Universe Merge .FR

    • Universe Merge .FR

      After a very long wait for the merger, it's final official for OGame.FR

      The first merger plan is as follows:

      Exodus Universes: 35,40,43,44,47,48,49,51,52,54,55,56,57,58,59,61,62 and 63

      Target Universes: 15, 64 or 66

      Each universe has a limited number of places so that everyone doesn't choose the same one.

      - Universe 15: 1800 places
      - Universe 64: 1300 places
      - Universe 66: 2200 places

      There's still no precise date (as always *soon*), but when we have one we'll announce it :)

      Universes not yet listed will be considered and merged at a later date (provided these go well).

      As always this can be discussed here: Discussion about merging universes
    • We now have the dates for the merger:

      Preparation Phase: 13/01/12
      Merge Starts: 06/02/12
      End of the merge: 10/02/12

      The available spaces for the Targets have changed to:

      - Universe 15: 1500 places
      - Universe 64: 1100 places
      - Universe 66: 2000 places

      Universe 66 will be a normal universe (1x, ACS, 30% fleet to df)
    • The second merger plan is as follows:

      Exodus Universes: 2,3,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,17,18,19,20,22,25,26,28,29,32,34

      Target Universes: 1, 10 or 67

      Each universe has a limited number of places so that everyone doesn't choose the same one.

      - Universe 1 : 1600 places
      - Universe 10 : 2100 places
      - Universe 67 : 2600 places.

      Preparation Phase: 13/02/12
      Merge Starts: 05/03/12
      End of the merge: 09/03/12
    • The third merger plan is as follows:

      Exodus Universes: 4, 6, 16, 21, 23, 24, 27, 31, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 45, 46, 53

      Target Universes: 5, 30 or 68

      Each universe has a limited number of places so that everyone doesn't choose the same one.

      - Universe 5 : 1500 places
      - Universe 30 : 1600 places
      - Universe 68 : 3500 places.

      Preparation Phase: 02/04/12
      Merge Starts: 23/04/12
      End of the merge: 27/04/12
    • The next merger plan is as follows:

      Exodus Universes: 5,15,30 ( x1 )

      Target Universes: 10 or 64 ( x1 )

      Each universe has a limited number of places so that everyone doesn't choose the same one.

      - Universe 10 : 700 places
      - Universe 64 : 700 places

      Preparation Phase: 05/08/13
      Merge Starts: 02/09/13
      End of the merge: 06/09/13