Announcement User's guide through Origin

    • User's guide through Origin

      Introduction for OGame Origin - The community for all OGame communities:
      • The Origin Board is a free platform for all OGame users and staff to express their opinions and Suggestions to GameForge, with a common goal of improving the game experience for each of OGame's players, through Guides, Tools & Scripts, Reporting Bugs and much more...
        Also, a Localization Area is available for translating Threads, Guides, Tools...
        The Origin Board is meant to create a better communication platform between all communities, and a better discussions on General topics for better point of views from all communities.
        OGame Origin is also a place for feedback on recent changes on the game. All interested players are welcomed to express their opinions, as long as the language used is polite and not flaming. All critics must be constructive and observations should be rational not emotional.

      Posting/Suggesting and giving your opinion:
      • Any registered user on the Origin Board is welcomed to post and give their opinion about any suggestions or discussions being made in the proper sections.
        Your feedback is always welcomed and always taken into consideration. Don't hesitate to ask any questions or open any discussion or suggestion, as it helps us to make the game experience more pleasant for everyone, and it helps us to develop better and clearer guides.
        Negative and Positive feedback and opinions from users are welcomed equally, whether it is from new or old/experienced players, both kinds of feedback/opinions are needed, so we can clearly highlight both pros and cons of the ideas suggested.

      Sections and Team Structure in Origin Board:
      • The Origin Board is divided into different sections " each section for a different purpose ", and has a Team consisting of volunteers from all over the world, divided in a strict and clear Team Structure, to help with keeping the project running smoothly and to help you out with your needs on the Origin Board.
        You can find all details about both " Board Sections and Team Members Structure " here: Board & Team "

      Rules in Origin Board:
      • Simply there is one GENERAL RULE to follow: "Be pleasant and support OGame and this Origin Board and team." We are here not to judge you or your comments or your ideas, we are here for feedback/opinions/ideas and helping each other, the communities and OGame.
        Respect others and others will respect you.
        We aren't a fan of the normally used warning/ban systems used across all boards, we like to solve things quietly and with conversations, without the usage of warnings and bans.
        Insults, trolling and flaming are still not allowed, and can result in a warning in case all methods of calming and avoiding warnings were used, and the said player continues in his bad behaviour towards others and towards the Origin Board.
        The Terms and Conditions should always be respected as well, and an emergency ban can always be used in case of an out of control situation.
        For more details about this, visit the following link: Overview & Rules ( link not working- we are updating the content)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Valent ().