Alien Planets - temporrary farms

  • Alien Planets - temporrary farms

    I have this proposal form some players to which I added some of my own contribution.

    In late game, when the universe is highly depopulated, active players
    are confronted with lack of activity and no available targets.

    I propose a new system of "expeditions "

    Create random planets with a development level related to the age of the universe/ rank of first player.
    Alien planet should inherit the inactive properties( no honor points) but mines producing , moderate to no defense, moderate silo space.

    Placing of these planets should be random and deleting after n days ( for example at 7 days) just to reappear in a different galaxy/ system.
    Slots occupied by such accounts should be in 1 or 15 slot, not to block a desired position for an active player

    Appearance of these planets can be triggered by special events, not necessarily to appear all the time.


    Active players have at least something to do apart from building mines

    A new way to gather resources without affecting the balance of honor points
    Reduce the stress placed on other active players potentially marked as farms

    Attacking an inactive/ automated account does not improve the skills and does not give satisfaction except the gain of resources.
    Players in the close proximity of such account will be advantaged in the detriment of those situated at distance. A way to limit excessive attacking can be a connection to astro level
  • Hi Valent,

    In the communities where the amount of active players is low, I agree that this kind of ideas can definitely improve the game experience and long-term interest. However, you might encounter some resistance to it in the more populated communities : players that think that bringing random / automated events doesn't correspond to the original idea that made the success of the game (players vs players only).

    From my side, I am not against the idea of involving some random/aliens/pirates events in the game, if they don't interfere too much with the current way of playing. It means, as long as you can't take too much advantage (=resources) out of them. As long as you can't build an entire account around this strategy.

    The points that I like the most in your idea, is when you link it to the expedition/astrophysic system, which is currently a very poor feature (sorry GF :D).
    There is obviously a good potential of developement there.
    (For example, using position 16 to 20, with a possibility to explore, "unhide" these slots, and from time to time, discover something interesting... This could be directly linked to the astro technology, or phalanx..... It would avoid to rely on random events without having to develop or do anything, just by watching the solar systems. )

    Good luck to your suggestion ! :)