Turn DM => GF Coupons

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  • Turn DM => GF Coupons

    Idea: Functionality to turn remaining DarkMatter on the account into GF Coupon of the same value.

    This would allow us to move our DarkMatter should we start somewhere new, or get a better account.

    It would also help GF in their battles with inactive players that have DM on their account, cause they can remove the DM from the account, into coupon and send it to their email address, whilst deleting the account. THen should the player comes back they can use the coupon to get their DM back.

    Officers should stay as is, once you spend the DM, thats that you cant undo that.
  • Really bad idea :/
    If you buy a lot of DM in a future universe, then you fail it like a boss, you will be able to reuse it in the next ??

    Maybe it is only a french problem, but some of our players try all the new universes. It will probably be more interesting to have a bit more activity in these universes. If this idea is implemented, it will make the problem worse.