Board & Team

  • Board & Team

    OGame Origin - Board & Team Overview

    Team Structure

    • Community Manager/Product CoMa +> WeTeHa
      The CoMa is the primary contact between Origin and the OGame development team.

    • OGame QA/ Product CoMa Replacement => Joky
      The OGame QA is the lead for Quality Assurance in OGame, he oversees the testing of new game versions.

    • Admin => Francolino
      The Admin is the overall Leader of the Origin project, he's responsible for the Board and it's Team.

    • Board Supporter => benneb | Kebab | Kramagon
      The Board Supporters have full access to manage and moderate both the Board and it's users. They also act as replacement for the Admin.

    • Representatives
      Representatives are the main contact between their national OGame team and Origin. They're responsible for keeping their teams up-to-date and have access to warn, and in extreme cases, ban users. They're also tasked with validating their national translations in the wiki.

    • Supporter
      Supporters are responsible for the forum area that they are assigned to, and if applicable, the team attached to that area. They have access to moderate the forums. If necessary they can also warn and even ban users.

    • Game Tools
      The Game Tools team are active members of OGame game teams and work together to provide and improve tools to aid Game Operators in their tasks.

    • OGame Tech
      OGame Tech is a team of users who test new versions of the Game prior to their release, in addition to this they also check and collect current bugs.

    • Team
      The Origin Team is split into 4 sections, members of these groups don't need a DPA.
      • Ideas Planet - These users help to organise and develop new suggestions
      • Localization - These users work to translate information, guides etc into their national languages
      • Tools & Skins - These users are active tool developers who work to provide scripts etc to help improve the game experience
      • Wiki & Tutorials - These users work to create tutorials and guides both for the national boards and our OGame Wiki

    Board Structure


    Internal Section (DPA'd)

    Team Section (Not DPA'd)

    Origin Test Server => Francolino | Hunter0293
