Public Test Server - Simple Rules / Pillory Link

  • Hello,

    I told in the news and several postings to "play fair" and wrote in the simple rules that we "ban only for very important breaches of rules". Having a massive amount of accounts to push one account is not fair and is really a breach of the rules. This is only fun for a few people, and many others lose their interest in this server. So something had to be done. This test is only sensefull when we keep the atmosphere fair for all (or for the most part).

    - We ban only those who massively abuse the rules and we ban only for a few days as warning and to remove the advantage received (to give others a change again). If a user keeps on using multiple accounts to boost themselves, the accounts will be banned for longer.
    - We ignore one or two multiaccounts, especially when you used for testing or moonshots.
    - I can't understand why using a bot is NOT a breach of very important rules. People, this test server is not here to optimize that crap!

    Aoueu wrote:

    On the other hand, what do I do with multis now?

    - Give them away in the account exchange board

    Talhante wrote:

    i have two multis, but i did pushing rarely. the two are moonmakers
    can i play with them for moon porpuses? or not?
    i played with automizer 2 times already but this sucks. i play much better alone without bots

    - Sure you can use them.
    - Please never use a bot again !

    Berzelius wrote:

    multi account and bot using should be ban forever!

    - We ban only those who massively abuse the rules and we ban only for a few days as warning and to remove the advantage received (to give others a change again).
    - Bot users gets also a warning first, but later we ban for a long time, it's "forever" in this test server.
  • Francolino wrote:

    *updated last posting*
    And I have updated it as well.

    Edit (from other post):
    "I would like to remind everyone that if you see cheating, please feel free to report it to Francolino. If you cannot get in touch with him for whatever reason, feel free to send me any information you have and I can ensure that it gets to the right people as well. We all want your experience on the test server to be the best that it possibly can and we greatly thank everyone for helping us help GameForge make OGame better."