[Defense] Fusion Canon (OGame.ES Sugg)

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    • [Defense] Fusion Canon (OGame.ES Sugg)

      For diversity, Fusion Cannon is created to balanced the diversity of players (fleeter and miner), so in whatever of this ways of game is possible to be in a good rank. It doesn´t seem to be legal a player can´t develop because s/he has choose a way of playing with less profits. There are too much stuff which can make a player becoming a miner, as job, play in old universes where there´re lots of huge fleets and it doesn´t worth build your own fleet, having more free time without problems of watching the fleet or simply you are peaceful.

      Unfortunately, miner behavior has a big problem: deuterium. When it isn´t in use as fuel it´s ends living in the store, and the best solutions to avoid this are all in fleeter game way (I have nothing against fleeters, I think everyone has to play the way you like, so it's a game). Miner can opt to decrease his/her Deuterium Synthesizer to produce less, but as their only source of income is their miner, this player never will be able to reach a good position in the rank, as many hours s/he plays. S/he can also trade, but law of supply and demand means that an abundant resource has to be sold too cheap. And who benefits from the cheap deuterium? Fleet’s player. In this way high tops will be fleeter, and as much as they grow and less the rest, as acute the gap between them. If miners can´t grow, fleeters haven´t good farms.

      The solution of this cannon is in its costs, being deuterium the most expensive. Its production ends with deuterium excess rather than with the metal or crystal.

      - Streamline the flow of resources, resulting in richer farms for top ranked fleeters and miners.

      - Enables the ongoing expense of deuterium.

      - Help to equate non-fleeters style (currently at a disadvantage) in fleeters.

      - Fill the gap between the Gauss and the Plasma without disabling any other defense.

      - Great firepower.

      - Very vulnerable to interplanetary missiles.

      - Structural Integrity and low shields.

      - You can be somewhat expensive.

      Based in the nuclear fusion of deuterium, these cannons focus the final energy in powerful beams. Studies related with thermonuclear ends focusing in war, as so many times has happened in science. A result it was the Fusion Cannon, a weapon as versatile as deathly, prepared to cope with the heavy armor of ships. Its operation is based on a beam of pure energy produced from nuclear deuterium´s fusion.

      Technical Data:
      Cost. 25,000 Metal; 10,000 Crystal; 30,000 Deuterium.

      Structural Integrity: 35.000
      Shield Strength: 175
      Attack Strength: 2.000

      Rapidfire from Death star: 12

      Shoot order:

      1. Rocket launcher
      2. Light lasser
      3. Heavy lasser
      4. Gauss cannon
      5. Ion cannon
      6. Fusion Cannon
      7. Plasma turret
      8. Small Dome
      9. Large Dome

      - Energy technology (3) as in Fusion reactor
      - Allience depot (2) for the Deuterium store to its ammo transformation
      - Shipyard (7) between Gauss and Plasma
      - Weapons technology (6)

      Global Balance:

      This cannon shoot energy beams, obtained thanks to the nuclear deuterium´s fusion. Due to its gaseous nature (and flammable), this gun can be fragile by enemy fire, but, at the same time, it can be a powerful weapon if it´s balanced with the rest of the defense.

      That is possible because (in a sci-fi way):

      a) Requirements: Energy tech (3) (as in Fusion reactor); Alliance depot (2) (a place to store and sent deuterium); Shipyard (7) (weapons factory); Weapons tech (6) (scientific knowledge to make possible the cannon).

      b) Metal + Crystal gives a SI of only 35,000. The cannon is equivalent to Gauss, but for the place where it is should have around 65,000 SI, so it’s weaker than it should be. Furthermore shields are also weak, only 175 (costing 10,000 Crystal), which is 25 under Gauss. However, its attack power is almost double than this, 2,000. It´s therefore clear that its balance between advantages and disadvantages.

      Costs in 3:2:1 ratio

      Gauss = 20k + 15k*1.5 + 2k*3 = 48.5
      Plasma = 50k + 50k*1.5 +30k*3 = 215
      Fusion Cannon = 25k + 10k*1.5 + 30k*3 = 130 (fully intermediate)


      Gauss = 1,100
      Plasma = 3,000
      Fusion cannon = 2,000 (fully intermediate)


      Gauss = 1,100/48.5 = 22.68%
      Plasma = 3,000/215 = 13.95%
      Fusion cannon = 2,000/130 = 15.38% (fully intermediate)

      Community Opinion:
      There was great variety if opinions being agree with both sides, but having more positives. The rejections are about selling deut, people who wasn’t more defenses, crystal cost. In the other hand there was much players with the same point of view (there were some deut sellers who complaint about hey were attacked after post the sold), there were some who focus in the war strategic game's idea.

      Some author's conclusions:

      In my opinion the game was originally created based in players who obtain resources attacking with fleets, and some selling their stocks. So in this way there were a fast resource flow. Accounts would develops with the same speed, and there weren´t so much differences between the ranks in each universe. The real thing is in each old universe there are few who are very powerful and lots who are extremely weak. The more acute the situation, the lower the number of players who sign up and most of those who left shortly afterwards.

      I think it´s the multiplayer system which is wrong. People want to buy as cheap as possible, providing minimum Deuterium ratio, and if you don´t like you can buy it to another, because there are more and more sellers. An imbalance in the game is fine, if you are the one who is up the others. But if not, you are screwed.

      There is an increase of deuterium spending globally. Higher spending, more water shortages, and hence its value rises (law of supply and demand.).Why is now so cheap? Just because there is much (I mean, miners are plenty of deuterium). If this happens, when a fleeter ask for a friendly price (friend for the one who buy, and usurer to whom sell), for example 2:1.5:1, miner could say "not, I will spend on myself, because you are trying to cheat me". When that fleeter receive this response from several sellers, maybe he says "I´ll have to buy it a bit more expensive". We have to end with this abuses, so a miner could start selling to 3:2:1 (which is the FAIR and RECOMMENDED by GF) with no one who laugh in his face.

      This proposal does not seek to harm the fleeters. It tries to put non and fleeters in the same level, so not to be for bugs in game system but for each gamer ability, there were gamers who are top and others who are above.