Version 3.1 - discussion

    • It seems to be a nice update.
      I like everything excepted
      [Feature] new manner of representation of player activity on planet & moon (now shown seperated; red = below 15mins, yellow = between 15-60mins)
      ... How can we calculate the arrival time of a target fleet if we cannot know when it fly away ?
      Gameplay will be sadly flat and boring if you remove the actual timer
    • [Bugfix] wrong fleet behaviour after moon destruction

      Is it about the invisible deployement moon to moon ?

      I don't care about it :D , but I think there is a point that could be not very liked :
      [Feature] amount of ships in tooltip in military ranking

      Many player cry because it's too easy to know the fleet of others with the new military rankings
      It will be worse^^

      Exept that, it's should be a good update (exept incoming new bug :phatgrin: )

      ** OgameTech **
    • Hi !
      I noticed that whatever action you do on one of your moon, even moving some ships, it doesn't create any activity in the galaxy view.
      But when you do an action on an enemy moon (ex : spy), then it creates an activity.
      My question : is there any logics / gameplay reasons behind this, that you could tell us ?

      Apart from that, I think the V3 is an interesting update, I just hope not to meet personally too many incoming bugs ^^
    • please give back the ogame before this terrible update :(

      really hate the gameplay now and with me many many many others in holland

      this is no ogame anymore, why kill the perfect gameplay en put some realy rubbish update over it :(
      the update realy is not helping any n00bs, just give them some extra time before they get crashed with much more pain then it whas becouse the can build a bigger fleet now that won`t be crashed becouse the stuppid noob protection

      please give back ogame