploy mission to a planet were sent to the planet not to a destroyed moon of the planet.
Summary of Important Game Details
Ogame and Smartphones :
- For mobile cell phones here we can not support that it will work but we got a mobile view option it where made for iPad but because it works good out side the iPad app they made it public for mobiles:
- U can go to options --> Display --> others:
Activity star *
- General:
- Activity * is displayed as for activity in last 15 minutes,
- For activity between 15-59 minutes you can toggle between either or the actual number (in Display options).
- A appears on the home planet when you login. Exception in vacation mode - appears on every planet/moon.
- A appears on the current planet/moon when you logout.
- A appears on the NEW location at changing the current planet/moon.
- A appears on the current planet/moon with EVERY click on all menu items.
- NO appears with click on Support / GameForge / Help / Board / Rules / Pillory / Imprint.
- Planet and Moon are shown separately with individual indicators
- Inter-Planetary Missile are handled as ships
--> <-->
- Events:
- A appears on the current planet/moon with click on reload at eventlist, sensor phalanx and fleet movement.
- A appears on the current planet/moon with auto-reload at eventlist and fleet movement.
- NEW foreign fleets ONLY appears in the eventlist with click on reload.
- Flights:
- General:
- A appears at abort on the current planet/moon.
- ACS Attack, Attack, Deployment, Espionage, & Moon Destruction:
- A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
- A appears at arrival on the target planet/moon.
- A appears at return on the starting planet/moon.
- ACS Defend:
- A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
- NO appears at arrival on the target planet/moon.
- A appears at return on the starting planet/moon.
- Colonization
- A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
- A appears at arrival for successful colonization only.
- A appears at return on the starting planet/moon.
- Expedition:
- A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
- NO appears at arrival or Hold at the expedition slot.
- A appears at return on the starting planet/moon.
- Harvest
- A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
- NO appears at arrival at the debris field.
- A appears at return on the starting planet/moon.
- Transport:
- A appears at departure on the starting planet/moon.
- A appears at arrival on the starting planet/moon and target planet/moon.
- A appears at return on the starting planet/moon. - Special situations:
- Normal behavior for banned players without vacation mode.
- Normal behavior for inactive players. (i and I)
- A appears on every planet/moon on activation of vacation mode.
Sensor phalanx
- Starting planet:
- All flight modes are visible. But deploy u can JUST see when its flying to the target planet BUT onces it is PULLED u can not see it come back from where it came from!
- The whole flight is visible, shown is the time returning to the starting planet.
- Also visible after recalling, shown is the NEW time returning to the starting planet.
- Target planet:
- ONLY the outward flight is visible, shown is the arrival time on the target planet.
- Specials:
- Delays caused by mission ACS attack or expedition are also reflected in the phalanx.
- Players in noob protection are scanable.
- Players in vacation mode are NOT scanable.
- A moon is NOT scanable.
- Cost
- Each Scan costs 5,000 Deuterium.
- Refreshing the Scan costs 5,000 more Deuterium.
Moon destruction
- General:
- The moon disappears completely in the moment of destruction.
- A new moon can form in further attacks once again.
- Own flights - The destroyed moon is the starting point:
- They fly on normal, the associated planet is the new starting point.
- These flights appear from the moment of destruction in the sensor phalanx. Exception mission deployment - invisible.
- Own flights & ACS Defend - the destroyed moon is the target:
- Target immediately becomes the associated planet.
- Transports will be discharged as normal, deployment and ACS will land as normal.
- Foreign Flights - the destroyed moon is the target:
- Continue to fly to the destroyed moon [::] and then return as normal.
- The reach of the destroyed moon triggers NO action. (no attack, no unloading, no message)
Relocation of planets
- Relocation of a planet will be prevented by:
- Own flights to and from the planet (or the related moon).
- Construction of buildings, defense and ships on the planet and the related moon.
- Research that was started at that planet.
- Relocation of a planet will NOT prevented by:
- Foreign flights - They keep flying to the "destroyed planet".
- Special:
- Requirements have to be fulfilled at the moment of the relocation only.
- Position changes are possible within 1-3, 4-12 and 13-15.
- Temperature and planet-picture will be adjusted, number of fields will be unchanged.
- A "destroyed planet" will appear at the old position.
- The "destroyed planet":
- It's owned by the account "space" until the final deletion.
- Is still approachable and phalanxable, resources will be delivered.
- Research and production will be set to 0.
- The moon will also be relocated:
- The jump-gate is deactivated for 24 hours.
- The phalanx is NOT deactivated.
- Own ships:
- Ships travels to new planet/moon via recalled deployment, no deuterium cost. Exception Solar Sats - they travel with planet/moon.
- Cost:
- It costs 240,000 Dark Matter.
- The amount must be present on the account at the start, but isn't deducted unless it's successful.
Abandon planet
- Abandon planet is prevented by:
- Own flights to and from the planet (and the associated moon).
- Building under construction (and on the associated moon).
- Research under construction, started on this planet.
- Abandon planet is NOT prevented by:
- Foreign flights - They fly to the "Destroyed planet".
- Ships and defense under construction. They are lost!
- The "Destroyed planet":
- Is owned by the account "space" until the final deletion.
- Is approachable and phalanxable, resources are delivered.
- All buildings, defense, ships and resources are still present.
- Research and poduction are set to zero.
- The moon is also abandoned!
- See more at "Abandon moon"
Abandon moon
- Abandon moon is prevented by:
- Own flights to and from the moon.
- Buildings under construction.
- Abandon moon is NOT prevented by :
- Foreign flights - They fly to the "Destroyed moon".
- Ships and defense under construction. They are lost!
- The "Destroyed moon" (red coloured):
- Is owned by the account "space" until the final deletion.
- Research is set to zero.
- Prevents the arise of a new moon
- Still attackable (even by the original owner)
Deletion of Accounts, Planets and Moons
- Planets/Moons will be deleted at 3:00am CET.
- By activating of the account-deletion after 7 days plus the time to 3:00am CET.
- At the abandonment of a planet moon, 1 day plus the time to 3:00am CET.
- Flights on a deleted planet/moon:
- All flights (no matter if outward or return flight) will be beamed back to the start-planet/moon after a few minutes.
- It's a risk to fly to one of these targets!
- Flights to the debris field of a deleted planet/moon:
- They keep flying and harvest the debris field.
Combat system
- Debris field:
- 30% of the used metal and crystal of the destroyed ships go into the debris field. (Other % values possible in special unis)
- 0% of the used metal and crystal of the destroyed defense go into the debris field. (Other % values possible in special unis)
- Resource capture:
- 50% against neutral and dishonourable targets
- 75% against honourable targets
- 100% against bandits
- ACS Attack:
- Maximum number of players: 5
- Maximum number of fleets: 16
- ACS Defend:
- Maximum number of players: 4 (plus the Defender)
- Maximum number of fleets: 16
Interception timing
- Example - Quiet times:
- 20:00:00 - Return of the intercepted fleet.
- 20:00:03 - Impact of the attacking fleet ( Providing the fleet takes 0-2sec )
- 20:00:07 - Arrival of the recycler on the DF (Providing the debris field takes 1-3sec, first the battle is calculated)
- Example - peak hours
- 20:00:00 - Return of the intercepted fleet.
- 20:00:04 - Impact of the attacking fleet ( Providing the fleet takes 1-3sec )
- 20:00:10 - Arrival of the recycler on the DF ( Providing the debris field takes 2-4sec, first the battle is calculated )
- Keep in mind:
- At slow browserspeed/speedunis/new universes - adjust the time from your own experience.
- Single Points:
- Expeditions are carried out at Slot 16
- Slot isn't phalanxable
- No debris fields appear (resources lost are lost!)
- All Ships can be found except Colony Ships, Recyclers and Death Stars
- Size of results depend on the points of the number one player, with the following boundaries:
- 10k - 100k - 1kk - 5kk
- Trader by expedition:
- Only better courses are accepted.
- Exchange rates for all trader ( Met : Crys : Deut
- Minimum : 2.10 : 1.40 : 0.70
- Average : 2.685 : 1.790 : 0.895
- Maximum : 3.00 : 2.00 : 1.00
- Frequency distribution ( Met / Crys / Deut
- 15% give the maximum - 3 / 2 / 1
- 12.5% give a low rate below - 2.40 / 1.60 / 0.80
- Cost:
- Costs 3,500 Dark Matter to call a merchant.
- Altering the trade rate costs a further 3,500 Dark Matter.
Newbie Protection
- There are two types of Protection depending on what universe you are in.
- 1-44, Andromeda-Leo:
- 0 to 10.000 points: general protection with a 1:5 ratio
- 10.000 to 50.000 points: general protection with a 1:10 ratio - Mizar onwards:
- 0 to 50.000 points: general protection with a 1:5 ratio
- 50.000 to 500.000 points: general protection with a 1:10 ratio
- General:
- Fleet Escape possible for players in Newbie Protection (Provided it's a dishonourable combat, and enough Deuterium is available)
- Ratio of 1:5 as standard
- Ratio of 1:3 possible with Admiral
- 3:00am CET Daily
- Server Logout
- Debris Field Removal (Monday only!)
- Player/Planet/Moon Deletion
- Highscore:
- Every 5mins, and on new login
- Point fluctuations reset at 3:00am CET
Value limits
- Maximum shipyard order-size: 9999
- Maximum defense order-size: 9999
- Maximum number alliance ranks: 25
- Maximum number Buddies: 1000
- Maximum messages: 6 in 5 minutes (26 with Commander) and 50 in a day
Building and researching in two clicks.
This new feature allows you to speed up the construction time of a building by 50% of it's initial construction time with every click.
This new option will allow you to finish a buidling/shipyard queue/research in two clicks, but in exchange, you will have to pay huge Dark Matter fees.
The first activation will halfen the initial construction time, and the second will finish the buidling/shipyard queue/research
Every single activation will cost an amount of Dark Matter based on the initial buidling/researching time.
1. Building X takes 10 days to be built. The first activation will reduce the time to 5 days, and the 2nd activation will reduce the time by 50% of the initial construction time, which is 5 days [not 2.5], meaning, the second activation will finish the construction.
2. Building x takes 10 days to be built, it still has 6 days until it's done, by activating the feature, it's construction time will be cut by 50% of the initial construction time, 5 days, meaning that the building will be done in 1 day.
3. Building X that takes 10 days to be built, has 3 days until it's done, activating the feature will finish the building, but the price you pay is the one for a 50% reduction.
If Krakens, Detroids and Newtrons can be bought with resources, this feature is a premium one and it requires Dark Matter to be used. It needs huge amounts of Dark Matter in order to not be "abused" by players.
The price is set according to the initial building/research time, but it has minimum and maximum limits:
Buildings and shipyard queues need a minimum 750 DM up to a maximum of 72,000 DM (exact price is set based on the initial building time).
Research need a minimum of 750 DM up to a maximum of 108,000 DM (exact price is based on the initial research time).
Planets information
Slot Minimum Average Max 1 95 100 108 2 97 103 110 3 98 118 137 4 123 164 203 5 148 179 222 6 148 194 227 7 141 193 237 8 168 208 247 9 161 197 239 10 154 188 224 11 146 176 204 12 136 154 171 13 109 115 121 14 81 86 93 15 65 69 74
Note that there are some universes with 25+ planet fields.
Note that Home planet is abandon that the second colony will be new home world.
Planets overviews:
In every menu you can now see a bar with fleet movements. It shows the number of your own missions, as well as any friendly and hostile missions heading to your planet. By clicking on the fleet bar, the entire fleet details will be displayed.
The building menu is now divided into "resources" and "facilities". In "resources" are all buildings that are connected to resources. You can also build solar satelites from there. Under "facilities" you can find all other buildings.
The "technology" is no longer directly linked in the menu, but is now located in the description of every ship, defense, building or research. There's an additional techtree which tells you specifically what you need to be able to build the desired item.
Drop-down menu was removed and replaced by the pictures on the right side. Clicking on them changes the location to any other planet/moon.
The planet's surface image depends on the planet's temperature. There are more variations of pictures: desert, jungle or ice pictures. When you build a mine, it appears on the picture.
Requirements for buildings and more details are only avaliable by clicking on the icon. Starting a construction does not require opening a detailed view though - you may just click the green arrow to start the building.
If the requirenments to start a building are not met, the building is crossed over with lighter lines. The construction button in detailed view is greyed out.
The menu on the left side was shortened and the arrangement of buttons was changed.
Information about moons
Moonchance Probabilities
- There are often questions about the chances of getting a moon with multiple attempts. The following is the clearest explanation that I have ever come across regarding the matter.
- The "20% moonshot" events are independent, and any one of them has a 20% chance of creating a moon, independently of previous attempts. If you want to work out the chances of getting at least 1 moon in a number of attempts, you can do so as follows...
- The chance of a moon *not* occurring is 80% or 0.8. (Probability of No Moon = P)
The only way that a moon will *not* occur in 2 attempts is if the first attempt does not create a moon AND the second chance does not create a moon.
0.8 x 0.8 = 0.64
So you can say using 2 attempts, there is a 64% chance of no moon, or a 36% chance of getting one by the end of the 2nd attempt.
For 3 attempts...
0.8 x 0.8 x 0.8 = 0.512
Chance of no moon after 3 attempts is ~ 51%, chance of at least one moon by the end of 4 attempts is therefore ~49%.
The following table lists the chances of getting at least one moon by the end of so many attempts
1 attempt 20%
2 attempts 36%
3 attempts 49%
4 attempts 59%
5 attempts 67%
6 attempts 74%
7 attempts 79%
8 attempts 83%
9 attempts 87%
(100 attempts 99.999999979629640236655139137316%)
Taken from Moon Chances
1. Moon Size and Fields
Firstly, there is no field limit on a moon.
Moon sizes are not completely random. They are indeed affected by the percentage. The higher the percentage, the higher the chances are of getting a big moon. It's possible to get a 4k moon on 19% or an 8k moon on 1%, but it's very very unlikely. The exception is a successful 20% chance, this will ALWAYS give a moon of at least 8000km.
Moons start with one free field, this means that you need to build a Lunar Base first, when this is complete you will be given another 3 fields (using 1/4). If you want to expand a decent amount then you need to reserve one of these fields for the next Lunar Base, leaving 2 spare fields.
Updated lanx range 6 april 2013 - For mobile cell phones here we can not support that it will work but we got a mobile view option it where made for iPad but because it works good out side the iPad app they made it public for mobiles:
wanted to make a little bit more info about the game in 1 post so user can read less stuff for the same info we got at least at org multi post about how the games works and i would love to see it in 1 bigger post so we can let player read that
Text format should be checked... and the moon probability section... I don't see why is needed (no usefull info for players... just probabilities, not exactly info).
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