Improve Decolonization Process with an e-mail confirmation

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  • Improve Decolonization Process with an e-mail confirmation

    Hi everybody,

    I would like to suggest you an improvement in the decolonization process.

    It is possible to send an confirmation "e-mail" when you request the destruction of a colony ?

    The account password request "does" it already but it is less secure than an e-mail confirmation. (except if password are same but...surely it is not the case for a lot of people !)

    Ogame does it already when you change the e-mail address, this may not be an impossible "change" I think ?

    Player need to have a complex password chain but, if ogame makes harder the process for a destruction account...accounts can be saved more often.

    If you think this process is to "weight", we can request the e-mail confirmation only when the amount of point in the colony reach 100k points or what ever you want ?

    Thanks by advance for your interrest on my suggestion.
  • I don't really see the need for this, it just adds extra unwarranted steps to play the game.

    It's a user's job to ensure he has a safe password for logging into the game, and that he keeps said password safe from others.
  • It can be an extra safety step.

    If someone hijacks an account, he/she can not delete planets or moons without access to the e-mail account (confirmation).

    But I have not heared yet of so many times such situations occured.

    Also it can have a drawback if someone is "searching" for a new planet with a specific size. He/she will be forced to confirm each delete by mail.

    So I assume the best case will be that empty planets can be deleted without confirmation.
  • Kebab wrote:

    I don't really see the need for this, it just adds extra unwarranted steps to play the game.

    It's a user's job to ensure he has a safe password for logging into the game, and that he keeps said password safe from others.
    So you think that your password code in your visa card is safe enough to keep you away of money stolen ? Tell me you don't request an e-mail for each transaction with your card ?

    Each additional step ensure more secure workflow in case of intrusion. I totaly agree with you about the password but...

    1) Why Ogame includes CAPTCHA ?
    2) Why do you need an real mail address ? (your password isn't enough ?)
    3) Why do you need to confirm your e-mail when you change it ? (your account is "inactive" unless you confirm it)

    Ogame already knows that password aren't safe enough so it uses e-mail already for important business check.

    I think that delete planet is an important business. Of course, like SlowMotion says (and I agree with you also):

    "So I assume the best case will be that empty planets can be deleted without confirmation."

    In addition, thanks to you guys for your replies. ^^
  • Nice idea, I agree with it.

    May be it doesn't need an confirmation step, just informing about it.

    I would like an email if:
    - You have abandoned a planet / moon
    - You have changed your password
    - You have changed your email

    Informing in the email from which IP is this request performed it could be useful too.

    Some years ago one friend of mine got hacked his account. He got deleted his 8 colonies and his fleet was recycled. If he had an email, he would receive a notification in his cellular and may be he could stop that process.