OGame 3.0 Information Thread
OGame 3.0 brings some innovations with it. This thread should serve to explain the most important innovations, list Bugs known bugs and problems, answer some difficult questions and show up possible future changes.
The bigger part of the following content origins from the PDF of WeTeHa.
New Highscores
Tactical Retreat
Den (Hideouts)
OGame 3.0 brings some innovations with it. This thread should serve to explain the most important innovations, list Bugs known bugs and problems, answer some difficult questions and show up possible future changes.
The bigger part of the following content origins from the PDF of WeTeHa.
New Highscores
- Economy Highscore
The economy highscore considers the built resources for buildings and defensive structures, and 50% of the built resources for civil ships, phalanxes and jump gates.
- Military Highscore
The military highscore is an important part of the new noob protection, that now also considers the built resources for combat ships and defensive structures (including Anti-Ballistic and Interplanetary Missiles), as well as 50% of the cost of civil ships, phalanxes and jump gates.
The military highscore has the following subdivision:
- built resource points
- destroyed resource points
- lost resource points
- honour points
By including all tactical units, the strength of an opponent becomes more evident. This is an objective of the new ranking.
- One of the most important changes in OGame 3.0 is the new noob protection. The noob protection does not end at 5.000 points like before, but is made a bit more complex. For the active noob protection there are different configurations depending on the universe.
- For old Universes (all currently existing universes) there is applied:
The active noob protections ends at 50.000 points. It is divided into two parts
- 0 to 10.000 points: general protection with a 1:5 ratio
- 10.000 to 50.000 points: general protection with a 1:10 ratio
- For new Universes (upcoming, currently not existing universes ) there is applied:
The active noob protections ends at 500.000 points. It is divided into two parts
- 0 to 50.000 points: general protection with a 1:5 ratio
- 50.000 to 500.000 points: general protection with a 1:10 ratio
- In addition to the general noob protection that only refers to the point-ratio of the players, there are further cases in which the new noob protection is not active.
These cases are valid in old as well as in new universes:
- Within the military highscore every player, who is 100 or less positions behind the respective player or has more than 50% of the respective players military points, can be attacked.
- After 7 days of inactivity the noob protection gets lost (until the next login).
- Players in noob protection loose their protection for 7 days when they attack strong players (red in galaxy view with an '(s)' behind the name). This is called "outlaw". Outlawed players are violet in the galaxy view and have an '(o)' behind their name.
- [spoiler=Example]New Universe:
You are ranked 1 in general and military highscore and you have 4 million points. With the new system you can attack every player who has at least 400.000 and every player with more than 500.000 points, each player who is at least ranked 100 in military highscore and all inactive players.
In addition, you can attack players who lost their protection by own fault (outlaw).[/spoiler]
Tactical Retreat
- When attacked by a superior opponent the own fleet can flee from fight in certain cases:
- Off/From a 5:1 power ratio of the ships in fight a fleet can retreat. Thereby the Units of the attacking ships are compared to the units of the defender.
- Admiral users can set a lower power ratio (3:1) at which the own fleet can retreat from battle. It can be set in the fleet menu at "Tactical retreat".
- Defensive structures will not be taken into account for the calculation of the units, civil ships only count for 25% (rounded).
- Units of fleet at ACS attack or ACS defend are added up.
- Tactical retreat runs automatically in the moment of fight and needs 1,5 times as much deuterium as the fleet would need for a flight to the neighbouring position (Attention: Deuterium must be available).
- After retreat the fleet is instantly available again.
- Deathstars, Espionage Probes, Solar Satellites and fleets at ACS defend can not retreat.
- For moonshots and similar things, tactical retreat can be deactivated in the fleet menu.
- Off/From a 5:1 power ratio of the ships in fight a fleet can retreat. Thereby the Units of the attacking ships are compared to the units of the defender.
- There are also some cases in which tactical retreat does not take place:
- Tactical retreat is linked with noob protection and ends at 500.000 points (in old universes 50.000 points).
- Fleets from inactive player don't escapes.
- In honourable fights the fleet can not retreat (see below for honourable fights).
- Fleets can only retreat completely. If there is a lack of deuterium, no ship can retreat.
- Tactical retreat is linked with noob protection and ends at 500.000 points (in old universes 50.000 points).
- Additional notes:
- In the current version 3.0 the option for setting retreat behaviour is available even if the player is not in noob protection anymore and tactical retreat is not possible. Please don't get irritated by that.
- As attacking player the option "Return upon retreat by defenders" can be activated in fleet menu III. If the fleet of the defender retreats, your own fleet also retreats and no fight takes place.
- In the current version 3.0 the option for setting retreat behaviour is available even if the player is not in noob protection anymore and tactical retreat is not possible. Please don't get irritated by that.
Den (Hideouts)
- Each resource gains an underground den, that is not visible at the planet view, but needs one field for each level. The dens protect a small amount of resources from loot. Dens mainly have an effect at the beginning of a universe and help inexperienced players to protect from early raids.
In Espionage reports neither the dens nor the hidden resources are visible. With an attack one still gets all that could be seen and calculated.