Account [rank 550] miner/defense/potential farm :p

  • Account [rank 550] miner/defense/potential farm :p

    i quit sucky game. now to rid myself of the test server i hated and then had forced onto my old productions of hard working efforts.
    wasted nearly 3 yrs starting from scratch in several unis. i quit WoW for adding endless changes to my twinks and mains skillz and gear after 3 yrs. i understand change comes with new interest, but that undermines long time players interest, unless you become as die hard about Ogame as a Trekkie about, well, need i say more :p

    PM ingame: FLECK
    Post here if have no acct ingame thanks.

    5 colonies in 2 neighbouring systems:
    25/19/13 - r10/sh10/r6
    25/20/13 - r10/sh10/r0
    25/19/13 - r10/sh10/r0
    25/19/13 - r10/sh10/r0
    14/10/6 - r8/s5/0
    being worked on it-s new

    research not too pathetic i hope haha,
    techs 10/10/11
    drives 10/5/0
    spy 8, pc 8, astro 7

    fleet from expos:
    90LC, 33SC, 16CR, 19HF, 12LF, 3RC, 162probes