honor points - new use

    • honor points - new use

      the current rankings are based exclusively on the resources invested, I think that the points honor / dishonor, to no avail.
      If the points honor / dishonor, adding / removing a percentage of the score and then form the main ladder then the players would pay more attention to who to attack.
      points = resources investite/1000 + (resources invested / honor points) / 1000.
      obviously using the + / - of points honor / dishonor

      show honor points in its alliance
    • Ruggine.it wrote:

      points = resources investite/1000 + (resources invested / honor points) / 1000.
      obviously using the + / - of points honor / dishonor

      This formula is wrong. Player with 100 hp would have lower ranking than someone with 50 hp.
      Let's say we have 4 players. Each invested 700.000 resources, but they have different hp.
      Player with 100 hp: 707 points
      Player with 50 hp: 714 points
      Player with -50 hp: 686 points
      Player with -100 hp: 693 points

      Anyway, I don't think we can discuss the usage of honour points, because we don't exactly know how and what they do now.
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...
    • I think first they need to make it so it's not so easy to farm honor points before they can be come part of forumla for rank.

      Like no honor points from people in same alliance, buddy lists, or within x days of someone being a buddy or in alliance. Limit the amount of honor you can get from one person/planet, ect. It's pretty obvious people are farming honor points... pretty much exploiting the system which was put in place to help noobs just to make themselves more powerful (by res raiding bonus)... kinda ironic.