Mine optimization
Original from iteabag board.ogame.org/board684-ogame…713475-mine-optimization/
- Info : Plug in your planets + mines, and the page will let you know the best possible build order to maximize the the points gained
- Author : iteabag
- Website : apinx.dk/ogame_public/
- Support : board.ogame.org/board684-ogame…713475-mine-optimization/
Original from iteabag board.ogame.org/board684-ogame…713475-mine-optimization/
iteabag wrote:
Hello people.
I created a little tool for my self, to optimize the income i get from my mines. I thought i'd share my work to benefit others:
Its written in php, and the place is: http://www.apinx.dk/ogame_public/
Where you can create a user and plug in your planets + mines, and the page will let you know the best possible build order to maximize the the points gained. So you dont have to calculate the production/mine cost every time.
For the empire view.
For single planet:
Yeah yeah, i know its a bit ugly and undone, but the prettyness will come in due time :)