
  • Is anyone else not able to connect or having the website freak out and crash out?

    Just a thought.... GF build better security... something to detect a DDoS attack...

    and personal message to the jerk off whos doing it: "Stop... get some skill and make your own hits without lagging everyone else."


    starting to look like jupiter.org again...

  • Wouldn't be surprised if it's a DDoS attack by script kiddie no-lifers.
    Either that or a server overload... just like Jup :dead:

    But GF will say it's our server backbones... which is a pile of bs.
    Got a friend to try it from a completely different country... same result.
    And I can log into other Unis.

    So over this goddamn buggy game.

    P.S. Ran a traceroute and ping. Nada.
    Other sites are registering normally.

    C:\Users\User>tracert pioneer.ogame.org
    Unable to resolve target system name pioneer.ogame.org.

    C:\Users\User>ping pioneer.ogame.org
    Ping request could not find host pioneer.ogame.org. Please check the name and tr
    y again.
  • lol if your quitting send your resources to my planets hahaha.

    idk its just sad to see people resort to having to DDoS in order to make a hit... i found over 100k profit and now im missing out on it because im going to FS to protect myself from this DDoS BS.... yea i'm making accusations... but i did it too in jupiter.org and guess what... i was right! haha.

    just annoying... and sad.

    message to DDoS'er....:growup: