Update 3.0.1 - Expediton fix

    • Update 3.0.1 - Expediton fix

      Dear Player,

      In this moment the testserver Origin gets an update 3.0.1 to fix the expeditons - This is a first bugfix to make expeditions compatible with Ogame 3.0. We want your feedback about your expedition results, please report them there : Feedback: Expo results


      Your Ogame Team
    • Dear Player,

      In this moment the testserver Origin gets an new update of the 3.0.1 version.

      Includes Fixes/Changes:

      [Bugs] Admin accounts in the highscore
      [Bugs] Banned players still in the highscore
      [Bugs] Problem with lost ressources after developement/transport with overloaded storage
      [Bugs] ACS Problem - Withdraw starting fleet in ACS will caused no combat
      [Feature] See your own activity * in the Galaxy-View
      Have fun and use the "feedback button" ingame.


      Your Ogame Team
      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.