A much better suggestion to noob protection than the fleeing fleet

  • A much better suggestion to noob protection than the fleeing fleet

    Now, this suggestion was made over a year ago - by Francolino, but I think that now, that the new noob system has been introduced - and I haven't so fare talked to anybody who likes it - it might be time to put this idea out into the light again. So fare everybody I've talked to, just loves this idea - simply because it DOES protect the noobs from complete crash - but it doesn't take away any profit from an attack. If the fleeing fleet was replaced with this suggestion, the new Ogame might be fun for others than miners, too.

    Wednesday, August 25th 2010, 12:42am
    Use the lost resources of a combat

    How to avoid that players leaving Ogame after a lost battle ?
    How to avoid to loose the complete fleet with an attack ?
    How to include unexpected events for all players in an universe ?

    The solution : Use the usualy lost resources of a combat - not only the usual 30% which goes into the debris field

    Declare only the ships for the debris field as "exploded".
    The other ships are only defect and fly back with a delay to the owner and other planets near to the combat.

    - 70% of those ships fly back to the owner. --> He is able to restart his account and a lost attack causes not the dead of the whole fleet (He gets ca. 50% back)
    - 10% of those ships fly randomly to the next planets in the system. --> unexpected event for other players.
    - 20% of those ships fly randomly to the next galaxie systems. --> unexpected event for other players.

    To avoid "an one point account gets a RIP" add some rules based on the account points.
    To avoid the next kill of those ships :
    - Add a random delay for the return flight, NOT phalanxable
    - Or let them return to an user selected hour on every day (e.g 4pm)

    Numbers are only for example, of course.

    Regards, Francolino

    Original link
    Use the lost resources of a combat

  • Not sure I understand what you mean, Francolino. If you mean you have done you work and comments on this topic, I agree :D
    A fantastic idea!
    But if you mean you have told enough people about it - then - no... hehehe It's never enough as ong as there's players - in the new test server - that doesn't know about this - and hates the new fleeing fleet. A year ago, when I put this up on my home board - everbody loved the idea - except for one - that doesn't like ANY improvments... He hates the acs, the BC and any other new stuff.
    When I told my allymates on the testserver about this, I have - so fare - just got positive response. On the other hand - only negative response on the fleeing fleet...

    Edit by Francolino :

    sure, i have done my work on this idea, it's only missing to forward it again soon.

  • I'm not too sure, within 2 days of just starting out, I had been attacked 4 times!

    Give a period of 2-4 days of definite protection from attack to allow new players to get a rocket launcher or 2, and from then on, the ordinary protection for Origin. I'm fine with the old protection as Draco is full of fleeters who will destroy anything thatcomes near them.
  • I remember this suggestion, and I liked it too...
    It's far better than the fleet escape system that doesn't bring anything to the gameplay, just luck or frustration...
    Here, you can get unexpected events at any time on your account if your neigbours are "agitated"...
    And the newbies/victim can get some ships back, not to start from scratch again. This would certainly increase player retention on Ogame.
  • I remember this suggestion as well and it´s a hundred times better than escaping fleets, in every possible way :) The auto-escape is going to kill the game once and for all, this will not affect fleeters in the same way at all. AND, it´s actually helping noobs, which escaping fleets doesn´t, it´s just extremely annoying to fleeters.

    I would love for this to replace the auto-escape feature, however I´ve been around long enough to know that once GF wants to implement something (auto-escape in this instance), it WILL be implemented no matter how awful it is or no matter how much the players (their customers) hate it. With GF the customer is always wrong. :)
  • Being attacked so much, I start to think whether or not to continue with Origin, I get espionaged 3 times a day. My resource production only goes up, oh and often I'm farmed.

    The fleet being able to escape is a brilliant feature! But the protection system is just really annoying for people starting out!
    As I said, giving 2-4 days of protection with no questions asked at the beginning WILL allow new players to get started out and join in fully at the end of the 2-4 days.
  • vaska: The problem here is that you think it´s a good idea just because you don´t know how to play the game. No offense, I´m just stating facts. The reason that escaping fleets isn´t helping is that I can simply send less than the ratio required for your fleet to escape and still crash you. So you can´t actually just leave your ships just because of this feature. The only actual effect it has, is that it´s extremely annoying to fleeters.
  • And the newbie has no chance to learn how to play correctly if he starts relying on his fleet to escape each time he is being attacked by a stronger player. Especially if there is an option not to combat in case of escape, as it is discussed in the other thread. It's just delaying the moment when... the fleet won't escape... and that will be the end of the story for the newbie...

    With the alternative proposal, the newbie will get destroyed, the same way all of us were destroyed once. This is just normal.
    But he will also realize he didn't lose everything, which is the main reason for stoping the game. He will be encouraged to drive his empire again, but also, to improve his way of playing.
    In other terms, the newbie is still penalized for his mistakes, but much less than before.

    The problems with Francolino's proposal is that the damaged ships shouldn't be back too early in other planets :
    otherwise the attackers will be able to make another 30% debris field with a second wave, OR, even worse, the defender will be able to counter-attack one of the opponents (in case it was a 5 vs 1 let's say).
    I would suggest that after 24 to 48 hours, the players that are entitled to welcome the damaged ships receive a message such as :
    "A fleet of damaged ships is hidding in your solar system, awaiting for assistance. Do you wish to allow them to join your troops now ?"...
  • As a player of the Draco universe, I know how to play! In Draco, you were given time to build at least a rocket launcher. Then anyone under 5k points could attack you. If that was carried over to origin, my development would be much quicker! Though origin is a x2 speed universe, giving players time to get a minor defence system before they are allowed to be attacked by other players would be fairer on brand new players.

    While I still had NO defences or fleet, I was beeing farmed! Once I got a few rocket launchers, the farming stopped and medium attacks begun. When light lasers became part of my defence, all attacks stopped. I'm still being constantly probed by the same guy.

    I say give the brand new players enough time to build 1 or 2 defences, and then subject them to all attacks from the new system.

    A short grace period would help a lot for players on a level 1 metal mine, level 1 crystal mine and level 2 solar plant. It would allow for them to get a shipyard of level 2 and rocket launchers that defend from light and heavy cargos with the odd light fighter.
  • Nusudua: That is exactly the problem I´m having with the escaping fleets, it doesn´t actually help noobs. And I agree, the delay for the ships to be returned to the player after being crashed should be at least 24h to avoid followup by the attacker. The best idea is probably something like you´re suggesting, that the fleet can´t return unless the player at least logs in to the acc.

    I´m not exactly sure how the rest of the new noob protection works but the current noob protection only allows you to attack targets that are greater than or equal to 20% of your total points (up to 25k points). And I would assume that something similar is in effect in the new noob prot. So being attacked before you have a chance to build RLs shouldn´t be possible. If however someone bigger than 5 times your size can attack you in the beginning with the new noob prot it needs to be changed i m o, because that if anything will make new players quit.

    So if that is the case I completely understand your frustration vaska, however escaping fleets does not solve that particular problem (or any other problem for that matter).

    Francolino: Your suggestion needs to be forwarded to GF and someone needs to make them understand that escaping fleets is an absolutely awful feature. It´s hardly a coincidence that 100% of the more experienced players share this view. I´m just completely amazed that escaping fleets even got to this point where it´s being tested live. It just shows that the people responsible knows nothing about how ogame actually works.
  • I remember that on the Draco universe, your homeworld is immune to all attacks until you reach a few points. Brand new colonies get I think a day of protection.

    If immunity on the first day with no questions asked, is all you can give me, I'll be happy enough!
  • Vaska: You are never immune on ogame and you never have been. The reason no one attacks you from the start with the current noob protection is that it isn´t possible for anyone to have ships until they have like 20 points, and they can´t attack anyone with less than 20% of their points, i.e. 4 points in that case. So there never has been attack immunity and there most likely never will be. :)
  • OK then, if we have that old system on Origin, but after 20 points or so, that we go to the new protection system, I'll be happy.

    New players with no defences or ships will be farmed by those who do, and new players will see OGame as too hard or too unfair and will not bother with continuing.

    Recently farmers who think I'm still available for farming, have lost their fleet to my defences. If these farmers weren't able to farm me earlier, they'd know not to attack me!
  • Absolutely against :(

    This idea is the same as getting the CR % to 100% !

    First fight, you create a CR of 30% and the defender keeps 70% of his fleet.

    So you have a lot of reason to go fight against... And the defender takes several attacks in place of only one attack. Because, with 70% fleet remaining he is interesting again... With the actual system, if only the defence remains, the defender will not be attacked anymore.

    So he will looses ALL his fleet (but in several attack) and several times 30% of his defense. The defender will so be more poor than now...
  • iguypouf: I take it that by CR (combat report) you mean DF (debris field). I´m not sure that you´ve fully understood how this would work. First of all, the ships aren´t left on the planet/moon for someone to be able to do a followup attack. They will return with some kind of delay, prefferably not until the defender have logged back in. Second of all, it will be no where near 100% to DF even if the defender would be careless and get attacked again. 70% out of the remaining 70% isn´t 70%, it´s 49%.

    So if I understand you correctly you think the defender rather loses his entire fleet of let´s say 50k points and only loses 30% of his def worth 5k points for instance (which would be alot of def relative to that fleet) than have the chance to get 49% of his fleet back and the possibility (if he´s REALLY careless) to lose 51% of it again and another 30% of the remaining def (which would be equivalent to about 1k points)?

    I´m sorry but I can´t describe that reasoning as being anything other than ridiculous. There are aspects of this kind of feature that could have negative effects (for instance top ranked fleeters getting even further away from the rest in the long run), but the defender actually losing more is absolutely not one of them.