Merging of the Universes - Current status

    • Merging of the Universes - Current status


      Here's the current status about final decisions for merging universes.

      After collecting several suggestions from all countries we are still within the review of every community. DE is already done, FR is in progress. We probably can go on in planning much faster now so that I hope we can offer next countries very soon.

      Next fusion in
      Exodus universes are: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18 , 19, 22, 23, 33, 31
      Target universes are: 1, 30 and a new empty universe

      Probably we can start the whole process for .de in around 2 or latest 3 weeks. Later on three more steps will follow in a bi-weekly cycle. Same procedure will be in use for the other countries as soon as we start to merge them. Detailed list for everyone follows as soon as review for a specific country is done.

      Merge itself contents announcement, possibility to choose the target, moving to the target, ...welcome... same as usual

      Greetings and sorry for long waiting,
      Your OGame Team