noob protection system

    • noob protection system

      i am not shure but perhaps i understand something wrong with the noob protection.

      in my system is one with 16points why i cant attack him, while i have 32 points?

      in the rules are, that i mustn't have 10 -times his points to be able to attack him..

      EDIT: its very weird, cause a player on place 110 is not in noob protection for me, another on place 159 is in noob protection and i am on place 210 arround..
    • thats not possible, cause i got attacket last night, while i haven't a cargo.. nearly 90% of my opponents are in (n). but i dont know why.. cause place 8 is also in (n) and behind place 340 i cant attack anyone..

      please clearify..
    • Ye, I too rushed for cargo and now suddenly 99% are noob protection? How stupid is that... :thumbdown:
      So now I'm supposed to attack only other people who have fleet? Well, that's just awesome.
      So no mines and no targets to raid, how about that :D
    • Ye, I too rushed for cargo and now suddenly 99% are noob protection? How stupid is that...
      So now I'm supposed to attack only other people who have fleet? Well, that's just awesome.
      So no mines and no targets to raid, how about that
      Me too >_>, the new noob protection is really, really, really, and really something.
      I remember when I started play in old server, I can attack anyone including newbie who just pop up next to my planet, except the (s) player.
      Wish this update only for newer server.
    • The way I see it is they needed players for the top Elite to attack ..... I'm new and I've been attacked 4x in the first 24hours ..... they've taken more resources than I've spent ...... I'll give it 1 more day if it don't get better, then i'm gone .... c if the Devs can pay their bills with that
    • GunnBunny wrote:

      The way I see it is they needed players for the top Elite to attack ..... I'm new and I've been attacked 4x in the first 24hours ..... they've taken more resources than I've spent ...... I'll give it 1 more day if it don't get better, then i'm gone .... c if the Devs can pay their bills with that

      you only play with the test server? you have come only only once or twice a day? you don't spend many resources in defense? your storages have a high level so that you can be offline for many hours?

      if you answer most questions with yes you've a big problem. dont let much resources lying around. this attracts people BUT you have more than enough opportunities not to be attractive and most of them are hidden in my questions above.