Pinned Universe Merging Tutorial

    • Universe Merging Tutorial

      Just to ensure everything goes smoothly and you all know what to do, here's a quick walk-through of the Universe Merging System.

      (Disclaimer: Most of the pages translated to English using a Google plug-in so some words might appear different.)

      When you first login after the system has been activated you'll be presented with the following pop-up screen:

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      This screen is where you can chose where you wish to go, and see all the relevant Merging information.

      So lets take a closer look at it...

      The pop-up page has 3 tabs. The first tab shows you the available Universes and a little information about them including how many free spaces are left.

      The 2nd tab allows you to see the status of your alliance mates, whether they've chosen a universe and if they have, where.
      So in this example you can see that "Wraith02" has chosen uni633, but the others haven't decided yet.

      The 3rd tab simply shows some information about the Merging of Universes.

      So back to your own account...

      On the first tab you can choose a universe to be Merged into.
      So for this example Universe 633, after clicking on the universe you'll notice that one of the buttons turns green.
      Click it.

      Congratulations, you've now made your selection.
      But of course you can always change your mind, all you need to do is simply press the red cancel button.

      In the bottom left corner of the game screen you'll see a new icon. This depicts the Universe Merging process. Clicking on it will direct you into the pop-up screen where you can choose your universe.
      The arrow will change colour depending on whether you've chosen a universe or not (Red for no, Green for yes).
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      Above this box you can see a timer (t = days), this is how long is left to make your decision, but remember for your planet locations etc it's first come first served so don't leave it too late ;)

      And that's all there is to it, thank you for being so patient in waiting for this all to be ready. Good luck with your Universe Merge :)

      If you have any questions about the Merging of Universes then please first see this guide: Guide

      Written by: Kebab