AntiGame Origin

  • can you in next release split one option ? i mean this: "Show player/alliance ranks in Galaxy view". in past in another extension foxgame/foxgame2 user can decide what he want see in galaxy, player rank or alliance rank or both. and i only want to see in galaxy only player rank, the alliance rank is unnecessary for me. so maybe more people want to decide what ranks they want to see in galaxy and then split this one options to two options will be great step.
  • Joks: those new languages and fixes are more, than it would be without origin team. This script would be dead, if Francolino and team would not invest theirs spare time into maintance of this script.
    Please keep that on mind.

    Usualy the top priority is to make it work on commonly used browsers - Mozilla, IE,...
    We can be happy, we have already translations ;)
    -Ogame Recension-
    Ogame need a change!
    -Check my account for my ideas-
  • Johnson wrote:

    Some people from PL community what to know if the script will work on Opera

    Opera is, and imo will always be, an obsolete browser.

    Even the new version sucks compared to Firefox or Chrome, hell i like IE better then i like Opera lol

    Also, it was stated before that until someone steps up to maintain this script, that all the Ogame Scripts Team would do is fix any problems that new Ogame versions may cause on the script. There would only be bug fixed and no new utilities would most likely be added.
  • Mikas60 wrote:

    Opera is, and imo will always be, an obsolete browser.

    Even the new version sucks compared to Firefox or Chrome, hell i like IE better then i like Opera lol

    Also, it was stated before that until someone steps up to maintain this script, that all the Ogame Scripts Team would do is fix any problems that new Ogame versions may cause on the script. There would only be bug fixed and no new utilities would most likely be added.
    Opera is not that bad, trust me :)

    btw we are discussing about starting an active development (not only bugfixes), it mainly depends on the availability of the team members and how much effort they want to put in it.
    if we succeed in creating 5+ team group, I ensure that there will be active development :)
  • Opera is very good browser :) it`s my default browser and for me it`s better then Chrome or Firefox, especially new Opera 12. but something is wrong with antigame under Opera and in console error i have: "HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR" :/ but this error dosen`t have a code line number so i don`t know there is the bug :/ maybe someone is smarter then me and know what this error mean and fix it.

    ps; i hear that antigame have own debug mode? but i don`t know how to use it maybe this debug mode is better then Opera console error and it will shows line with bug ?
  • back to subject Opera browser...

    i found this solution:

    i tested and it`s works.

    So if we under Opera in game options disable "show the expanded event list" antigame will work and we don`t have strange error with DOM. so the function with event-list in Antigame is with bug for Opera. Now if we know what is corrupted maybe someone can try updated this function.

    ps: in this subject: there are a version with fixed "dim returning fleets" for Opera and Chrome. i tested this version antigame in Chrome/Opera/FF and the dim time is works with this browser so maybe in Antigame Orgin we put the same code for dim returning fleets? i look this code and it`s very long code :) it`s copy from another scripts created by QuadDamage i can ask QuadDamage to give us him permission to use his code.
  • See :)

    It seems that it does not help.

    I tried yesterday to find the "problem".

    1. Yes the line

    Source Code

    1. Utils.runScript('$("<div>").attr("id","initEventList_text").html(window.initEventlist.toString()).css("display","none").appendTo("body");');

    fired a problem, because the window object does not have a property initEventlist (it is the id of a div).

    Changing this to

    Source Code

    1. Utils.runScript('$("<div>").attr("id","initEventList_text").html($("#initEventlist", window).toString()).css("display","none").appendTo("body");');

    will prevent this error line.

    But :

    2. No this does not fix the problem.
    It seems that it is a race condition problem with inserting the additional needed styles :/
    In case of debugging it breaks by first call of

    Source Code

    1. Utils.stylesheet.insertRule(rule, 0);

    But I have yet not figured out exactly why :(

    I will in the next days try to find the bug, but I can not guarantee to fix it (possibly impossible? ) or event to find it.
  • Thanks a lot slowmotion.

    The new and beta test version is now done - most important is the new community / language handling.
    - Other default lanuages than english are possible
    - The existing language files are still working and replaces included translations.
    - The three websims uses now your choosen language. (if available, otherwise it's possible to choose a better replacement than english - Example : Osimulate shows french when you are spanish or portugese

    22.11.2011 v1.32.5
    * Fixed problems with recognizing returning fleet
    + Shows T in menu when test version (= odd number)
    + Added HR, BR, CZ
    * Updated PT
    * Fixed PL, ES, DK
    + Added new community / language handling ....
    + Added parameter for communities + simulators
    * Improved speed (Antigame as native function, ...)
  • yes thanks slowmotion to try fix this bug for Opera.

    so boys i tested the newest version and i have a problem. on my account is free commander so now i discover that the power station have bug :/ for antigame power station is a mine :/

    edit by Valent- removed picture

    edit: i looking how to fix it, and someone have the same problem:

    now it`s late. tomorrow i will try this solutions from this subject and i will tell if this works.
  • Fixed with adding ids and

    var pos =($('#action ul #possibleInTime').size());
    var energy = $('#action ul li').find('.time').eq(1 + pos);

    The "bugfixes" from bontchev are often toooo dirty - it's impossible to include them as they are ... with his "solution" the success depends on correct language files.