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    • OGameTools.com

      • Info : Account management, rankings, stats, CR/SR/Expedition converter, ...
      • Author : Pingusman
      • Website : ogametools.com
      • Support : forum.ogametools.com
      • Download : -
      • Screenshot :
        Edit by Valent | Removed Imageshack Ad
      • Browser : At least Firefox and Chrome
      • Languages : FR, EN, DE


        OGameTools.com - Tools for Ogame

        OGameTools.com is a new site dedicated to OGame players.
        It is useful to have a complete view of your OGame account, and provide many useful tools for players

        Here is a list of features available :

        I - Empire :

        - Quick entry of your data with Infocompte script
        - PHPBB export for your alliance board (multiple formats available)
        - Signature with your mineral production, many options available (background image, shadows, fonts, ...)

        II - Ranking :

        - Miners ranking (cumulated production)
        - Raiders ranking (fleet points)
        - Defenders ranking (defense points)
        - Researchers ranking (technology points)
        - Others building ranking
        - All rankings are available individually or in alliance
        - Top500 multi universes
        - Records by universes or global
        - OGame statistics

        1. SoNiC [AWO] (Uni 4) : +547.220
        2. Carl_von_Clausewitz [Marchand] (Uni 36) : +465.404
        3. FullMetal [Wolves] (Uni 4) : +462.865

        1. LYCANS [V.S] (Uni 43) : -2.302.927
        2. mathieu [Valar] (Uni 45) : -738.542
        3. Kito Ier [ToStAkY] (Uni 4) : -594.827

        III - Tools :

        - Evolution cost calculators (fleet, facilities, research, defense, graviton)
        - RC, RE, lootings, expedition converters
        - Mines profitability
        - Moon destruction simulator
        - Trade calculator
        - Trade "want ad"
        - Flight duration
        - Players and alliances evolution graph
        - Universes cartography

        IV - Forum

        Every suggestion or bug report is welcome on the dedicated board :

        A script (GreaseMonkey/Chrome) is available to send automatically your lootings / expedition / DF harvesting.

        Website link : org.ogametools.com
