Kenshin & talhante [-PT-] -vs- SGU_II [CH_Team] - [ TD: 61.016.500 M ]

    • Top 10 Archive

    • Kenshin & talhante [-PT-] -vs- SGU_II [CH_Team] - [ TD: 61.016.500 M ]

      on (11.11.2011 02:14:58) the following fleets met in battle:

      Kenshin & talhante -vs- SGU_II

      Attacker: Kenshin

      S.Cargo............ 1

      Attacker: Kenshin

      L.Fighter............ 271
      H.Fighter............ 80
      Cruiser............ 71
      Battleship............ 141

      Attacker: talhante

      L.Fighter............ 3.000
      Cruiser............ 400
      Battleship............ 200
      Battlecr............. 300

      -= V S =-

      Defender: SGU_II

      S.Cargo............ 261
      H.Cargo............ 131
      L.Fighter............ 1.037
      H.Fighter............ 257
      Cruiser............ 55
      Battleship............ 40
      Col. Ship............ 1
      Recy............ 250
      Esp.Probe............ 272
      Sol sat............ 17
      Battlecr............. 375
      R.Luncher............ 130
      L.Laser............ 50
      T.Laser............ 11
      Gauss............ 3
      Ion. K............. 2
      S.Dome............ 1

      - after battle -

      Attacker: Kenshin
      S.Cargo............ 1 . . . . . .(lost: 0)

      Attacker: Kenshin
      L.Fighter............ 93 . . . . . .(lost: 178)
      H.Fighter............ 44 . . . . . .(lost: 36)
      Cruiser............ 61 . . . . . .(lost: 10)
      Battleship............ 138 . . . . . .(lost: 3)

      Attacker: talhante
      L.Fighter............ 1.208 . . . . . .(lost: 1.792)
      Cruiser............ 343 . . . . . .(lost: 57)
      Battleship............ 200 . . . . . .(lost: 0)
      Battlecr............. 300 . . . . . .(lost: 0)

      Defender: SGU_II
      S.Cargo............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 261)
      H.Cargo............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 131)
      L.Fighter............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1.037)
      H.Fighter............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 257)
      Cruiser............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 55)
      Battleship............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 40)
      Col. Ship............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1)
      Recy............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 250)
      Esp.Probe............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 272)
      Sol sat............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 17)
      Battlecr............. 0 . . . . . .(lost: 375)
      R.Luncher............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 130)
      L.Laser............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 50)
      T.Laser............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 11)
      Gauss............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 3)
      Ion. K............. 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2)
      S.Dome............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1)

      Defender SGU_II destroyed.

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured: 35.199 metal 477.505 crystal, and 227.665 deuterium.

      The attacker lost a total of 10.363.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 50.653.500 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 9.066.600 metal and 7.143.600 crystal.

      The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %

      -= Result =-
      (Assuming the attacker got the debris..)
      Attacker gain (-lost units): 6.587.569
      The attacker lost a total of 10.363.000
      The defender lost a total of 50.653.500
      Total Damage: 61.016.500

      -= Harvest report =-
      Your 100 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 2.000.000
      At the target 3.396.600 metal and 1.476.000 krystal are floating in space.
      You have harvested
      1.000.000 metal and 1.000.000 crystal

      Your 567 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 11.340.000
      At the target 9.066.600 metal and 7.146.000 krystal are floating in space.
      You have harvested
      5.670.000 metal and 5.670.000 crystal

      Your 4 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 80.000
      At the target 2.396.600 metal and 476.000 krystal are floating in space.
      You have harvested
      40.000 metal and 40.000 crystal

      Your 132 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 2.640.000
      At the target 2.356.600 metal and 436.000 krystal are floating in space.
      You have harvested
      2.204.000 metal and 436.000 crystal

      Advanced bilance
      Attacker lost.............gain..........difference
      Summary: ................................6.587.569

      Defender lost.............gain..........difference
      Summary: ..............................-50.653.500

    • And, one of the most powerful fleets in the universe is down.

      the defendor didnt make fleet, so that was easy.

      we have to thank to a third person who didnt come with us for other reasons

      and in this moment i have problem, so if anyone want to buy 1M of crystal speak to me tomorrow.

      i play in this universe for this, the miners that fight for the top should be with shame. what test makes being a miner? looool

      being a miner is always the same, for now there is countless inactives but and after that? you will dont have fleet for farm bunkers.
    • Beautiful hit. Fodder wins the day!
      Too bad you spoiled it with comments about miners. The point is to test the balance of the game with new noob protection. To do that we must have all kinds of players (miners, raiders, turtles). We all have the same task: Try to survive and give feedback how much new noob protection affects our struggles.
      SGU, fr...
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...
    • Nice fleets, all of you. SGU, try building more cruisers next time. At least you'll make more damage to attackers...


      Of course that everybody is affected with a major change like this. For example, unbalanced noob protection could leave too few targets for you (raider). First you'll complain about that. When you see that complaining doesn't help, you'll switch to new targets (let's say "more experienced miners"). Since you now have fewer targets than before, you'll send more attacks per player. This will make miner's life miserable and then he will complain about it on the forum. When he sees that complaining doesn't help, he'll build more defense. Then you will complain again. Hopefully, by then the guys from upstairs will see that something has to be changed and they will include the defense in "fleet escape" ratio. Then the turtles will rise, and so on...
      You see, every type of player has it's role in universe, even if it's a small one. You can't make a movie with only main actors. There are always people walking in the background. ;)
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...
    • Congratulations ;)

      That's really a big hit, with a lot of profit even shared with 2 players. That player is 3 or 4 solar sistems far from me so i immediatly noticed as soon he ranked down so much.
      One more time, congratulations and next time you can invite me heheh jk

      Portugal is kick ass hehe!!

      peace! ;)
    • Very well done with this hit :).
      But comment about miners, meh. In any strategy game I play I'll try to find the 'optimal solution', which seems to be mines with new noob protection. In all my other universes I'm a fleet player. Besides, I don't even know how exactly the changes affected this universe - it used to be good to make fleet off 11th astro if you registered early on before, idk if now it's 13th/moons or 15th/moons. Just certainly not 11th. And it'll probably be a 30% acc fleet until 500k barrier passing top200, going up to 50%+ after that.

      Still, no reason to bash on people adapting and mining. Don't hate the player, hate the game (C).
    • New noob protection affect your mines? how?

      easy: because there are so many honorable fleeters that like to bash defences and gain hp that way XD

      being a miner is always the same, for now there is countless inactives but and after that?

      once I'll have high mines I could try to get a 20% moon which will cost me a lot since I don't have ms here, as probably anyone here, and I'll be fleeting. If you don't do like that there are 2 other ways to play:
      1- spend too much time here considering it's a test uni
      2- see SGU

      Also, will you be one of the next fleeters leaving after being crashed and loosing 80% of your points?

      btw: great hit :)
    • Zaphod Beeblebrox wrote:

      New noob protection affect your mines? how?

      easy: because there are so many honorable fleeters that like to bash defences and gain hp that way XD

      being a miner is always the same, for now there is countless inactives but and after that?

      once I'll have high mines I could try to get a 20% moon which will cost me a lot since I don't have ms here, as probably anyone here, and I'll be fleeting. If you don't do like that there are 2 other ways to play:
      1- spend too much time here considering it's a test uni
      2- see SGU

      Also, will you be one of the next fleeters leaving after being crashed and loosing 80% of your points?

      btw: great hit :)

      well... has you say... "considering it's a test uni"... you are making plans for the future :D
      why are you so worried about loosing 80% of your points... when there is a possibility of another reset... or even closing down the server??

      think about that... and tell me what is your gain in building good mines, if you didn't get fun... or even helped testing in anyway building just mines??
    • Pixies wrote:

      Zaphod Beeblebrox wrote:

      New noob protection affect your mines? how?

      easy: because there are so many honorable fleeters that like to bash defences and gain hp that way XD

      being a miner is always the same, for now there is countless inactives but and after that?

      once I'll have high mines I could try to get a 20% moon which will cost me a lot since I don't have ms here, as probably anyone here, and I'll be fleeting. If you don't do like that there are 2 other ways to play:
      1- spend too much time here considering it's a test uni
      2- see SGU

      Also, will you be one of the next fleeters leaving after being crashed and loosing 80% of your points?

      btw: great hit :)

      well... has you say... "considering it's a test uni"... you are making plans for the future :D
      why are you so worried about loosing 80% of your points... when there is a possibility of another reset... or even closing down the server??

      think about that... and tell me what is your gain in building good mines, if you didn't get fun... or even helped testing in anyway building just mines??
      Well said Pixies

      This is a test universe, why i would make mines? for test? test what? if you are a pure miner without combat fleet, you are honourable only for noobs

      yes, when i will be crashed i will leave this universe. so what? this is a test universe. when i am crashed, i already tested this universe better than a miner like you are.

      i dont know your position "miner with the complicated name", but i am top 3 in this universe and i have this in fleet 70770 points (54%), without the fleet, i was around 50, 60 position. and you are where?

      yes i am spending too much time here, but its my time, no one else has something to do with me
    • @pixie: you are right, it's a test uni, but I'm not doing plans for the future, simply I don't live it in the rush you are. There will be time to test everything necessary, and I'm not here to change my style in a way it won't be useful to me in any further unis, so I play "almost" as I like to. Saying "almost" I mean that I play much more relaxed ofc
      Moreover, things to learn will be about acs and big hits, all the basics of this new..... cough..... features are easy to understand also raiding and making small hits on noobs. Then I have my ideas about this uni will last more than you all suppose, but that's just a guess..... anyway I won't be playing here for long, 2x is boring for me :)

      @Mr top3: I'm in the top-100 just to throw some numbers in and I tell you once more: I play very very very much relaxed here and ofc I don't use DM
      I appreciate your efforts understanding all the secrets about the new noob protection so fast, but when you say
      yes, when i will be crashed i will leave this universe. so what?

      I think: omg yet another pro, probably one of those here "just to test" that after 2 days had already 10k points 8o