OGame 3.0 - Changelog

    • OGame 3.0 - Changelog

      Complete Changelog for OGame 3.0 (replaces all before) :

      * [Feature] New noob protection system
      * [Feature] New highscore - economy, military points (military built, destroyed, lost, honour points)
      * [Feature] Selected highscore area can be saved
      * [Feature] Highscore: own position centred
      * [Feature] Highscore: 100 ranks per page & drop down selection
      * [Feature] Highscore: changed display of position change & alliance highscore average in the tooltip
      * [Feature] Fleet retreat subject to certain conditions (fleet ratio - dishonourable battle)
      * [Feature] Fleet escape linked to noob protection
      * [Feature] Chance to influence fleet ratio through the Admiral
      * [Feature] Option to not let attack fleet fight if the defender flees
      * [Feature] Introduction of outlaw status
      * [Feature] Outlaw warning screen cannot be deactivated in the settings menu
      * [Feature] Deactivation of noob protection during inactivity
      * [Feature] Honourable and dishonourable fights
      * [Feature] Explanation texts in tooltips (Bandit, honourable attacks, Admiral)
      * [Feature] Message when changing the title
      * [Feature] Advantages for the attack on bandits (100% loot, always an honourable attack)
      * [Feature] Attacks on alliance members and buddies never dishonourable
      * [Feature] Rank symbols for honour points highscore (Grand Emperor, Emperor, Starlord - Bandit King, Bandit Lord, Bandit)
      * [Feature] Display of ranks in the highscore and galaxy overview
      * [Feature] Info tooltip for additional descriptions in the galaxy view
      * [Feature] Alliance members highlighted in colour in the galaxy view
      * [Feature] Full planet and player name in the tooltip in the galaxy view
      * [Feature] Resource hideouts
      * [Feature] Energy management in the supply menu
      * [Feature] Upper limit for resources in a fleet increased
      * [Feature] Planet relocation can be cancelled
      * [Feature] Target display of a planet relocation
      * [Feature] Safety question when deleting a buddy
      * [Feature] Terraformer adjustment (1 bonus field every 2 levels)
      * [Feature] Different coloured symbols for downgrade of a planet tab
      * [Feature] Symbol for expanding/demolishing on the moon in the planet tab
      * [Feature] Subject line of espionage report with more info
      * [Feature] Display of which planet the running research was started on
      * [Feature] Thousands - separators now included
      * [Feature] Adjustment of the display of the account deletion time
      * [Feature] Additional infos in the battle reports
      * [Feature] Planet name and coordinates included in espionage action messages
      * [Feature] Deuterium is included as a unit value and displayed in battle reports
      * [Feature] New BBCode [coordinates]1:2:3[/coordinates]
      * [Feature] Adjustment and inclusion of various description texts
      * [Feature] Link to the alliance highscore in the search
      * [Feature] Background box of planet information can be deactivated
      * [Feature] Alliance report possibility for alliance circular mails
      * [Feature] Display alliance logo and link to alliance page of own alliance on overview page
      * [Feature] Tooltip for K/M values in supply settings
      * [Feature] Chance to cancel relocation
      * [Feature] Further installation of meta tags
      * [Feature] energy & temperature in empire view
      * [Feature] more navigation icons in use (research - techtree, alliance - allaince message)
      * [Feature] link to overview on OGame logo
      * [Feature] changed description of dark matter (found dm do not protect from inacitivity deletion)
      * [Feature] possible amount of notes changed onto 100

      * [Bugfix] Wrong points in alliance member list and buddy list
      * [Bugfix] Number of alliance members on external alliance page faulty
      * [Bugfix] Empty alliances were not deleted
      * [Bugfix] Activity display in espionage report sometimes faulty
      * [Bugfix] Deletion of abandoned planets and moons partially defective
      * [Bugfix] Missile attack possible during attack ban
      * [Bugfix] Interplanetary missiles not integrated into multi alarm
      * [Bugfix] Error when demolishing interplanetary/anti-ballistic missiles
      * [Bugfix] XSS gaps closed
      * [Bugfix] Moon emergence chance also displayed on existing moon
      * [Bugfix] Wrong error message when password was too long
      * [Bugfix] RSS-Feed: wrong message when building construction was finished
      * [Bugfix] Chrome: white background colour in drop downs
      * [Bugfix] Jump gate menu could not be opened via a button in the menu
      * [Bugfix] Galaxy: fleet options are displayed in vacation mode for players
      * [Bugfix] Spelling mistakes in the tutorial
      * [Bugfix] Display error in the tutorial
      * [Bugfix] Overlapping of the arrow button to open the event box during active fleets
      * [Bugfix] Relocation error
      * [Bugfix] Resource loss through vacation mode activation
      * [Bugfix] Counter for free relocations did not count down
      * [Bugfix] Expedition could be withdrawn during exploring
      * [Bugfix] Negative resources possible
      * [Bugfix] Chrome: defective coordinate linking
      * [Bugfix] Mission level display in the empire view
      * [Bugfix] Swapped moon images
      * [Bugfix] Netbar covers open windows
      * [Bugfix] Character error in alliance message fixed
      * [Bugfix] Deuterium costs in galaxy view not visually deducted
      * [Bugfix] Update of empty fleet slots in galaxy view defective
      * [Bugfix] Phalanx costs not visually deducted
      * [Bugfix] Error when displaying longer planet names
      * [Bugfix] Standard fleet menu too far left
      * [Bugfix] Highscore link change - galaxy - tooltip
      * [Bugfix] ACS window too small (for additional text)
      * [Bugfix] Problem with buttons in the fleet menu II (slightly shifted)
      * [Bugfix] Alliance member number incorrect
      * [Bugfix] Password entry error
      * [Bugfix] Check box alignment corrected (settings)
      * [Bugfix] Defective activity display* [Bugfix] Error in circular mails (' and " were not translated properly)
      * [Bugfix] mixed up colours in combat reports from expedition
      * [Bugfix] buddy icon shown in search if looking for an already given buddy
      * [Bugfix] missing meta tags on some pages
      * [Bugfix] "+2" of technocrat not shown while espionage research
      * [Bugfix] empty tooltip in fleet menu III if mission choosen in galaxy view
      * [Bugfix] text error in recycling message
    • Display Spoiler
      Dear tester and player,

      Here are the coming changes within the noob protection on our public test server. Next changelog will be (probably at the beginning next week but can be announced already):

      Modification & Bugfixes

      [Modification] fleet escape 50% more expensive
      [Modification] changed balancing of hideouts (lower level cheaper)
      [Modification] protection changed to 1:5 up to 50k total points - 1:10 from 50k till 500k
      [Modification] removal of 4:1 ratio for fleet escape
      [Modification] defense now with 100% into military points (instead of 50%)
      [Polishing] missing bufixes / features from pre-3.0 updates
      [Bugfix] acs with buddy always neutral
      [Bugfix] possible to change ratio as you like
      [Bugfix] broken design in resource settings
      [Bugfix] changed design in energy management
      [Bugfix] missing planet (moon) name in returning report
      [Bugfix] acs window too small
      [Bugfix] broken honour points in combat 1:2
      [Bugfix] costs of phalanx usage not visibly reduced in galaxy view


      [Modification] protection changed to 1:5 up to 50k total points - 1:10 from 50k till 500k
      - We noticed that several users reports much more attacks now as in our previous. That´s why we arrange the protection into two steps. 0-50k total points the protection ratio will be 1:5. From 50-500k the ratio will be 1:10.

      [Modification] defense now with 100% into military points (instead of 50%)
      - Currently only 50% of the res points of a def is in use for the military ranking. We changed that up to 100% so that huge defs will be more likely within the honourable targets list of a player (up to 100 ranks below yourself). This should help with turtles.

      [Modification] removal of 4:1 ratio for fleet escape
      - Since players always decide to take the best ratio (3:1) we removed this one.

      Please talk about those modification in Changes for Noob Protection - Discussion .

      Abort attack when fleet flees

      We thought about a button like "I still want to fight if defending fleet flees: yes / no / whatever". Short example...you attack someone with a huge def...fleet flees and you know you would have not enough win if that happens. Now you can decide (while you start your attack) if your fleet should fight nevertheless or if your fleet should return. Would be nice if you could discuss that topic in your forum and give us some feedback if available.

      Please talk and vote in this special thread about this suggestion - Changes For Noob Protection - Abort attack when fleet flees


      Your OGame Team

      Display Spoiler
      Coming update - probably beginning next week

      [Feature] logo of own alliance not shown
      [Feature] target of relocation now shown in tooltip
      [Feature] Highscore: own position centered
      [Feature] Highscore: 100 ranks per page & drop down menu
      [Feature] Highscore: changed notice about changed position & average of alliance shown in tooltip
      [Feature] possible to report alliance messages
      [Feature] tooltip for K / M values in resource settings
      [Feature] rewards for attacks on Bandits (attack always honourable, 0% res protection)
      [Feature] explanation text in tooltips (Bandit, honourable combat, Admiral)
      [Feature] message if ingame title changed
      [Feature] last chosen area in ranking saved
      [Feature] fleet escape linked to noob protection
      [Feature] fleet escape deactivated for inactive players
      [Feature] link to alliance ranking in Search menu
      [Feature] possible to deactivate background box for planet information
      [Feature] attack option to avert a combat if defending fleet escapes
      [Feature] new bbcode [coordinates]1:2:3[/coordinates]
      [Feature] changed explanation text for tactical retreat
      [Bugfix] counter for free relocations not working (during merge of universe)
      [Bugfix] "Space" & Admins shown in ranking
      [Bugfix] errors in tutorial fixed
      [Bugfix] problems in ranking solved (more than one player on a single position, missing entries)
      [Bugfix] broken timer for officers runtime
      [Bugfix] several text problems solved
      [Bugfix] possible to recall expedition during reconnaisscance
      [Bugfix] problem during abandonment of relocation
      [Bugfix] negative amount of res possible
      [Bugfix] Chrome: broken coordinates links
      [Bugfix] missing background image in merchant menu
      [Bugfix] display problems in galaxy view
      [Bugfix] error while using buddy premium points
      [Bugfix] wrong picture while upgrading metal den
      [Bugfix] broken 1:5 protection
      [Bugfix] missing building level in empire view
      [Bugfix] mixed up moon picture
      [Bugfix] netbar covers open windows
      [Bugfix] "last page" in ranking not working
      [Bugfix] expedition findings not count into ranking
      [Bugfix] wrong calculation of military points
      [Bugfix] ACS against inactive players not neutral
      [Bugfix] fleet recall not working properly
      [Bugfix] character problem in alliance message
      [Bugfix] deuterium costs not visibly reduced in galaxy view
      [Bugfix] amount of available fleet slots not updated in galaxy view
      [Bugfix] display problem with long planet names
      [Bugfix] displaced menu of standard fleets
      [Bugfix] changed link to ranking - galaxy - tooltip
      [Bugfix] acs window too small[Bugfix] displaced buttons in fleet menu II
    • New added to changelog :

      [Feature] energy & temperature in empire view
      [Feature] more navigation icons in use (research - techtree, alliance - allaince message)
      [Feature] link to overview on OGame logo
      [Feature] changed description of dark matter (found dm do not protect from inacitivity deletion)
      [Feature] possible amount of notes changed onto 100
      [Bugfix] mixed up colours in combat reports from expedition
      [Bugfix] buddy icon shown in search if looking for an already given buddy
      [Bugfix] missing meta tags on some pages
      [Bugfix] "+2" of technocrat not shown while espionage research
      [Bugfix] empty tooltip in fleet menu III if mission choosen in galaxy view
      [Bugfix] text error in recycling message
    • New update on the Origin Testserver now online:

      [Feature] energy / temperature shown on empire view
      [Bugfix] wrong display of building progress for silos and dens
      [Bugfix] several missing translations
      [Bugfix] clock in galaxy view not working properly
      [Bugfix] impossible to enter forum-url in tutorial step 5
      [Bugfix] not possible to sort alliance member by points

      Also the messed up highscore will be fixed.


      Your OGame Team
      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • Changelog 3.0.1

      [Feature] adding participants to acs by double-click
      [Feature] own activity shown in galaxy view
      [Bugfix] too low expedition results (res & ships)
      [Bugfix] error in topic of espionage reports
      [Bugfix] not combat in acs if recalling first fleet of it
      [Bugfix] admin accounts shown in ranking
      [Bugfix] problem with chossing target in merge of universes
      [Bugfix] broken res calculation on returning transport & deployment mission
      [Bugfix] activity star behaviour not correct (returning transport & deployment)
      [Bugfix] IE: display problem within tooltip of moon in galaxy view

      - Expedition results will depend on the highscore of the rank 1 player in the universe. They will be divided into 4 categories:

      - 10k
      - 100k
      - 1000k
      - 5000k

      So you can expect some difference between older and newer universes.