Happy edit button

    • Happy edit button

      I toyed around with happy edit button and now I feel ashamed... :(

      Display Spoiler

      Robotics factory lvl 6-10 X 1
      Research lab lvl 10 X 1
      Research lab lvl 1-10 X 5
      Missile silo lvl 4-5 X 1
      Missile silo lvl 3-5 X 5
      Metal Mine lvl 23 - 3
      Metal storage lvl 7-11 X 5
      Metal storage lvl 11 X 1
      Crystal storage lvl 6-8 X 5
      Crystal storage lvl 8 X 1
      Deuterium tank lvl 5-8 X 5
      Metal Den lvl 1 X 6
      Crystal Den lvl 1 X 6
      Deuterium Den lvl 2 X 6

      ~9k expo points, mostly large cargoes + 14 recyclers X 5
      Few ships X 1
      Lost some satelites

      ~500 rl 200 hl 100 gc 35 pt on 5 planets
      ~half of that on one planet
      100 pt on one planet

      ~6,5 M deuterium

      Life? Don't talk to me about life...

      The post was edited 1 time, last by marv ().

    • OMG :D

      There was an update and this Button was shown for seconds.
      It´s an default setting for test servers, so the dev has to remove it manually, but we will change this with the next comming test version.

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • I don't know, I was thinking about AF 85800, CT 42899, CS 42899, tons of deut, and then requesting paymet for a free slot to colonize... >:)

      Ok, now serious. At first I thought it's some form for submitting results. I checked the "all planets" box and clicked "submit". I didn't notice that anything happened. Then I began to wonder why there are edit boxes next to each unit/building, so I added 100 plazmas to see what happens. I clicked "submit", went to defense, and saw that I really had 100 plazmas more than before. Then the "Happy edit" button disapeared. After a while I saw that all my planets were the same as my main planet and realised what the "all planets" did. Again, I'm really really sorry for what happened, but I really really didn't have a clue to what I was doing.
      Another thing troubles me. I noticed that I have some purchased DM on my account (and I didn't purchase any). Did we recieve another gift or is it beacuse of something I did? I didn't make any alterations beside those two I already mentioned.
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...

      The post was edited 1 time, last by marv ().