Noob protection :D

    • Noob protection :D

      I knwo they said this is to help noobs, but i got beaten by 2 dishournable players because i didnt fleetsave
      i got owned 5-6 times a day by top 500-1000 players

      hiws that helping noobs how can i grow and i am a noob xD
    • mostly because the noob protection isnt balanced for very early game because this would destroy the build up of players (the extra resources from raids are needed for players). so you have to face some enemies.
      but if you start month after a universe has been started you will be protected for very long which should give anybody enough time to get the main concepts of ogame.
    • I can see what you mean, but aqs soon as u get hit every1 tries and hits you
      And even so its hard to get stuck in when u first because every1 the top spot
      but its very offputting when u get raped badly

      The only reason i stay is to try and help the community and have some fun, but people are already taking it seriously XD

      but maybe look at helping players who start when the universe starts have it abit more balanced so that the game is not to fast for the top players otherwise the difference between 1 and 100 will be immense
    • how does noob protection supposed to protect new players, when i started on andromeda( i had aloooot of time to build up in peace
      but on ogame.origin (started very 1st day) I've been raped daily by a bunch of people (most of them ranked around #400)who started from day one, they developed mid-heavy ships while i still was on mine developing...
      Some of them stopped to harass me when i finally stocked enough resources to develop and 2-3 rocket launchers, 2-3 days after that they where back with heavier ships just to grab overall 10k of resources (how low is that when managed to get battleships & cruisers).
      Attacks haven't stopped even after i politely asked them to stop harassing me, even-tho there is one attack from a player ranked #486 (at this moment), how am i suppose to defend myself from this guy when i cant build nothing more than a rocket launcher and satellites? ?(
    • It's simple :

      - When you start in an "older" universe, you have no problems as long as you are in noob protection - there are much to less other beginner which can attack you. But when they leave the noob protection, most of them would be attacked until they leave the game.

      - In the test servers it's the same as in any new started universe - First all have nearly the same level and you have thousands of enemies.
    • If you start on a new version the new noob protection is worse for players below 5000 points compared with the old one. As it allows attack vs targets with only 10% of own points, and was 20% before. Maybe GF should reconsider this.
    • zerg wrote:

      If you start on a new version the new noob protection is worse for players below 5000 points compared with the old one. As it allows attack vs targets with only 10% of own points, and was 20% before. Maybe GF should reconsider this.

      I'd argue about that. Before you'd have to be content with only a small amount of oppenents - such as top300 or less - that wouldn't have protection from you, if you were in top 10. That kind of used to force you to stop any aggressive developments as returns from investments into mines\planet count was higher.
      People were waiting for a while until beginners would slowly break the 5k barrier; now it's 500k.
      Luckily, as universe gets older, the relative point difference between players gets smaller, hopefully 10% will be enough to have enough attack targets for available fleet slots. I expect the non-protected player count to be too low to be a dedicated fleet user, though. Even having a raid fleet of 20-30% account points might become questionable.
      And, honorary targets? Yeah right as if there'll be any. Any battle with a player good enough to be honorary target for a top player will probably be a very rare occurrence, compared to all the raid targets.

      It'd be more fun if the combat between equal ranked players was more profitable than farming beginners; that'd be the real noob protection.
    • Not really vaild :/

      It doesnt work that well though because i did have 100 point eaxctly and got hit by a guy who had a little over 1k points
      so if it then goes of millitary ranking then goes that mean miners wont get hit?
    • Arazor wrote:

      Not really vaild :/

      It doesnt work that well though because i did have 100 point eaxctly and got hit by a guy who had a little over 1k points
      so if it then goes of millitary ranking then goes that mean miners wont get hit?

      miners have defense, transporters, satellites which count 50% to the military rating (and 50% to eco rating). so they will have less military rating but wont be unattackable.
    • marshen wrote:

      miners have defense, transporters, satellites which count 50% to the military rating (and 50% to eco rating). so they will have less military rating but wont be unattackable.
      Well, i went to bed for a one freaking hour of sleep and when i woke up i got a full mailbox....
      same person repeatedly attacked me until there was nothing left on my planet , but buildings my current rank is #2100 and his is #150
    • bojan wrote:

      marshen wrote:

      miners have defense, transporters, satellites which count 50% to the military rating (and 50% to eco rating). so they will have less military rating but wont be unattackable.
      Well, i went to bed for a one freaking hour of sleep and when i woke up i got a full mailbox....
      same person repeatedly attacked me until there was nothing left on my planet , but buildings my current rank is #2100 and his is #150
      Maybe learn to FS? It's a freakin 4x speed uni!
    • MyH4o wrote:

      bojan wrote:

      marshen wrote:

      miners have defense, transporters, satellites which count 50% to the military rating (and 50% to eco rating). so they will have less military rating but wont be unattackable.
      Well, i went to bed for a one freaking hour of sleep and when i woke up i got a full mailbox....
      same person repeatedly attacked me until there was nothing left on my planet , but buildings my current rank is #2100 and his is #150
      Maybe learn to FS? It's a freakin 4x speed uni!

    • he has a point
      its hard to fleetsave withou any recs and attack missions are risky
      but if you start of late and some1 starts to bash you repeatdly its very very hard to grow
      guys have cruisers now and i barely have heavy fighter
      i do fleetsave what i have on acs defend now but its still hard to do anything if you only have a small amount of time to play :(
      The noob protection is supposed to help those who are unable to grow if they have late start
      it should be balanced all the way through the game
    • "Zerg" wrote:

      If you start on a new version the new noob protection is worse for players below 5000 points compared with the old one. As it allows attack vs targets with only 10% of own points, and was 20% before. Maybe GF should reconsider this.

      i'm agree with that
      & it's the first and biggest problem of this test server.

      The beginnig of the game is unfair.
      Raiders become more powerful quickly.
      Cause of more victim (x2) and honor points.... do what ?(

      look, more than 12.000 players, only an half is active
      Many vacation mode
    • Arazor wrote:

      he has a point
      its hard to fleetsave withou any recs and attack missions are risky
      but if you start of late and some1 starts to bash you repeatdly its very very hard to grow
      guys have cruisers now and i barely have heavy fighter
      i do fleetsave what i have on acs defend now but its still hard to do anything if you only have a small amount of time to play :(
      The noob protection is supposed to help those who are unable to grow if they have late start
      it should be balanced all the way through the game
      Sorry to be a pain in the rear here... but there is more ways to fleetsave then recs/attacks or acs defends.. you can still espionage inactives to help save a bit more.

      I agree it should be balanced but at the same time... it inhibits fleeters/raiders to grow as much as they are. Granted profitable raiding is one thing... unprofitable raiding is wrong and should be punishable...

      however as a mod once said (and i dont wanna go look for the quote) real players cannot be crashed... and my input is MAKE YOURSELF LESS PROFITABLE... build defence, lower the storage for now... build more defence... and FS! no fs no fleet
    • Look, the noob protection is really not effective till later on in a uni's life. A sub two week uni will not be able to fully use the new system. After 2-4 months it will balance out and the system will become more apparent.

      Expect this uni to last 4+ months. Due to extensive testing needing to be done. I would also expect a few more speed ups on the uni to help speed up the testing. But that's just a guess no fact is behind it.

      So stop complaining. When the uni is older, the new protection will work far better then it does now. Heck, I can't attack 70% of the uni being ranked in the top 600. I've got 2 valid +HP targets, and 20 -HP targets...Not much of a selection. I see the system already starting to show it's potential to protect newer players.
    • thefallenone wrote:

      Look, the noob protection is really not effective till later on in a uni's life. A sub two week uni will not be able to fully use the new system. After 2-4 months it will balance out and the system will become more apparent.

      Expect this uni to last 4+ months. Due to extensive testing needing to be done. I would also expect a few more speed ups on the uni to help speed up the testing. But that's just a guess no fact is behind it.

      So stop complaining. When the uni is older, the new protection will work far better then it does now. Heck, I can't attack 70% of the uni being ranked in the top 600. I've got 2 valid +HP targets, and 20 -HP targets...Not much of a selection. I see the system already starting to show it's potential to protect newer players.

      thats based on people who care about the HP of the target, does anyone know what HP affects during battles?