Update 3.0.1 - with final changelog

    • Update 3.0.1 - with final changelog

      Dear player,

      Right now the Origin test server gets an update. Changelog for all 3.0.1

      [Feature] adding participants to acs by double-click
      [Feature] own activity shown in galaxy view
      [Bugfix] too low expedition results (res & ships)
      [Bugfix] error in topic of espionage reports
      [Bugfix] not combat in acs if recalling first fleet of it
      [Bugfix] admin accounts shown in ranking
      [Bugfix] problem with chossing target in merge of universes
      [Bugfix] broken res calculation on returning transport & deployment mission
      [Bugfix] activity star behaviour not correct (returning transport & deployment)
      [Bugfix] IE: display problem within tooltip of moon in galaxy view


      Your OGame.origin team
    • Final changelog for 3.0.1:

      [Feature] adding participants to acs by double-click
      [Feature] own activity shown in galaxy view
      [Bugfix] too low expedition results (res & ships)
      [Bugfix] error in topic of espionage reports
      [Bugfix] not combat in acs if recalling first fleet of it
      [Bugfix] admin accounts shown in ranking
      [Bugfix] problem with chossing target in merge of universes
      [Bugfix] broken res calculation on returning transport & deployment mission
      [Bugfix] activity star behaviour not correct (returning transport & deployment)
      [Bugfix] IE: display problem within tooltip of moon in galaxy view
    • There was also a slight change to the possible results from expeditions.

      - expedition results will depend on the highscore of rank 1 player in universe. They will be divided into 4 categories:

      - 10k
      - 100k
      - 1M
      - 5M

      So you can expect some differences between older and newer universes.