Ipm Bomber

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  • The IPM BOMBER is the MONSTER of all BOMBERS.

    The IPM BOMBER can carry 50 IPM's to it's target and launches them on all planetary defenses. ( Draw back...can not target 1 type of planetary defenses. )

    COST OF EACH IPM BOMBER ( 60,000 Metal ) + ( 35,000 Crystal ) + ( 25,000 Deuterium ) & the cost of each IPM to be loaded in the BOMBER.

    Shipyard level 10
    Impulse drive 8
    weapons 10
    shield 10
    armor 10

    Base speed 8000
    Att strength 2200
    Structural integrity 165,000
    Shield strength 1200
    Cargo capacity 250

    rapid fire on rl 25
    rapid fire on ll 25
    rapid fire on hl 10
    rapid fire on ic 15
    rapid fire on espionage probe 15
    rapid fire on solar sattelites 15

    Rapid fire from bc 10
    rapid fire from hf 5
    rapid fire from deathstar 30
  • For starters you can´t just "make up" a structural integrity of a ship, it´s the sum of the met and cry cost. So the SI for this ship would be 95.000. Each IPM bomber being able to carry 50 IPMs is just utterly ridiculous. The very notion of a ship being able to carry IPMs, to me, is ridiculous. But a more reasonable amount would be something like 2 IPMs per ship and people would build those like crazy because they´d be completely overpowered. There´s a reason why it´s extremely expensive to being able to stock like 100 IPMs. You´re not supposed to be able to blast 1k IPMs at someone in one fell swoop.

    Even without the ability to carry IPMs this ship would be completely game-wrecking. It costs about the same as a destroyer, it has higher attack strenth and the RF of a bomber. So you´ve just built a ship that pretty much replaces both the destroyer and the bomber and is better than both of them combined for less res than building a destroyer..

    Also you haven´t really explained at all how the IPM loading would be carried out. Do the ships fire the IPMs and then automatically engage in battle?

    My recommendation is that you play for a couple of more years and then start thinking about suggesting new content for the game.
  • As a Fleeter, I would just have LOVED this ship, but I agree with Azgaroth. Another question, beside loading the IPM and firering them - where do you keep the IPM, when you're not in the air? In the Missile silo? Then it still comes down to the silo capasity, and then you mostly only need 1 of these, maybe to - if it can carry 50 IPMs. Or is it so that you can build IPM for the silo AND for the ships, saying you have 50 of these ships, you can have 50x 50 + silo capasity?
    Even though I love the idea... I KNOW this is a bad idea, so sorry.