Rank 6 Account - FoxFornax

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  • Rank 6 Account - FoxFornax

    I really enjoyed this testserver, especially the 8x speed weekend,
    but its time to concentrate on the last chance to play with the old system on a new server.

    Therefore I am giving my account away:

    FoxFornax Points: 91.584 (Place 6 of 9.688 )

    Account has:

    6 planets (well spread across g1-g3) with decent mines (fields around 180) and an excellent fleet (>200 battlecruisers...)

    also the account has almost 400k dark matter left and commander and geologist running for 2 more months!

    so what are you waiting for?

    just send me an application pm and I will decide this weekend (depending on quantitiy and qualitiy of the applicants either tonight or tomorrow night)

    I'll be back after the next reset

    :crazy: :love: :thumbsup: :love:

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Fox Fornax ().