grubygruby999[POLSKA] vs. DURO - 17% + moon

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    • grubygruby999[POLSKA] vs. DURO - 17% + moon

      Battle of the day Saturday, December 03, 2011
      The battle lasted 4 rounds

      Attackers (1):
      grubygruby999 [X:X:X]
      Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
      Heavy Fighter 10 Lost 8
      Cruiser 20 Lost 12
      Battleship 50 Lost 7
      Battlecruiser 30 Lost 2
      Loses 1.018.000 units
      (663.000 Metal, 301.000 Crystal, 54.000 Deuterium)

      Defenders (1):
      Duro [X:X:X]
      Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
      Small Cargo 1 Lost 1
      Large Cargo 56 Lost 56
      Cruiser 100 Lost 100
      Battleship 25 Lost 25
      Recycler 6 Lost 6
      Espionage Probe 24 Lost 24
      Loses 5.208.000 units
      (3.523.000 Metal, 1.473.000 Crystal, 212.000 Deuterium)

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured: 47.010 Metal, 20.944 Crystal, 7.833 Deuterium

      Attacking fleet: 1.018.000 units
      Defending fleet: 5.208.000 units
      Total: 6.226.000 units

      Debris (90 Recycler)
      Metal: 1.255.800 units
      Crystal: 532.200 units

      Profitability (90 Recycler)
      Attackers (recycling): [83%] 845.787 units
      (639.810 Metal, 252.144 Crystal, -46.167 Deuterium)

      Attackers (no recycle): [-93%] -942.213 units
      (-615.990 Metal, -280.056 Crystal, -46.167 Deuterium)

      Defenders (recycling): [-66%] -3.420.000 units
      (-2.267.200 Metal, -940.800 Crystal, -212.000 Deuterium)

      The chance for a moon to be created is 17%
      The enormous amounts of free metal and crystal draw together and form a moon around the planet.

      Battle report converted by ToolsForOgame

      Your recycler(s) (37) have a total cargo capacity of 740.000. At the target [x:xxx:x], 1.255.800 Metal and 534.600 Crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 370.000 Metal and 370.000 Crystal.

      Your recycler(s) (37) have a total cargo capacity of 740.000. At the target [x:xxx:x], 875.800 Metal and 154.600 Crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 585.400 Metal and 154.600 Crystal.

      Your recycler(s) (37) have a total cargo capacity of 740.000. At the target [x:xxx:x], 130.400 Metal and 0 Crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 130.400 Metal and 0 Crystal.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by grubygruby999 ().