honor points

    • honor points

      someone explain because i don't get something

      I just had a friend attacked he had no ships just a little defense and let the attacker know he would get next to no resources. the attacker let the attack go lost 1 cargo got less resources on the attack then he lost. so all he really did was defense bash. yes the attacker won. his reply with reason for bashing was to get the honor points.

      something sounds wrong with this. will this mean that there is Honor in defense bashing as long as rank is close?

      are is it that the honor points is not working right and needs more thought
    • They call it a "new feature"!! People attacking not to raid resources but to get hp!!! Sick enough imho but that's the new brilliant (and honourable) path for the next ogamers generation!!! Be stupid like a donkey and believe to fly high like an eagle.

      I only wonder what they use those hp for, since they say it's to have better targets but better _UNPROFITABLE_ targets are no sense, and loosing the real source of profit, which are noobs and farm in general is just another nonsense.

      So, it's a new feature mate :dash:
    • BesnaKobila wrote:

      Aouueu yuo are bandit now, right. Can u ACS attack or defend, coz i cant. i think its one of dissadvantages of being a bandit or just a bug

      you cannot ACS attack a noob protected target, you cannon defend a person that appears noob protected to you
      sucks, right :D can't help most of my allies even when opportunity is there :whistling:
      but bandit has nothing to do with it
    • what can't acs defend your alliance mates. WOW you should always be able to defend your alliance mates That's part of the reason for an alliance PROTECTION right.

      If this is true then it is more broke then i thought.
    • that part has always been true about not being able to protect someone that is noob protection to you. i though he was saying something about honor points preventing him from acs defending.
      but still at some point i could see it being a problem if players can be in and out of noob protection depending on point deliverance and not on a set amount of points. besides at some point you would have moons and lanx and who would be stupid enough to fleetsave that way then
    • Grizz wrote:

      that part has always been true about not being able to protect someone that is noob protection to you. i though he was saying something about honor points preventing him from acs defending.
      but still at some point i could see it being a problem if players can be in and out of noob protection depending on point deliverance and not on a set amount of points. besides at some point you would have moons and lanx and who would be stupid enough to fleetsave that way then
      You would be surprised...

      Honor points are here to help keep the game fair(er) for all. I personally think that they are a nice added touch even if people try to farm them :P
    • Honour points suck ass and i mean badly

      for exampkle i have raided alot of players who have fux res capacity which man inactive in next 2-3 days

      i attack and im low rank myself and im getting negative honour points on every battle
      all the honourable battles are unprofitable

      this says to me ogame is a crap game its gone poo this whole new system is going to ruin it esp when fleets are excapeing me all the time
      i am not gnna ttack a higher rank because he has always got 10 guass cannons and its pointless to lose my fleet for a green number when i make green all the time

      i think its wrong and its sh!T it best not come to old universes
    • bonjour
      il n'y a aucun désavantage pour ceux qui sont "bandit" !
      être honorable = pouvoir piller 75% des ressources de nos cibles ? ... wouai. ça va leurs faire mal :P
      mais pour ceux qui ne sont pas honorable !? absolument aucune contrainte !! ils peuvent piller tranquillement bon leurs sembles !
      des points négatif ? et alors !? ils prennent quand même les ressources.
      rien ne les force a raider que ceux qui sont au même niveau qu'eux !
      il faudrait un barème qui donne des avantages, et des contraintes ...
      genre honneur négatif de xx points = raids bloqués pendant x jour (hors inactif) ...
      enfin quelque chose du genre, car là honorable ou pas ça change rien .

      ... aussi pour les combat le ratio 5.1 , la def devrait être pris en compte !!
      sinon aucun raid ne sera possible sauf en déshonneurs !


      Hello there is no disadvantage for those who are "a bandit"!
      Honorable = to be able to plunder 75 % of the resources of our targets? Wouai. That goes their to hurt:P but for those who are not honorable!? Absolutely no constraint!! They can plunder quietly well their seem!
      Points negative? And then!? They take all the same the resources.
      Nothing forces them has to raider that those who are for the same level as them!
      One would need that a table which gives advantages, and constraints...
      Kind(Genre) negative honor of xx hurt = raids(treks) blocked(surrounded) during x in the daytime (except inactive)...
      Finally something of the kind(genre), because there honorable or not that changes nothing.

      ... So for fight the ratio 5.1, the def should be taken into account!!
      Otherwise no raid(trek) will be possible safe in dishonors!
    • a thought popped in my mind and i came to see boards and what do you know the topic is the last one commented on...
      honour points
      i read first post only and found my dang oh! answers:
      i wondered why neighbours and xgal peeps were bashing my defense and getting big hits but breaking even or making between 10-15k after losses coz i got a good bunch of heavies for defense and attackers losing 120-350k in losses average after loot, at first i thought they dumb and didn-t read spy report properly, one made 7k deut but now i see, seeing as it honourable they do it. i am on 5.5k points which shows how much effort i am NOT putting in to advance thus i have not attacke a soul but i have no profit and build defense and dens to test these things out, so far i-m not enjoying the changes. however i know of one kind of player who would thrive on this mentality.

      but hey ! in war times at least you'll gain something more than just losses, hp !! yay... .. .. woo yeah.. woo.

      (just scrolled down to have a peak while typing) arazor, that was hilarious LOL i assume you Arazor from .us was reading a post just yesterday from you bout colonization fs aswell as Silverwind-s additional imput, good reads i must say :)

      and as if there aren-t players out there, buddies/friends/allies if you will, out there forcing honour points from arranged hp hits.. hey mate, hit me up at such and such, i-ll hit you at such and such, we-ll both get hp ... i mean seriously, sneaky is human nature am i right?
    • Yeah i am from .us and .org :)

      I have played for a long time and i know ogame needs a change to keep them alive but this system sucks

      I understand what they are trying to achieve but the honour point system is wrong, unless your at the top with a big fleet that can profit and take no damage from the defense that is there now with players who are rank 1800
      I am attacking to see the system and all the players with some cargos and res fleetsave and the ones with defense is to hard to kill
      and if u can kill the defense i get -50 honour points im negative 400 right now or something worse and every battle they flee except hp targets
      but the hp targets are unprofitable and i dont belive in flying just for bashing reasons unless at war sooo how is a honest fleeter supposed to make alot of profit

      this will amke pushing easier as the pusher will still have his fleet XD
    • Talking from bandits side: can someone explain me how should work attacks to players much higher in hp rank (emperors or star sailors)? I thought they were not possible or at least not without becoming an "outlow" and that I should have receive a sort of alarm before sending the attack but I just saw nothing happens. Also, how should it work in acs? I thought the hp of the attackers were just summed up and the same happened to the defenders, in order to see who can join the acs (and when also). Am I wrong?