Tactical Retreat Ratio

    • Tactical Retreat Ratio

      Don't you think 5:1 is way, way too low considering that defenses are not even part of the equation. As it is now attacker has to calculate what fleet he has to send (which is not even possible since we don't know how much points does a ship give), so that the defending fleet doesn't just disappear into thin air. He has to sacrifice profit only to be able to even hit the fleet. And it was mentioned that with the Admiral you can select different ratios on your own, haven't tried it, don't use DM, but if there's the option to further reduce the ratio...
      This is by far the dumbest and most annoying feature, why should I be punished for having large fleet and be forced not to use it all???

      P.S. Someone correct me if my thoughts are wrong, thanks.
    • actually I hate to tell you but it looks like defences are part of the equation. for example (and GF I'm using my own stats.)

      1585 (35) [_WS_] Spyker (0) ____________ 17

      so as you can see I have 17 points. This is odd cause I dont have flying ships save for the ones they give you through the tutorial. So my defence is part of the 5:1 ratio.

      From one experienced fleeter and s**t disturber (Jupiter.org lol) defence is ALWAYS part of the equation. Never kid yourself. Your not being punished for using the large fleet you may (or may not yet lol) have, your simply not using overkill. and if you want a reference I'll give you one: (remember this is a 1x speed 30% df NO ACS!)


      or just because I adore Zombie,


      now tell me that 1000 bc -vs- his entire fleet is a: 85.000 -vs- 14.908 fleet points only and thats 5.7:1 ratio... so its still fair game. thats not including the small amount of defence points included there.

      and btw:

      MyH4o wrote:

      which is not even possible since we don't know how much points does a ship give
      Ship_________Metal ______ Crystal_____ Deuterium____ Points
      Small Cargo: __2.000_______ 2.000_________ 0__________ 4
      Large Cargo:__6.000_______ 6.000_________ 0__________ 12
      Light Fighter:_ 3.000_______ 1.000_________ 0__________ 4
      Heavy Fighter: 6.000_______ 4.000_________ 0__________ 10
      Cruiser:______20.000______ 7.000_______ 2.000________ 29
      Battleship:___ 45.000______ 15.000_________ 0__________ 60
      Colony Ship:__ 10.000______ 20.000______ 10.000________ 40
      Recycler:____ 10.000_______ 6.000________ 2.000 _______ 18
      Espionage Probe:_ 0________ 1.000_________ 0___________ 1
      Solar Satellite:___ 0________ 2.000_________ 500_________ 2
      Bomber:_____ 50.000______ 25.000_______ 15.000_______ 90
      Destroyer:___ 60.000______ 50.000 _______ 15.000_______ 125
      Deathstar:_5.000.000_____ 4.000.000 ____ 1.000.000____ 10.000
      Battlecruiser:_ 30.000______ 40.000_______ 15.000________ 85

      so in short. Every 1k res you spend is 1 point. Happy hunting everyone :borg:
    • Spyker wrote:

      actually I hate to tell you but it looks like defences are part of the equation. for example (and GF I'm using my own stats.)

      1585 (35) [_WS_] Spyker (0) ____________ 17

      so as you can see I have 17 points. This is odd cause I dont have flying ships save for the ones they give you through the tutorial. So my defence is part of the 5:1 ratio.

      From one experienced fleeter and s**t disturber (Jupiter.org lol) defence is ALWAYS part of the equation. Never kid yourself. Your not being punished for using the large fleet you may (or may not yet lol) have, your simply not using overkill. and if you want a reference I'll give you one: (remember this is a 1x speed 30% df NO ACS!)


      or just because I adore Zombie,


      now tell me that 1000 bc -vs- his entire fleet is a: 85.000 -vs- 14.908 fleet points only and thats 5.7:1 ratio... so its still fair game. thats not including the small amount of defence points included there.

      and btw:

      MyH4o wrote:

      which is not even possible since we don't know how much points does a ship give
      Ship_________Metal ______ Crystal_____ Deuterium____ Points
      Small Cargo: __2.000_______ 2.000_________ 0__________ 4
      Large Cargo:__6.000_______ 6.000_________ 0__________ 12
      Light Fighter:_ 3.000_______ 1.000_________ 0__________ 4
      Heavy Fighter: 6.000_______ 4.000_________ 0__________ 10
      Cruiser:______20.000______ 7.000_______ 2.000________ 29
      Battleship:___ 45.000______ 15.000_________ 0__________ 60
      Colony Ship:__ 10.000______ 20.000______ 10.000________ 40
      Recycler:____ 10.000_______ 6.000________ 2.000 _______ 18
      Espionage Probe:_ 0________ 1.000_________ 0___________ 1
      Solar Satellite:___ 0________ 2.000_________ 500_________ 2
      Bomber:_____ 50.000______ 25.000_______ 15.000_______ 90
      Destroyer:___ 60.000______ 50.000 _______ 15.000_______ 125
      Deathstar:_5.000.000_____ 4.000.000 ____ 1.000.000____ 10.000
      Battlecruiser:_ 30.000______ 40.000_______ 15.000________ 85

      so in short. Every 1k res you spend is 1 point. Happy hunting everyone :borg:
      Let's start backwards. I'm very aware that 1K of res gives 1 point. BUT I'm talking about the new military ranking where from experience I know that 1 SC gives 2 points, and 2 RL give 3, haven't got myself to find what others give.

      Next I said that def doesn't count in the ratio, cause so it says in the tooltip for Tactical Retreat ingame in the fleet screen, check it out ;)

      And lastly I'm too against overkills, I don't want the ratio to be increases to 100:1 or something, but I really think 5:1 is too low.
    • MyH4o wrote:

      which is not even possible since we don't know how much points does a ship give
      ask and you shall recieve

      MyH4o wrote:

      Let's start backwards. I'm very aware that 1K of res gives 1 point. BUT I'm talking about the new military ranking where from experience I know that 1 SC gives 2 points, and 2 RL give 3, haven't got myself to find what others give.
      I dont think the new system uses it. However I was under the influence that the military point system is what determines whether your fleet was to escape or not. If thats not the case then they should remove defence from the equation and have it under its own separate tab. Because the whole new ranking system is QUITE confusing to say the least.

      Next. As for the ratio. I agree. A 5:1 ratio is kinda low. 100:1 is extremely high. I think there should be 1 of 3 options inplemented:

      1- a standard 15:1 (single attacks) 25:1 if theres ACS involved. If the defence doesnt matter in the ratio then a 5:1/15:1 ratio wont matter. Either include it or dont set the standard too low for it.

      2- As rank progresses the ratio increases, (or falls off entirely) this teaches the players to actually pay attention especially if they almost lose the fleet to begin with. i.e. 100k 5:1 raises to 10:1..... 1M 10:1 raises to 20:1 5M 20:1 raises to 50:1, 10M+ 50:1 drops off entirely.

      3- Fleet progress. Similar to the rank but with fleetscore ONLY. So i.e. I have 500 ships total, i get a 5:1 ratio... someone with say 10k ships should have a 10:1 ratio, 100k fleet, 100:1 ratio... it should go up based on that

      Personally I think that based on your fleet progress/points should reflect your playing ability. Those who have a 100k fleet+ account had to have learned 1 way or another to keep a fleet alive. So they should be fair game to those who have similar hunting abilities.

      Personal suggestions... any opinions?
    • Tactical retreat is just stupid, it shouldn't be there at all. If someone leaves their fleet out and I attack it should be destroyed. If you're trying to teach them how to fleet save or something then let their fleet be destroyed, maybe then they won't be so lazy and save it next time.

      EDIT: Well will you look at that. The guy's fleet whom I attacked has retreated for the SECOND time, that lucky son of a gun. Why should I have MY time wasted and one of MY fleet spots occupied because the other guy doesn't fleetsave?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Audacious ().