Server backup problems

    • Server backup problems


      Well, several details about the current problem.

      - The backup is from the 18th (eight days ago), all newer ones are broken and NOT useable for the backup. We apologize for this server defect, but there is nothing to repair.
      - This means: A lot of new accounts are gone, a lot of work from you is gone and so on - we apologize again, no matter if this is a test server or not.
      - Your payment features and DM are also from the 18th, but you get back all your DM tomorrow.
      - The GameForge thinks about a few goodies for you, more information is coming.

      Please use this thread Server backup problems for discussion, complaints etc.

      Here you find some translations of those news for your support : Server backup problems - Translations [PT]

      Regards, Francolino
    • A little more information regarding payment:

      All accounts still existing will get their DM returned directly onto the account.

      However, if you created your account after the 18th October, and so have now lost your account, then you should register a new account now using the same email address. Your DM will then be added to that new account.

      If not, please send a PM to Francolino or WeTeHa

      Your Origin Team