Random Planets

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  • Random Planets

    suggestion, proposal:
    targets managed by the server, ie:
    - Periodically, randomly, planets are formed, lasting 12 hours or less, after they self-destruct.
    - These planets may contain, randomly, many or few resources, more or less defended, with or without fleet.
  • I don't really like this idea because I think that OGame should be a game played between different players as opposed to a game played against a computer. This is a multi-player game for a reason and I don't think that playing against the computer should be added in any further (than expeditions).

  • that's almost what in other threads is called "bot". Imho they could be helpful and Hunter let me tell you only that bots (or NPC, Non Player Character) are used in almost every MMO. Then I don't know if ogame is a real MMO, since it's mostly a browser game which isn't exactly the same.
  • I like the idea.
    Yes OGame is human vs human. This would just be an additional income. Furthermore, obtaining this income would require searching for targets, which (to certain type of players) is a point of OGame. There is an old saying on .ba, it's hard for me to translate it properly, but it means something like: The more time you spend on OGame, you're better at it...
    Life? Don't talk to me about life...
  • Hunter0293 wrote:

    This isn't a game against non-players though -- it is a game against real people.

    The expeditions have a prize randomly, and they are not man against man.

    Hunter0293 wrote:

    If I wanted to play against computers I would play CoD or BF as mentioned in another thread.

    The random planets, lasting a few hours, must be found, they are all similar to those operated by real players, you must calculate the fleet for the attack, it can ninja randomly striker, or random fleet fled.
  • Hunter as I said before almost every other MMO (real one, not like ogame which is a browser game) have bots. I guess I don't have to tell you that also those others MMO are _massively_ focused on a "player Vs player" gameplay, but bots gives to all the players some more chance, expecially for beginners and late subscribers! Btw also raiding inactives (which is a good 66% _at least_ of a player profit) isn't exactly "player Vs player" imho
  • Just because another game does something is no reason in and of itself for OGame to do it too. Features should be implemented because they are good for OGame's balance, not because someone wants to play follow the leader. Just saying.
    Mod @ OGame.org - Bugs & Complaints and Suggestions
  • ok I'll stop saying it could help OGAME and that I don't like it just because another game has it (I said _any_ other game btw), but I'd rather see you saying "no I don't like it because I don't like it" than keep on arguing with futile arguments such as "ogame doesn't need it" or "ogame is player Vs player only" or "this is not follow the leader". These are answers by players who have no idea about what they are talking about, or at least about what others are talking about. Each to his own of course.
  • Surely the point here realy is twofold
    1) Players are requesting a BOT planet which randomly appears for a short period, making raids against it possible for fleeters, or NOOBS looking to learn...
    2) Developers saying it is a bad idea just beacuase it is done somewhere else and it not ogame style - however, so what, try something new, put it into practice for a month or two, if it works, great, if not, then simply remove the BOT.... since it will be a BOT, no-one would know either way - yes?
  • OGame is a game of people attacking other people, not a randomly generated planet. If people can attack random planets that they know someone won't get on and touch, then why would they have any reason to attack a real live person who will possibly try to Ninja them? I understand that your idea might work on other games, but I do not see it as something that will be fun or will help OGame. I am giving my opinion as a player of OGame, not an ultimatum as a forum moderator or whatever, so feel free to give more pros and cons, and I might even change my opinion if something is brought forward that sways it.
  • How about this...

    So why not do this then, when a player leaves the UNI and they become inactive, they get raided to pieces for as long as their planet remains inactive till eventually as we all know the planet is destroyed by the system...

    So instead of destroying the planet....

    for another 30 days... turn it into a BOT.

    Any player within for a certain distance: for example - depending on the previous players score, will determine how many systems the plant bot can attack.

    So if a planet goes inactive after the prescrined period where it would normally be destroyed - it turns into a bot planet - but has the following attributes:
    if the player score was for example:
    3001 - 4000 then it can attack planets within 3 systems of itself with a fleet based on the below example
    2001 - 3000 then it can attack planets within 4 systems of itself
    1001 - 2000 then it can attack planets within 5 systems of itself
    and so on... naturally developers will need to work out what will work best here or perhaps put the idea out there and see what other players suggest for this if they keen?

    Then in terms of calculating what type of fleet will attack should be based on the live players defense and score position.
    So if you have a highscore of 1000 for example and have a certain defensive array then like one would use websim, it would generate an attack force of similar size to strike your planet. Also to make it fair so that players have a chance to prepare defence or move fleet, warn players with a 24 hour message that an attacking fleet is about to attack - make it interesting like maybe the Federation of Green men have become uneasy about the presence of your fleet and are going to attack you so prepare yourself.... you know what I mean here.

    There is so much that can be done to make this interesting, playable and fun without the need to make it all about BOTS.

    A BOT planet should have a life span of perhaps 3 days then it can be destroyed like any other inactive planet.

    This would add a whole new edge to the game, if you are surrounded by inactives, you know one day soon they will become a pirate or alien colony, which will likely attack you. The attack system can work that the BOT can only attack the same planet once for example and can in turn only be attacked once for example.... It should retain all the defence that it had when owned by a human player and work a fleet based on the tech on the planet etc using resources available to it based on what was left on the planet! This will make it fair and not unrealistic.

    I am full of ideas that can make this a good reason to try it out!

  • tell me a simple thing: why adding a feature that changes almost nothing to the game in a way that ogame become an AI game (much more trouble for coders)?
    now ogame has no AI. no bots inside, only formulas.
    not a single "tactical" decision is now analyzed. stupid code is enough and so gameforge coders are enough. why to change this for a non visible difference?
    i mean... what diference give to you beeing attacked from a planet called "bot-1123" instead from a human planet? almost nothing.

    really better to have universe fusion as soon as possible to have full of players in every open universe. more playa, no need of AI.
    i really would appreciate much more a 12k players universe instead of a 2k player universe with AI planets.

    and when there will be not enough playa to have a single universe working... well.. rest in peace ogame and byebye to the very last ogamers.
  • Ah yes, this is easy to answer, and strengthens my argument to have an inactive planet turn to alien or pirate occupied...

    The Alien or Pirate occupied "BOT" planet WILL attack all players in its own and planets in systems next to it.
    This means that when you see a planet go inactive... you just know it is going to be occupied and it will attack you within the next few days...

    With live players, people are generally more conservative. AI will not give a darn about you. It will simply use the resources on the planet to build a fleet to attack you. Although you will only be attacked once! Once the BOT planet has attacked everyone within its proximity, it will then be destroyed, perhaps a comet hits it or it gets totaled by a rogue deathstar... all adds to the story.

    My idea is that an inactive never does anything but disappear into nothing after being raided consistently.
    This way, players who have been raiding these inactive will have to fear a retaliation attack (And just 1) from a rogue band of aliens or pirates...

    Since this is a test uni for NOOBS - this will give them reason to build fleet or defense properly else fear losing resources and fleet....

    Think rather of ways this can work to teach noobs how to play rather than shut the idea down...

  • skydrake wrote:

    really better to have universe fusion as soon as possible to have full of players in every open universe. more playa, no need of AI.
    i really would appreciate much more a 12k players universe instead of a 2k player universe with AI planets.

    I agree with this, but I don't believe that even uni fusion will produce 12k players universes.
    That's why I think bots are the best solution to keep remaining players happy.
    But after having a look at the feedback about bots ideas, it seems to me that the best way to do it would be to introduce them without players knowledge. Who would know the difference? Even now, without bots, we have lots of players that don't respond to PMs and act rather "noobishly"... ;)
    Life? Don't talk to me about life...
  • Exactly - having watched the number over past week diminish from 5046 - to just over 3000 - well, something needs to be done.

    marv wrote:

    Who would know the difference? Even now, without bots, we have lots of players that don't respond to PMs and act rather "noobishly"...
    I believe we need to throw in some BOTS to keep the number above 5000 players, and really, who would know anyway?
  • oh this topic still alive..... lemme telly you: "bots" is a big word for how I imagined them. You already started talking about AI but.... meh!! you don't need to imagine fps in ogame when someone say "let's introduce new cannons". What I mean is that these "random planets" could be just planets with a variable mine production, something going from (for instance) 11-9-8 to 20-17-16 so nothing that could totally unbalance the game, and most of all _they won't attack anyone_ and won't have any fleet or defences so no free debris for anyone. It's just food for the newbies, since all the struggles we're living these days apparently come to "help the newbies". So far, much a better idea than 3.0, an much easier, and much more common in the game industry than a brain sickening system even those playing since ever have no clue at understanding.
    Just saying: a single expedition can give you much more than what you could earn in one day farming these "bots", and expos are not pvp ;)