Example CR in new version

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    • Example CR in new version

      I'd like to post this short CR, just so people who didn't experience a fight could see how it looks like in a new version. I'm omitting the attacker's nickname. If this is wrong, please move/delete my post.

      attacker from attacking planet [X:XXX:X]
      Dishonourable fight (-2) vs
      marv from marvinia [X:XXX:X]
      Honourable fight (+1)
      Ships/Defence: 9 Ships/Defence: 5
      Lost units: 4.000 Lost units: 10.000
      Weapons: 0% Weapons: 10%
      Shields: 0% Shields: 0%
      Armour: 20% Armour: 0%
      Tactical retreat 1 : 42.000
      The defending fleet did not flee.
      (Please note that death stars, espionage probes, solar satellites and held fleets cannot flee. Even during honourable battles, no fleet escape will take place. An escape may also have been manually deactivated or prevented by a lack of deuterium.)

      Winner: Attacker

      Differences are bolded.
      Detailed CR is the same as before.
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...