Make Ogame attractive for all: newbie and pro

    • Make Ogame attractive for all: newbie and pro

      “Diplomacy is but a popularity contest.”
      So is marketing. The option to choose.

      You cannot satisfy the needs of all in an enclosed space, such as an uni. You cannot satisfy the raider and the newbie in the same space. Going either way, you loose 30-40% for sure. Which is more then affordable.
      Using the Laissez-faire Libertarian school of thought, I’ll attempt at presenting an acceptable solution.

      The point of this idea is, that you drastically ease on the learning curve, give the players the chance to learn, before throwing them out there, and still keep the ones that like going all out.

      In the world, you have different political parties, because either way you go, you’ll loose something. They each follow a certain school of thought, presenting you with different options. My idea is based on the presumption, that uni’s can be treated like parties. To some extent they are, different speeds and such, but the same basic, fundamental rules aplly to all.

      Why? We endlessly debate on newbie protection, and old players such as myself, find it hampering in their joy to play.
      But I do remember times when I was a newbie, times I would’ve wanted the same rules in place. Because of the steep learning curve of Ogame, you can’t get real good for some time. You learn from your mistakes, but it’s still hard to see your fleet gone.
      I understand the need for rules, but I yearn to be without. So, I’ll try to facilitate both.

      Basically, make 3 servers, each with a different degree of difficulty, or if you will, political agenda.

      Server (party) one: The Socialists.
      This server could be pure vanilla as far as DF and speed are concerned, but with the new newbie protection, that is being tried in Origin. Granted, it would need a bit of tweak, but the general idea is awesome. It goes a long way to provide the unknowing with the harsh reality that there is somebody out there that can, and will, crash you, without you having to loose your fleet for it.
      It would be the perfect incubation zone for old players to help out the new ones, pass on the know how, teach them how to FS properly, and such.

      Second, a Democratic party:

      Basically, a warm up zone. Same protection as before, except that we remove the fleet retreat thing, but replace it with a different system.
      Each time a fleet would be crashed, 30% goes into the DF, 40% is lost, the remaining 30% of that fleet returns to the planet, with a random delay, but somewhere between 2-4 hours seems reasonable.
      That basically adds up to the same profits, but the newbie still keeping a part of the fleet, so he can go back out and raid as much as he wants to. It would make it easier for players to rebuild their lost fleet. It would still have a major effect, but yeah …

      Now the third party, the school of thought on which this whole idea is based on.
      The Libertarian “Pro”:
      Speed should be free to choose, though I think peeps would prolly opt for the x4 for a week, then x2 option. Other things as well, let the community decide.
      But here’s the best part.

      Lets make it no rules. No newbie or strong protection. No bashing. Nothing.
      If you’re 500k or 5k, it’s Free For All.

      I realize that it might seem irrational dropping the 5k mark, but bear with me. Remember, it’s supposed to be for the best of the best.

      Most of the experienced players I’ve met, miss the good old “hit all you can” option. You might be thinking, who would play such a thing. I think most everyone. They would want to prove that they belong among the best. And do remember, the best players are damn hard to crash.
      You could make it an international one. It would bring more players, which means more fun, which means a hell of a lot longer survival period of the uni.
      Think about it, in origin there’s 12,500 players, and it’s only a test server.

      Imagine, 20k players, with no basing rule, no newbie protection?
      It would be chaos. It would be fun.
    • Would the work from the previous two servers/unis transfer over to the "pro" one when a user is ready to make the switch? What keeps "pros" from making an account in the newbie universe with the intention to just farm them because they don't know what they are doing? If a user cannot switch from one to another, what happens to all of the work they have made in the newbie universe?
    • Valent wrote:

      such promotion system can prevent experienced player to cause great damage in "newbie" universes

      or even to prevent them from doing ANYTHING. i havent attacked anybody (except inactives) since 3.0 because i can't efford to be a bandit and even as a miner i can't find any target. so nothing to do except launching expeditions *yawn*.
    • I think the best would be a starting universes, choosen by default when you register to the game.

      In this universes, there is only players with 0- 20k points (for exemple)
      And when they have 20k points, they have to choose in which a "real" universe they want to go.

      With that, all noob are gathered. Then they can play with each other (because currently (exept with many luke), they arrive in an universe with few (or no) noobs.
      Then they don't have many player to play with, and then even if they aren't crashed, they stop ogame because it's boring
      And they don't face to strong player until they are ready.

      ** OgameTech **