Pinned FAQ Merging Universes

  • FAQ Merging Universes

    General information about uni merging

    Is it possible to stay in an Exodus universe or do you have to move?
    The Exodus universes will be moved completely and will then be closed afterwards. So yes you have to move or lose your account.

    Can you only choose your target uni once? Or is it still possible to change to a different target uni during the Exodus-Phase when your account has already been moved to your new universe? For example, if you're not happy with your planet locations.
    You can change your choice as many times as you want in the run up to the move, however once you've been moved that's it. You only get to move your account once.

    What happens if you already have an account in each Target Universe and you still have an account left in an Exodus Universe?
    We aim to ensure that there will be enough Target Universes to prevent this problem, but if it happens then unfortunately you'll have to give up one of your accounts.

    My universe isn't listed, will it not be merged?
    Only the universes listed in the news thread will be merged, this time around. However there will be future mergers for the other universes.
    For .org currently it's:
    Exodus unis: 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 43
    Target unis: 20, and a new empty universe

    Will you be moved automatically when you select your Target Universe? What exactly do they mean by "frozen"?
    The move will be done automatically. The accounts will be in a sort of artificial vacation mode. Of course you can change this status back to normal again as soon as you have moved to a Target Universe.
    Your Buildings, research, shipyard and defense queues will continue ( will not be frozen).

    I'm in a target universe what do I do?
    Nothing, you can't move your account. The other players will come to you, so sit back and relax.

    What will happen to the players who were in vacation mode during the Exodus-Phase?
    An announcement will be made before the start of the Exodus-Phase, and the Exodus-Phase itself will take at least a month.
    During this period they'll try to contact the player in every possible way, e.g. by Email, board announcements etc.
    Accounts that haven't been moved after all these announcements and messages will be deleted from the system.
    And so this way we can remove those old inactive/banned accounts with DM. We can delete players at the end of the Exodus-Phase, because the universe will be at it's end then.

    What will happen to the old banned accounts?
    They will be removed from exodus universes, as listed above. The banned/inactive accounts in target universes will remain though.

    Which universes will be merged?
    This will be based on the age of the playing round, the points of the top players and the active players.
    We will announce this early enough, see your Game News section for further information.

    What will happen to the special universes?
    We will take special features into account. It's not our intention to get rid of the special universes, and for sure if a special universe is involved it won't lose it's features (so would most likely be a target universe).

    Will it be possible to move from a normal universe to a speed universe?
    You can only chose the target unis listed. It's possible in the future that a special universe might be merged, but not at the moment.

    Account specific:

    Will the coordinates be changed with the move?
    First come first served. The system will try to keep the coordinates the same.
    However, it's also possible that your planet will be moved by the system. The coordinates will remain almost the same (no galaxy change from 1 to 9 for example), but it's possible for a slot 4 planet to become a slot 10 planet for example.

    There is also the relocation with DM. Can we get a free one, so we can choose a new spot?
    For every planet moved by at least 30 systems will get a free relocation upto a maximum of 5. Free relocations will remain on the account until used (no expiry date).

    Will planet sizes and temperatures change if you change coordinates?
    The planet sizes won't change. Because of the new setup of planets in a system, the temperatures in a Target universe may differ slightly from the temperatures from the Exodus universes.

    A lot of players in the number universes haven't researched the necessary astrophysics level yet to be able to own 9 planets . Will they still keep all their planets?
    The astrophysics level isn't relevant with the move. All the existing planets will be moved.

    Will alliances remain after the move, what about the tutorial?
    Yes, we will offer the possibility to move the alliance with you to your target universe.
    If the alliance name exists there already, your alliance will be renamed.
    The alliance will move with every member, and the first transferred member will get founder status. If the original founder is among them then he'll get founder status back and everyone else will be changed to "Newcomer".
    Your tutorial record will also be saved.

    What happens to your nickname when there already is someone with the same nickname in the target universe?
    If a username is already being used in the target universe, the player from the exodus universe will get a message and he'll have to change his nick.
    There can't be players with the same nickname in the target universe.

    Will my buddylist stay intact?
    If the players on your buddylist move to the same universe as you then this'll be preserved, yes.

    Can I see where anyone else has chosen to move to?
    You can see where your alliance mates have chosen.

    Will ongoing research be stopped before you move?
    All buildings, shipyards and defense queues will continue during the merge.

    Will it be possible to attack others as soon as you end the frozen state when you enter a target universe? Or will there be an "attack ban" or "starting protection" during the first 1-2 days so the new players can get used to their new planet locations and their surroundings?
    There will be no special protection like an attack ban. You can use the "frozen" state to get used to your new environment (like vacation mode)

    Why can't the players choose their positions themselves after the move?
    When all players have to choose their locations themselves, we will have a very bad spread in the end.
    A free spread would create agglomerations or completely empty parts in a universe.

    What happens to fleet movement during the Merging Process?
    When the accounts are placed in vacation mode by the system all fleet movement (and also Relocations) are cancelled and automatically returned to the planet/moon.

    Dark Matter, Payment features, Money:

    Do you have to pay to move to a target universe?

    What about planets that have been relocated using money before? Do they have a privilege?
    After all, money was paid to move them to a desired position.

    They won't get any special privileges.
    Every planet moved by more than 30 systems will get a free relocation upto a maximum of 5.

    What happens to Dark Matter and active Officers?
    Existing DM will be moved completely. As for active officers, we plan to freeze them as well.

    Are they working on a way to detach DM from an account, and assign it to an email address for example?
    At the moment, no. DM will move with the account.

    What happens to DM that was paid for? They can't just delete the players!
    Players will be notified soon before the end of the universe.
    If a player still hasn't chosen a universe to move to, or if he still hasn't noticed the uni merging yet, the remaining DM will be sent as coupons to the account's email.

    Written by: Kebab
    Last edited: 21/1/2012
    Last edited 23.02.2016 (Valent )
  • Kebab wrote:

    My universe isn't listed, will it not be merged?
    Only the universes listed in the news thread will be merged, this time around. However there will be future mergers for the other universes.
    For .org currently it's:
    Exodus unis: 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 43
    Target unis: 20, and a new empty universe
    Exodus: Kassiopeia, Leo, Mizar, Nekkar
    Target: Uni 20, Draco