AntiGame Origin

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  • GiaGia wrote:

    i can't install the latest version on Chrome, I receive this message, some problem with version level (Antigame 2.01.2).

    It's a special Chrome problem - please deinstall older AntiGame Origin before install.

    LPuNKT wrote:

    what about split infos in movement page? Show fleet ships and cargo may be 2 different options. Some guys needs ship's information, and other guys needs cargos. it could be better if u can select which info u want to see

    Please submit suggestions only there : in the correct sub board (here : Fleet lists)

    This is already on my todo list when i go on fleet list (in "a few) weeks. The fleet list don't uses the place well and becomes much to big when there are many events. I'm not sure about details, but next to galaxy and fleet dispatch this are the most important pages in OGame - So i want to collect suggestions for a complete improvement.

    Zielite wrote:

    A tiny little thing... the message screen picture no longer
    auto-folds up out of the way.

    ver 1.62.6

    Details please.
  • Return of a fleet in overview:
    picture return color right picture

    return of the same fleet in another page with "Eventlist: Show eventlist only in overview (ongoing)" and "Always show events: Below the content" if I press the arrow for more details:
    (I mean this arrow: picture )
    picture return color wrong picture

    Another problem is the times in the another pages when we press the arrow, compare the overview times with times of another page in the same mission:

    (I think overview shows local time and another pages shows server time.)

    Overview: picture Times right picture

    Another page: picture Times wrong picture

    To finish, in another pages except overview, Event list footer is cut, we can see it in overview but not in another pages:


    Edit ( Valent) : pictures not available anymore

    The post was edited 1 time, last by you ().

  • Update to Antigame Origin Version 2.02.0 - or

    The homepage is now complete -
    In the translation board there are all language files - always up to date because they are automatic generated from the current source code. You find all there

    It's an important update with a lot of internal changes - One of the next steps is to renew all around settings (check variables, make them storeable and transfer settings to other computer) - Then you can't go back to older AntiGame versions.

    * Chrome direct: Updating to 2.02.0 shows an error message – Please deinstall before.
    + Galaxy: Pressing the enter key reloads the galaxy view (clicks on Display).
    + Homepage: Finished all important parts – free to use now.
    + Homepage: Added translation board with translation text for each language.
    + Homepage: Please submit feedback, bugs and suggestions in the new homepage.
    * Antigame menu: Included support links.

    * Main function improved #3
    * Jumpgate: Finished and and included settings in Menu – “Buildings, researches and ships”
    + Translations: Finished automatic generation of translation files.

    * Main function improved #2
    * Auto-Coords: Finished changes – missing : Adding a linklist with the last stored coords on fleet page2

    * Auto-Coords: Improved handling – you can toggle with a click on the icon between active and inactive (= no coords will be inserted)
    * Auto-Coords icon: white icon shows that there are valid coords, but they will not inserted – orange icon shows valid coords and they will be inserted (feature is active)
    * Auto-Coords reset: You can reset the coords with a doubleclick.
    * Auto-Coords: Added setting in “General – Universe” to select number of galaxy:system for better validation – default is 9:499
    * Auto-Coords: Getting coords works now also in text areas and input fields (e.g fixed in notices)

    * Changed startup details – improved for Chrome and Opera
  • Hello people. I'm missing the option that reduces the image of the planet. The option is present, but is not working, at least not in google chrome with tampermonkey.

    Taking advantage of the post would suggest that this option works on all screens.
  • Update Antigame Origin Version 2.05.0 - or

    New major version with a lot of changes and improvements (mostly internal)

    * AntiGame Origin: This update includes one time more a lot of internal changes and reorganizations. Please click three times on “Overview” with a little delay and visit one time the last fleet page where you select the missions to load all needed words again.

    * Homepage: Several changes. Please use the specific boards for your questions or suggestions.
    + Homepage: Ability to translate the viewed page automatic (ongoing – not easy to switch it off)
    + Homepage: Created a translations board with automatic generated translation files – always up to date.

    * AntiGame Menu: Restructered sections to include all the changes from the last weeks.
    * AntiGame Menu: Added Help buttons in each section – shows the associated feature page to explain all in detail. (Page is still in development)
    * AntiGame Menu: Shows the menu section which is associated to the current ogame page.
    * AntiGame Menu: Added Settings section, see below.

    + General: Added setting “Use keyboard shortcuts” – Included shortcuts are listed on the features page. (ongoing)

    * Jumpgate: Changed setting “Show targets and set ships ..” to only “Show targets” – set ship links are always available.

    * Galaxy: Debris coloring uses now also the summary.
    * Galaxy: Directlinks in player and alliance tooltips to search in your galaxytool (ongoing)
    * Galaxy: Improved code for better performance, fixed problem for Chrome.

    + Settings: Complete new code to handle stored settings to avoid problems with bad / invalid stored settings.
    + Settings: Old options stays on your browser and they are imported automatically to new format.
    + Settings: Current status for all settings is viewable (green = OK, red = Not OK, orange = Old values)
    + Settings: A click shows the settings string in the textbox below.
    + Settings: A doubleclick deletes the stored settings – And the old options will be loaded again.
    + Settings: The settings are copyable from a textbox and restoreable in any other Browser.
    + Settings: Important settings (e.g researches) are now stored for each playerId to avoid influences.
    + Settings: All settings except options are stored in “localstorage” so they are deleted by “clearing cache & cookies”.

    * Translations: Started improvements of all translation files for better usage. (Thanks to Kramagon)
    - Translations: No longer support for external language files.
    + Translations: Added TR, – Updated IT, FR, JP, TR, DE, ES – Thanks you for your help.

    Hellspark wrote:

    Hello people. I'm missing the option that reduces the image of the planet. The option is present, but is not working, at least not in google chrome with tampermonkey.

    Taking advantage of the post would suggest that this option works on all screens.

    I "fixed" some "special Tampermonkey" problems - but at the moment it seems something else appears with any new tampermonkey update. I wait until there is a better stable tampermonkey version.
  • Preview 2.08.9

    Complete new player and alliance highlight handling and many detail improvements in galaxy, for details see changelogs for details

    Improved changelog and feature list updates for explanation are coming today.

    Some details are still missing, but this new feature works in general.
    • Galaxy.png

      587.35 kB, 1,708×1,088, viewed 448 times
    • Buddies.png

      227.49 kB, 1,708×1,088, viewed 363 times
  • This is a very nice update. Highlighting players and alliances on galaxyview is very appreciated and makes raiding more easy.

    However, the group menu now appearing on the buddy-list is too hard to find. Maybe a tip on the settings page is needed.
    Also the buttons on the buddylist (delete & Change group) would need a tooltip. Same goes for the requirement for HL to show player/alliance on group list.

    I also noticed that browsing galaxies is slower than before. Could the code be more optimized or is it expected to be slower from now on with antigame?

    Another question is about Antigame Options > Eventlists > Phalanx • Show fleet composition and cargo
    -Phalanx is not supposed to show cargo, or did i misunderstand the meaning of the setting?
  • Return of a fleet in overview:
    ..:: Edit by TheViking | Removed Imageshack Ad ::.. return color right

    return of the same fleet in another page with "Eventlist: Show eventlist only in overview (ongoing)" and "Always show events: Below the content" if I press the arrow for more details:
    (I mean this arrow: ..:: Edit by TheViking | Removed Imageshack Ad ::..)
    ..:: Edit by TheViking | Removed Imageshack Ad ::.. return color wrong

    Another problem is the times in the another pages when we press the arrow, compare the overview times with times of another page in the same mission:

    (I think overview shows local time and another pages shows server time.)

    Overview: ..:: Edit by TheViking | Removed Imageshack Ad ::.. Times right

    Another page: ..:: Edit by TheViking | Removed Imageshack Ad ::.. Times wrong

    To finish, in another pages except overview, Event list footer is cut, we can see it in overview but not in another pages:

    ..:: Edit by TheViking | Removed Imageshack Ad ::..
  • hi everybody!
    I know that with Cogame (a tool for Chrome), there's the possibility to see in the Chart if a player is inactive (i or iI) and/or in vacation mode (v).
    see the image on the last column on the right:

    Is there the possibility to have it also in Antigame? If not, what about in the future?
  • - Eventlist problems are gone in the next update.
    - The bugs in galaxy view depends on the brighter clock for the phalanx - maybe i find a better solution for this.
    - When i work on highscores to include player & alliance highlight i will improve some other details.
  • Francolino wrote:

    Preview 2.08.9

    Complete new player and alliance highlight handling and many detail improvements in galaxy, for details see changelogs for details

    Improved changelog and feature list updates for explanation are coming today.

    Some details are still missing, but this new feature works in general.

    nice idee. just a little advice. try to avoid adding more colors and use already existing colors which will give an overall better ux in general.
  • marshen wrote:

    nice idee. just a little advice. try to avoid adding more colors and use already existing colors which will give an overall better ux in general.

    The sense of a highlight is to be different from other content. And all colours are changeable inclucive opacity.
    Using existing colours is sensefull for the fleet event lists - the default colours are now similiary to the icon colour.
  • if your color set is well chosen you will get along with few colors.
    you can ask every ux expert. everyone will tell you that less colors is better. and on the buddylist you dont really need other colors but you'll need them on the galaxy... so maybe you can't do anything against because ogame already uses too much colors.

    ps: i tried to find another color for the highscores and because everything is already so flashy i haven't found any -.-