Hi everybody,
I would like to suggest you an improvement in the decolonization process.
It is possible to send an confirmation "e-mail" when you request the destruction of a colony ?
The account password request "does" it already but it is less secure than an e-mail confirmation. (except if password are same but...surely it is not the case for a lot of people !)
Ogame does it already when you change the e-mail address, this may not be an impossible "change" I think ?
Player need to have a complex password chain but, if ogame makes harder the process for a destruction account...accounts can be saved more often.
If you think this process is to "weight", we can request the e-mail confirmation only when the amount of point in the colony reach 100k points or what ever you want ?
Thanks by advance for your interrest on my suggestion.
I would like to suggest you an improvement in the decolonization process.
It is possible to send an confirmation "e-mail" when you request the destruction of a colony ?
The account password request "does" it already but it is less secure than an e-mail confirmation. (except if password are same but...surely it is not the case for a lot of people !)
Ogame does it already when you change the e-mail address, this may not be an impossible "change" I think ?
Player need to have a complex password chain but, if ogame makes harder the process for a destruction account...accounts can be saved more often.
If you think this process is to "weight", we can request the e-mail confirmation only when the amount of point in the colony reach 100k points or what ever you want ?
Thanks by advance for your interrest on my suggestion.