Iceman[C3.M] & avecezar[C3.M] -vs- 3D-FULL-HD[Old Boys] ~(TD: 25 M)

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    • Iceman[C3.M] & avecezar[C3.M] -vs- 3D-FULL-HD[Old Boys] ~(TD: 25 M)

      Iceman, avecezare vs. 3D-FULL-HD

      Attacker Iceman

      Cruiser 1.000
      Battlecr. 300

      Attacker avecezare

      Cruiser 1.000
      Battlecr. 300

      Defender 3D-FULL-HD

      L.Cargo 19
      Sol. Sat 7.587
      R.Launcher 617
      L.Laser 1.556
      Gauss 15
      Ion C. 10
      Plasma 2
      S.Dome 1

      Attacker Iceman

      Cruiser 989 (-11)
      Battlecr. 300 (-0)

      Attacker avecezare

      Cruiser 990 (-10)
      Battlecr. 300 (-0)

      Defender 3D-FULL-HD destroyed.

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured 448.876 metal, 230.002 crystal and 119.764 deuterium.

      The attacker lost a total of 609.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 24.456.500 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 160.200 metal and 4.630.500 crystal.
      The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %

      Iceman : lose 319.000
      Metal: 220.000 | Cristal: 77.000 | Deut: 22.000

      avecezare : lose 290.000
      Metal: 200.000 | Cristal: 70.000 | Deut: 20.000

      3D-FULL-HD : lose 24.456.500
      Metal: 4.112.000 | Cristal: 16.461.000 | Deut: 3.883.500

      Attacker profits : 4.980.342
      Metal: 189.076 | Cristal: 4.713.502 | Deut: 77.764

      Defender profits : -25.255.142
      Metal: -4.560.876 | Cristal: -16.691.002 | Deut: -4.003.264

      Converted by InfoCompte CR converter
      Skin InfoCompte Noir by ManishBoy