OGame - Special: Interview with WeTeHa about OGame 3.0 - Discussion

    • i'm really curious to see this translated in english.

      I actually stopped playing ogame because I think Gameforge really approached ogame from the wrong angle.

      I truly thought officers and the newer dark matter features would help ogame sustain itself having an investor backbone. Instead, after many years.
      I truly think gameforge failed to improve the game to make it interesting for new players and for veterans.
      Some changes did create slight improvement, but nothing that addressed the true player killer factors. If they wanted to maintain the community they created, listening to them is step 1.
      The most impressing thing, is how their suggestions for changes create waves of resentment. This weaker user protection actually being so horrific, when it was first brought up.
      I actually didn't believe it was an official announcement, and You Francoline read my posts in furious protest of how terrible this change is for a dedicated player (aka an investor who owns no shares)

      I'm eager to listen to what is being said about ogame. Because things like univers fusion felt so insanly short at keeping playings active. In my opinion, this new change regarding noob protection.
      Is nothing but a continuation of waves of terrible attempts at keeping ogame alive. Things like new forum contests.... promises on the fusion.... I'm glad i stopped caring.

      RTS games only survive by creating a successful franchise. Ogame had potential, but instead of growing off it's successful endeavors (intense grouped competition, popular role play along with other things)
      They frustrated dedicated players to the point, where not only will veterans never return.
      They along with me, will probably never care to try another Gameforge Game ever again. Just saying, I was rank 1 on my universe, I have 1 Million anti matter unspent and have been vacation mode for over 2 months.

      Please translate this as soon as possible.
      Thank you.
    • This interview talks pretty much exclusively about the fleet escape. While that was indeed the first concern when this idea was introduced, it has since been nerfed to a level that is pretty much trivial for established uni's.

      However, this interview completely ignores the current most protested issue (at least on .org, don't know for other communities), which is the honor system, and its effect on established uni's. Any chance of getting WeTeHa's views on that?
    • Thank you Francolino.

      I want to give my feedback one more time.

      This change, Will not improve the game. It will not make new players want to stay. It will not make veterans want to stay.

      How can gameforge really think that making new rules of combat will keep the game interesting?
      The reason why people quit ogame. Is because the game DOES NOT EVOLVE!

      There are No ADDITIONS to the game. Once you've explored the options available (having moons, having deathstars, having lots of moons, having lots of ships, having lots of death stars, attacking weak players, doing grouped combat, ETC.

      And believe me! Many players never reach that stage Before Quitting. I'll explain why.
      I'm a player who made other people quit. Why? Because I was over 1000 times stronger, seeing anything coming from me meant for them. It's over for me. Competition is too UNBALANCED!

      If ogame REALLY wanted to learn from it's downfalls. The problem is Not Strong players being able to destroy weak ones.
      I want people to really pay attention to this part okay. I'm a rank 1 player okay. I'm not making this up. I come here because I love good browser games and i'm trying to save Ogame. Because If everything was fine I would have nothing to say.
      I speak because this change is POINTLESS. Take it from a guy who was rank 1, and quit to play a more balanced game.

      Alright. The number 1 problem with ogame. I'll explain it okay.
      This is why players of all ranks quit the game okay.

      There is no NEUTRAL way of interacting with the game.
      The only possible interactions is by attacking other players.

      Strong players quit because. They got no targets.
      Weak players quit because, they keep losing stuff.

      There is NOTHING in the game. That players can use to HAVE FUN.

      Let me explain why this is Ogames NUMBER ONE downfall.

      As a strong player, when you're logged in. The only things you can do to interact with the game
      Is send some probes to most likely weak targets. Maybe sometimes people of equal level.
      I really want to EMPHASIZE this point okay.

      Players get Bored of harassing weak players, weak players get bored of being harassed.

      If I counted how many players simply deleted account after taking some of my raids.. I'd say minimum 500 players and thats being generous.

      I want to get back on topic.
      Seriously, these changes are the biggest waste of time i've ever seen. Gameforge has no understanding of what makes people quit.
      All they see.
      Oh, player with 5 million points, just attacked some guy with 500k points. He quit shortly after, that's bad for us.

      Now. Analyze this situation. Let's break it down.

      Why does the Weak player stop playing? Because he lost. He lost a lot of stuff. Stuff that took a lot of time to build.

      Normally, this is not that big of a deal. BUT in ogame! You care about your stuff Because THERE IS NOTHING ELSE IN THE GAME TO CARE ABOUT!
      He did not quit because of the strong player.
      He quit, because in ogame. You don't get second chances. You lose stuff. You're only option is to rebuild more stuff which you can lose later on.

      Explain to me. How this mechanic is suppose to keep players in the game?
      The only Mechanic in Ogame is Build, Destroy or be destroyed.

      Once a new player realizes, that you can lose everything you built. It's over.
      It was fun while building stuff. Destroying is also fun. Being destroyed takes a strong person to rebound from.

      I'll give you my opinion.
      You want new players to like ogame.
      You want veterans to come back?
      You want veterans to stay?

      Give the game a Mechanic that is NEUTRAL. Which means, a player do something that Excludes all other players.

      Just look at how Expeditions GREATLY calmed the number of strong players from constantly pillaging weaker players.
      The normal tactic for a very long time in a new univers if you want to be active.
      Rush technology to build ships to Pillage as much as possible to Grow yourself....
      Now you can rush Expeditions, which are more profitable.
      I mean, seriously. Learn from the good things that people appreciate.

      Enough said.
      In my Opinion. Ogame is boring. this won't change anything. I am giving you the most optimistic point of view I have on this matter.
      I'm Basing this off 5 years played, and having played other brower games. And I only played for that long because I was optimistic Gameforge would add new mechanics to ogame to diversify gameplay.
      (fusion sounds nice but it's an empty promise dating back from a suggestion in 2005)