Version 4.0.0- new possibilities (preinfo)

    • Will this be possible?
      I have a fleet of 1k lf, 100 hf returning to my planet.
      Another player has timed my return and will hit 2 seconds after my fleet arrives.
      I go to junk dealer, enter 1k lf, 100 hf, wait for the right moment and press enter.
      My ships are converted to resources and attacker goes back empty handed. He didn't send any cargoes, because he sees that I'm online and that I spent all resources residing on my planet.
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...
    • I have many questions:

      sorry for my bad english.

      1.There are 5K of Solar Satellites in a bunker then sent a few RIPs to destroy the Solar Sat, the Defender can go to the junk dealer, enter 5k solar sats and transform them in resources??

      2.HP (Honor Points) and resources used in the auctions, which will be the relationship between resources and HP?, 1 HP is equal to 1 unit of metal?

      3.In the auction if you do not win the item, the resources are not reimbursed, Would not it be better if the resources are reimbursed?, if a noob player enters the auction and lost resources, would not this affect your development?, this is a contradiction to the version 3.0 that protects the noobs. Could you change this? because it is the most mentioned complaint in, please reimbursement for resources in the auction.

      4.What types of items exist in the auction?

      5.When you give us more information about this version?

      6.When we test the new version?

      thanks :D .
    • Hi !
      We've got some more information about the V4 in the last few days.
      If I understood it well, there will be :

      - The Junk dealer, whose ratio can be improved from 40% to 75% with DM
      - "Istar", a NPC offering a mystery container (with an item*) every day to each player, to be payed with PH or resources
      - The Auctionner, proposing similar items* than Istar to the best offers every day, to be payed with PH or resources

      * The items are :
      - moral boosters, to increase the % of resources produced by a mine, up to 35%.
      - Three different kind of robots, to increase the production speed of the shipyard, the building construction, and the research, up to 20%.

      Now, my question is : An "Item shops" is also mentionned in the news.
      Does it mean that we will be able to buy those new items with DM too ?
    • you DO NOT NEED to pay for ANYTHING that is coming with 4.0 (until now).

      everyone who pays DM to improve his account PAYS so that YOU (who doesn't pay) can play the game at no charge!
      better be thankful that someone contributes money so that ogame stays online and even gets developed.

      and a new ship is at the moment totally senseless. the balancing is ok atm and a new ship would change everything and after a year its again boring so that you would cry for another ship. that doesn't work out.

      ps: this is my personal opinion on it.