Balance between met crys deut

    • Balance between met crys deut

      Hi guys,

      I think the balance between met, crys, deut ist in der early game very disbalanced.

      The Problem (i think) is, that you have way too mutch metal, most players spend that to defences (rocket launchers). The result is, very much planets are deffed, that you cant enter.

      what do you think about?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by marshen: corrected german abbrevations to their english ones ().

    • yes I agree the metal/crystal/duet is working properly. However I do have a small complaint of my own about something.

      The DENS! (dun dun dunnnnn)

      lets look at a few things:

      Metal Storage
      costs only metal
      Level Storage cap. Difference
      1 20.000 0
      2 40.000 20.000
      3 75.000 35.000
      4 140.000 100.000
      5 255.000 215.000

      Crystal Storage
      costs metal and 1/2 the cost of metal in crystal
      Level Storage cap. Difference
      1 20.000 0
      2 40.000 20.000
      3 75.000 35.000
      4 140.000 100.000
      5 255.000 215.000

      Dueterium Storage
      costs metaland equal crystal
      Level Storage cap. Difference
      1 20.000 0
      2 40.000 20.000
      3 75.000 35.000
      4 140.000 100.000
      5 255.000 215.000

      ok... so we get that...

      now the Dens:

      Metal Den
      costs only metal
      Level Storage cap. Difference
      1 2.640 2.640
      2 5.760 5.760
      3 9.520 9.520
      4 14.000 14.000
      5 19.280 19.280

      Crystal Den
      costs metal and 1/2 the costs of metal in crystal (as well)
      Level Storage cap. Difference
      1 2.640 2.640
      2 5.760 5.760
      3 9.520 9.520
      4 14.040 14.040
      5 19.320 19.320

      notice something? theres an extra 40 resources in level 4 and 80 resources in level 5.... it gets better though...

      Deuterium Den
      costs equal metal and crystal (like it should..)
      Level Storage cap. Difference
      1 1.760 1.760
      2 3.840 3.840
      3 6.240 6.240
      4 9.280 9.280
      5 12.800 12.800

      hang on a second... why the sudden change? Shouldn't it be all the same like the Storage? Can someone give me a PROPER answer... I copied and pasted this straight from the site btw.

      Suggestion! make it universal.. i would love to know who the genious was who decided to change it... or easter egged that in.

    • lebend007 wrote:

      marshen wrote:

      the balancing is working fine. if you need crystal you are free to use a merchant or ask me if i give you crystal :)

      sry but i dont see that, i talk from ingame balancing without merchant...

      the merchant is part of the game. if you don't want to spend money on it than ask someone who does and give him his millions of gratis resources.