Selling an account

    • Selling an account

      Would it be possible to sell an account, instead just giving it ?
      Ofc, by selling I ment few euro/usd donation to Red Cross, UNICEF, some other humanitarian org? Mister X gives the login/pass after some proof of such donation will be presented by the buyer?

      Would that be legal?
    • Maybe it would be time to make such thing legal? Or at least start a debate?
      Imho everybody profits:
      1. Kids/adults, any good cause will have maybe just a tiny little, but always help,
      2. Instead of another deleted/ v-moded account, GF will have paying customer,
      3. Uni will hold to active player, instead of loosing one,
      4. "Seller", who put a lot of effort to keep and develop account, along with "buyer" will do something good,
      5. Think of PR power for GF.
      6. It'll be a good way to control account trading, cause it's rly easy just to sell it via ebay for example.

      Dear players, admin, mods.. please - can we at least debate about it?
    • Sure you can talk about this.

      Your intention looks good, but who decides which organisation is OK to spend ? At least the users "spend" the money to a fantasy organisation from the account owner.
      Everyone can do your suggestion now, but in a little other way:

      You can tell "When you want this account,please spend a few Euro to your national red cross org." Sure, not everyone follow this wish, but many people does.
    • I belive the matter who gets the donation will be between buyer and seller. Sure, GF would be involved = informed for approval, but still it's between players.
      On the other hand, It may be good to appoint in such situation a global org to avoid "this country or that country" and in that case Red Cross or UNICEF are ok along with lot of others.

      To be honest - I've talked with some friends who left this uni in last 3 weeks, good accounts > 150+, and to my suprise, they preffered to put them into V-mode and to be deleted, than to give them away, but every single one of them would instantly agree to trade it for such a donation.

      It would be nice to have such an alternative as a legal one

      Out of curiosity:

      most of the offers are moonshots/resurces, but still - 11 accounts for sale