Escape of fleets : Using the defense to calculate the ratio

    • Escape of fleets : Using the defense to calculate the ratio


      At the moment, the ratio is calculate like that : ratio = (attaking fleet)/(defender fleet)
      I think it have to be that : ratio = (attaking fleet)/(defender fleet + defense)

      I remember that one spoke about it at the begining of the V3, but no news about it ...
      The current ratio is very annoying for the noobs. Because they often cannot attack honorable players, and when they spy "non honorable" target, they cannot attack due to the fleet escape.

      I'll give you an example :
      Your target have 50 VB (3000 point), a little tiny defense (like 300 RL) can protect it due to the fleet escape ...
      Using the defense in the ratio is no necessary sufficient to attack (depend on the defense, then it could add new defensive stategie ^^), but it will help our noob to attack ...

      Another points : For the DeathStars
      These are totally useless against non honorable player.
      (Or you have to destroye all the defense before hoping the have the fleet :dead: )

      Thanks for your comments :)

      ps:(another suggestion is to delete the fleet escape)

      ** OgameTech **
    • why not?
      basically its like fleet...
      shoots and kills other ships...

      isnt really fair for a fleeter to try and get other fleets (that arent on a moon with no deff) when they always flee because of to high ratio.
      in other words.... just build deff and you're ships are 99% save because they flee anyway
    • yes i have got the same opionen

      youu can't beat a fleet behind a big defence

      in Origin for example i see a lot of people who have a big defence and a fleet which i can't defeat because i would loose all of my fleet which i must use because of the 5:1 factor