old design skin + Iphone app?

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    • buy macbook, install iphone development thingy, buy iphone, pay some dollars to make a build for mobiles


      just buy a cheap android phone and start coding...

      i go for the second option. nothing to invest and you can do whatever you want. i dont know why apple restricts their apps to hardware/os and why they want money from a dev. so even if iphones may be big in north america i think the 40% android phones versus 20% iphone show that it is even wiser to develop for android.

      ps: just to name one possibility why noone codes for iphone
    • marshen wrote:

      buy macbook, install iphone development thingy, buy iphone, pay some dollars to make a build for mobiles


      just buy a cheap android phone and start coding...

      i go for the second option. nothing to invest and you can do whatever you want. i dont know why apple restricts their apps to hardware/os and why they want money from a dev. so even if iphones may be big in north america i think the 40% android phones versus 20% iphone show that it is even wiser to develop for android.

      ps: just to name one possibility why noone codes for iphone

      ur funny! so i should pay 1000s so i can buy a mac to make an app for ogame... hahahahahah